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Showing posts from April 19, 2018

Stories come from other shows at other studios where only 2,000 rounds were actually used

and the money for the other 3,000 went right into the studio pockets. Corners were cut and that production suffered. Knock wood, that hasn't happened to us. Vic Morrow There is no more independence in politics than there is in jail. Will Rogers Celluloid will be the next decade's black and white. Danny Boyle Nobody makes movies bad on purpose. Roland Emmerich Time sneaks up on you like a windshield on a bug. John Lithgow To be clever enough to get all that money, one must be stupid enough to want it. Gilbert K. Chesterton Every time I fumble or drop a ball I am embarrassed. Dante Hall

The unworthy successor of Peter who desires to benefit from the immeasurable wealth of Christ

feels the great need of your assistance, your prayers, your sacrifice, and he most humbly asks this of you. Pope John Paul II It was like going to church, except Ozzy Osbourne was there. Sam Kinison I am Mother Jones. The Government can't take my life and you can't take my arm, but you can take my suitcase. Mary Harris Jones It is madness for sheep to talk peace with a wolf. Thomas Fuller True valor lies between cowardice and rashness. Miguel de Cervantes If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it. Andy Rooney I am not a dark person and I don't consider myself dark. Tim Burton

People always fear change. People feared electricity when it was invented, didn't they? People feared

coal, they feared gas-powered engines... There will always be ignorance, and ignorance leads to fear. But with time, people will come to accept their silicon masters. Bill Gates I don't like doing movies, period. Movies are hard. I like TV. Kathy Griffin Wouldn't you like to have heard the voice of Shakespeare, or Jesus Christ? Henry Irving If you're going to play at all, you're out to win. Baseball, board games, playing Jeopardy, I hate to lose. Derek Jeter The word of God teacheth lowliness of mind; it teacheth us to know ourselves. John Jewel To be a statesman, you must first get elected. J. William Fulbright Government frequently has a problem recognizing perception versus reality. Bill Owens

I'd just like to see a role for women where someone who isn't traditionally attractive

is not portraying the best friend. You know, the character that only speaks in questions. 'Gee, are you gonna go out with him? Do you think I look fat?' Martha Plimpton I have worshipped woman as the living embodiment of the spirit of service and sacrifice. Mahatma Gandhi Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability. William Osler Learn to say 'I don't know.' If used when appropriate, it will be often. Donald Rumsfeld The mind's first step to self-awareness must be through the body. George A. Sheehan I'm tired of malicious articles slandering me. Barbra Streisand Societies can be sunk by the weight of buried ugliness. Daniel Goleman

Olympism is a philosophy which, by blending sport with culture, seeks to create a way

of life based on the joy found in effort, the educational value of good example and respect for universal ethical principles. Juan Antonio Samaranch The truth is cruel, but it can be loved, and it makes free those who have loved it. George Santayana Women... can't live with 'em... can't shoot 'em. Ivan Turgenev Politics is the reflex of the business and industrial world. Emma Goldman The only people who never fail are those who never try. Ilka Chase At any street corner the feeling of absurdity can strike any man in the face. Albert Camus If your knees aren't green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life. Bill Watterson

It's a job - someone's gotta kiss Jennifer Aniston. The reality is, Jennifer and I

can do our job well because we truly are friends. But when the day's over, she goes home to her boyfriend and I go home to a magazine. David Schwimmer The efficient man is the man who thinks for himself. Charles William Eliot Communism is Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country. Vladimir Lenin When anyone tells me I can't do anything... I'm just not listening any more. Florence Griffith Joyner Marriage is not about age; it's about finding the right person. Sophia Bush But history is neither watchmaking nor cabinet construction. It is an endeavor toward better understanding. Marc Bloch In art as in love, instinct is enough. Anatole France

Some people have said that I can 'hear' a hit song, meaning that I can

tell the first time a song is played for me if it has potential. I have been able to hear some of the hits that way, but I can also 'feel' one. Glen Campbell I don't like Bush. I don't trust him. I don't like his record. He's stupid. He's lazy. Cher It is increasingly important to be open-minded. Tucker Carlson A new untruth is better than an old truth. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. Flops are a part of life's menu and I've never been a girl to miss out on any of the courses. Rosalind Russell There is a powerful need for people to feel that gust of hope rise up again. Cat Stevens And I've been lucky in that I haven't had another job besides acting in the last five years. Nicholas Lea

It's very important to me that people who are actual chefs and other professionals in

the culinary world, understand that I'm not, and have never held myself out as being, like a CIA trained chef. Ted Allen A man is never more truthful than when he acknowledges himself a liar. Mark Twain Don't let the same dog bite you twice. Chuck Berry Painting self-portraits without clothes on has also given me some publicity. Cleo Moore My grandmother was a very tough woman. She buried three husbands and two of them were just napping. Rita Rudner I consider looseness with words no less of a defect than looseness of the bowels. John Calvin Never go to your high school reunion pregnant or they will think that is all you have done since you graduated. Erma Bombeck

There's a huge AIDS epidemic in Africa, and one of Bad Boy's plans this year

is to give more awareness to that. We're gonna be doing a big charity concert helping to save some of the brothers and sisters in Africa. Sean Combs When you're finished changing, you're finished. Benjamin Franklin I was just studying with my father, a very difficult task for me since he was a great, great Qawwali singer. Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan I am the hero of Africa. Idi Amin Many a doctrine is like a window pane. We see truth through it but it divides us from truth. Khalil Gibran Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle. Napoleon Hill I've always thought that underpopulated countries in Africa are vastly underpolluted. Lawrence Summers

I really took filmmaking very seriously... It was an honor and then a crutch also,

because at a young age, I was like, I guess I'm a serious filmmaker. I never set out to be a serious filmmaker. I just set out to make movies. John Singleton To young to hold on and to old to just break free and run. Jeff Buckley Thinking well to be wise: planning well, wiser: doing well wisest and best of all. Malcolm Forbes A wit with dunces, and a dunce with wits. Alexander Pope The best actors do not let the wheels show. Milan Kundera I think it's good for sporting justice that Ronaldo scored twice in the final. Just Fontaine People who lose their parents when young are permanently in love with them. Aharon Appelfeld

All my day is spent dealing with other people. When I come home I like

it to be empty. The presence of others in my house kind of annoys me. I love coming home and shutting the doors. I feel brain dead. I'm relatively available, but not to live with. Graham Norton The plain fact is that there are no conclusions. James Jeans Anything that changes your values changes your behavior. George A. Sheehan I will always vote on the side of freedom and our right to keep and bear arms. Mel Martinez I always felt people should live with animals. Dick Dale Possession without obligation to the object possessed approaches felicity. George Meredith I'm only interested in fiction that in some way or other voices the very imagination which is conceiving it. John C. Hawkes

You travel across the country, you visit departments, you give talks, you talk about the

work at your laboratory - what's going on, what the opportunities are there - you talk about your own research. Frank Press In the adversity of our best friends we often find something that does not displease us. Brigham Young Sound science must be our guide in choosing which problems to tackle and how to approach them. Frank Luntz Monkeys are superior to men in this: when a monkey looks into a mirror, he sees a monkey. Malcolm de Chazal I really wanted the MTV Award the most, It was a golden popcorn container and it looks really neat. Kirsten Dunst The only actress they didn't test was Garbo. Must have been her accent. Judy Holliday If civilians are going to be killed, I would rather have them be their civilians than our civilians. Stuart Symington

The interval between the decay of the old and the formation and establishment of the

new constitutes a period of transition which must always necessarily be one of uncertainty, confusion, error, and wild and fierce fanaticism. John C. Calhoun Where would Jesus be if no one had written the gospels? Chuck Palahniuk The paradox of reality is that no image is as compelling as the one which exists only in the mind's eye. Shana Alexander It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation. Herman Melville When we make college more affordable, we make the American dream more achievable. William J. Clinton Even a lot of kids who are gifted can be kids who feel like wimps or nerds. Eric Wilson Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job. Douglas Adams

There have been some medical schools in which somewhere along the assembly line, a faculty

member has informed the students, not so much by what he said but by what he did, that there is an intimate relation between curing and caring. Ashley Montagu It is vain for the coward to flee; death follows close behind; it is only by defying it that the brave escape. Voltaire I wasn't afraid to fail. Something good always comes out of failure. Anne Baxter I make little movies, you know, they need all the help that they can get. Campbell Scott How can you have a director that doesn't go to work with the crew every day and talk to them? Don Bluth The bookful blockhead, ignorantly read, With loads of learned lumber in his head. Alexander Pope If you strive for the moon, maybe you'll get over the fence. James Woods

A string of excited, fugitive, miscellaneous pleasures is not happiness; happiness resides in imaginative reflection

and judgment, when the picture of one's life, or of human life, as it truly has been or is, satisfies the will, and is gladly accepted. George Santayana Every action is either strong or weak, and when every action is strong we are successful. Rita Mae Brown She said she was approaching forty, and I couldn't help wondering from what direction. Bob Hope For every disciplined effort there is a multiple reward. Jim Rohn Widow. The word consumes itself. Sylvia Plath What really helps a guy to become an action hero today is the directing of the movie. All those fast cuts. Jean-Claude Van Damme I really can't complain about actresses who get paid to be dumb. Most of us can't get paid to be smart. Aaron Allston

The trouble with being educated is that it takes a long time; it uses up

the better part of your life and when you are finished what you know is that you would have benefited more by going into banking. Philip K. Dick I love my mother dearly, but it wouldn't be suitable for me to live with her all the time. Keith Emerson What if Whitney was at her top, and we brought in a name like Whitney Houston, it would sell. Jenifer Lewis It's just so hard sometimes to work out where people stand on these things. I mean, isn't the Pope a feminist? Elizabeth Joan Smith Life is so constructed, that the event does not, cannot, will not, match the expectation. Charlotte Bronte Every human is an artist. The dream of your life is to make beautiful art. Don Miguel Ruiz I hate to play a tournament in which I'm not contending. It's just not any fun for me. Phil Mickelson

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is a form of service journalism. To be successful,

I think it has to be a combination of a good story, it has to be funny, and it also needs to be packed with useful information. Ted Allen You are lost the moment you know what the result will be. Juan Gris My opinion was that if we had a common enemy we should get together commonly. Julius Rosenberg When the product is right, you don't have to be a great marketer. Harold Coffin Our dreams must be stronger than our memories. We must be pulled by our dreams, rater than pushed by our memories. Jesse Jackson You've got to take the bitter with the sour. Samuel Goldwyn I just finished writing an essay about William Maxwell, an American writer whose work I admire very much. Donna Tartt

If we get in an accident that's strong enough to break bones, it's going to

break bones. What makes me a little bit higher risk is that if I break my right ankle again, I've got a bunch of screws and plates in there, and that would not be good. Al Unser Hopefully I can become the Babe Ruth of the World Wrestling Federation and be the champion at the same time. Hulk Hogan I do a movie once every four years and they call it a comeback. Pam Grier There are no dangerous thoughts; thinking itself is dangerous. Hannah Arendt I'd never heard anything about this at all. Wes Anderson They say marriages are made in Heaven. But so is thunder and lightning. Clint Eastwood I am not what I think. I am thinking what I think. Eric Butterworth

'Favoritism' is always a factor, and pressure always build for the appointment of friends of

influential supporters of the President, or for the nominees of powerful Member of Congress from the incoming President's party. Richard V. Allen Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith. Henry Ward Beecher All quiet along the Potomac. George B. McClellan I get excited by landscape. Adrienne Kennedy The English are predisposed to pride, the French to vanity. Jean-Jacques Rousseau When you are winning a war almost everything that happens can be claimed to be right and wise. Winston Churchill Judging by my degradation in the last 24 hours, I'll be surprised if I make it to Tuesday. Aron Ralston

The gun dealer is not only paying these two police officers, but more importantly, the

gun dealer has said he will never again sell more than one gun to a customer. This is exactly what we're trying to get the gun industry across the country to do. Michael D. Barnes He flung himself from the room, flung himself upon his horse and rode madly off in all directions. Stephen Leacock I care about the children of Detroit. John Engler Widespread caffeine use explains a lot about the twentieth century. Greg Egan The Catholic and the Communist are alike in assuming that an opponent cannot be both honest and intelligent. George Orwell America must be a light to the world, not just a missile. Nancy Pelosi Business money is limitless. Muhammad Yunus

The great weight of the ship may indeed prevent her from acquiring her greatest velocity;

but when she has attained it, she will advance by her own intrinsic motion, without gaining any new degree of velocity, or lessening what she has acquired. William Falconer Genius always finds itself a century too early. Ralph Waldo Emerson Sinatra was the biggest influence on my life, my singing career. And rightly so. I mean he was the best singer ever. James Darren You can't raise the standard of women's morals by raising their pay envelope. It lies deeper than that. Billy Sunday I plan to die at my desk. Don Hewitt True love is quiescent, except in the nascent moments of true humility. Bryant H. McGill The essence of justice is mercy. Edwin Hubbel Chapin

He or she must be successful in economic terms, but always within an ethical framework.

Whether his or her constituency is a corporation and its shareholders or the customers in a small and privately held business, his or her first responsibility is to serve that constituency. Lee R. Raymond The less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it in. Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield When I photograph, what I'm really doing is seeking answers to things. Wynn Bullock As early as when I was five or six I wanted to perform. Juliette Lewis Well, you might as well imitate your own program because if you don't, someone else will. Allan Sherman Veterans continue to get the short end of the stick when it comes to this administration. Corrine Brown Power! Did you ever hear of men being asked whether other souls should have power or not? It is born in them. Olive Schreiner

I made a Christmas album a couple of years ago and just put it out

on my Web site. It kind of smacked of this flavor. All of the reviews said it was Western swing even when it was Christmas standards. Suzy Bogguss Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. William Shakespeare To be a good draftsman was to me a blessing. John James Audubon As you get older three things happen. The first is your memory goes, and I can't remember the other two. Norman Wisdom Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives. Louise L. Hay We have two evils to fight, capitalism and racism. We must destroy both racism and capitalism. Huey Newton Talk ought always to run obliquely, not nose to nose with no chance of mental escape. Frank Moore Colby

I can't really recall the first time I was noticed by a producer but the

first time I was on television was doing Daytime for Another World, which I started in December '75 and went until December '76. Ted Shackelford Heaven will be no heaven to me if I do not meet my wife there. Andrew Jackson So I went way too in depth? I thought they wanted the hole by hole. Trent Dilfer My early and invincible love of reading I would not exchange for all the riches of India. Edward Gibbon Reason is the enemy of faith. Martin Luther When I'm not hitting, I don't hit nobody. But, when I'm hitting, I hit anybody. Willie Mays Whoever is detected in a shameful fraud is ever after not believed even if they speak the truth. Phaedrus

Everyone was very deeply involved in the world of 'The Lord of the Rings'. From

the wardrobe department to lighting, all were fascinated with the story. This is something that does not happen usually. Sean Bean Hills are unpleasant, so I like to get them over with as quickly as possible. Bob Bartlett Is there decency left in American politics? Byron Dorgan Labels are for cans, not people. Anthony Rapp I'm for economic independence. Charles Evers When you're bored with yourself, marry and be bored with someone else. Edward VIII If there is no God, who pops up the next Kleenex? Art Hoppe

My solution to the problem would be to tell the North Vietnamese Communists frankly that

they've got to drawn in their horns and stop their aggression or we're going to bomb them into the stone age. Curtis LeMay An actress is not a machine, but they treat you like a machine. A money machine. Marilyn Monroe I want to find someone on the earth so intelligent that he welcomes opinions which he condemns. John Jay Chapman I'm always up for going back to the stage. Taye Diggs If you had ever heard my album you would know that I could never consider the music business! Dwayne Hickman There can be no prestige without mystery, for familiarity breeds contempt. Charles de Gaulle The English had hit upon a splendid joke. They intended to catch me or to bring me down. Manfred von Richthofen

Then I became aware of the site as the traffic for it became higher. The

most recent contact was this girl Lily. She wanted me to shoot her for the site and she actually showed up. There a lot of people who contact me to do a shoot for a website then you never hear from them. Richard Kern I feel it's like being a kid and dressing up, because that's what Baby Jane is. Millicent Martin In politics it is necessary to take nothing tragically and everything seriously. Louis Adolphe Thiers Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence. Unknown By all means use some time to be alone. Edward Young The society based on production is only productive, not creative. Albert Camus And we made decisions on each of those matters which were ultimately upheld by the courts. Lloyd Cutler

The connections I draw between human nature and political systems in my new book, for

example, were prefigured in the debates during the Enlightenment and during the framing of the American Constitution. Steven Pinker It is Homer who has chiefly taught other poets the art of telling lies skillfully. Aristotle The more the universe seems comprehensible, the more it also seems pointless. Steven Weinberg The most difficult character in comedy is that of the fool, and he must be no simpleton that plays that part. Miguel de Cervantes The test of a man or woman's breeding is how they behave in a quarrel. George Bernard Shaw I tricked myself into doing this movie. Casey Affleck The aims of life are the best defense against death. Primo Levi

I have felt terribly from the beginning when I saw the problems and recognized that

they would be ongoing. We were hired to put back the contours of the greens as closely as possible to George Thomas's designs and were real proud of what we did. It's a sad situation now. Ben Crenshaw Curiosity is as much the parent of attention, as attention is of memory. Richard Whately Americans are somehow obsessed with her, and something about me hit a spot with people in Japan. Utada Hikaru I have never known a man who was sensual in his youth, who was high-minded when old. Charles Sumner I have some of the old videos of my performances on it. Wanda Jackson Goodness means the highest degree of popularity. Heinrich Mann My books are water; those of the great geniuses are wine - everybody drinks water. Marilyn French

By March '87 we're down to seven thousand, by the end of the year we're

down to twelve hundred. The whole bottom just fell out of the market. It was bad for me because I was in Australia at the time. Eddie Campbell The pitcher has to find out if the hitter is timid, and if he is timid, he has to remind the hitter he's timid. Don Drysdale Believe me, my children have more stamina than a power station. Robbie Coltrane If you want to sacrifice the admiration of many men for the criticism of one, go ahead, get married. Katharine Hepburn You feel a sense of urgency, especially at my advanced age, when you're staring into the grave. Frank McCourt Education begins the gentleman, but reading, good company and reflection must finish him. John Locke Why not upset the apple cart? If you don't, the apples will rot anyway. Frank A. Clark

A child too, can never grasp the fact that the same mother who cooks so

well, is so concerned about his cough, and helps so kindly with his homework, in some circumstance has no more feeling than a wall of his hidden inner world. Alice Miller Do not fear mistakes. There are none. Miles Davis We all enjoy the band and what we're doing, but we know this isn't gonna last forever. Shannon Hoon I can't do anything else. So if this falls through, I'm screwed. Tim Roth Believe me when I say that Bill Clinton's second term will be good for business. My business. Mark Russell Much of the debate over global warming is predicated on fear, rather than science. James Inhofe Anyone can tell the truth, but only very few of us can make epigrams. W. Somerset Maugham

I wanted to write a film and I thought the best way to do so

was to train myself within the field... It was just like a cycle of people trying to make it, not making it, doing extra work, and it was pretty depressing in the end. Michelle Rodriguez Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel. Samuel Johnson There is not one female comic who was beautiful as a little girl. Joan Rivers I really write for people. John Eaton If war should break out between England and Japan, the latter would suffer much more than the former. Townsend Harris I'm a hero with coward's legs. Spike Milligan There are aphorisms that, like airplanes, stay up only while they are in motion. Vladimir Nabokov

Being solitary is being alone well: being alone luxuriously immersed in doings of your own

choice, aware of the fullness of your won presence rather than of the absence of others. Because solitude is an achievement. Alice Koller Morale is good; troops are confident; leaders are capable. John Abizaid The meaning or value of a thing consists of what it affords. James J. Gibson The worst education which teaches self-denial, is better than the best which teaches everything else, and not that. John Sterling It takes 15,000 casualties to train a major general. Ferdinand Foch I tend not to look back. It's confusing. Walter Hill It's not so much about what you ask as what you don't ask. Michael Parkinson

I think most people, even if they say they hate horror movies, there's that feeling

you get inside that you love. I mean, I love it. I love to have the hairs on the back of my neck stand up or get that chill up my spine. Barry Watson In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is. Yogi Berra I try to be the fixer of situations and I gravitate to people who are institutional misfits. Stephan Jenkins Hollywood is a world all its own. Moira Kelly There are some people who believe that these are not real stories with real people, but they actually are. Samantha Bee Somewhere in the world there is an epigram for every dilemma. Hendrik Willem Van Loon In the mythic schema of all relations between men and women, man proposes, and woman is disposed of. Angela Carter

For Debussy the musician and the man I have had profound admiration, but by nature

I'm different from him. I think I have always personally followed a direction opposed to that of the symbolism of Debussy. Maurice Ravel We have two kids, my wife and myself. Thelonious Monk Dali had a good sense of humor - obviously you could tell just looking at him; he was funny. Joe Grant Human rights is the soul of our foreign policy, because human rights is the very soul of our sense of nationhood. Jimmy Carter Everything you are against weakens you. Everything you are for empowers you. Wayne Dyer One must never look for happiness: one meets it by the way. Isabelle Eberhardt Imparting knowledge is only lighting other men's candles at our lamp without depriving ourselves of any flame. Jane Porter

Come to find out, the Russians were never afraid of the Americans. They weren't raised

with the terror that we were by our government. I was struck by how our government misled us for so many years. Deidre Hall Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas. Donatella Versace Music is well said to be the speech of angels. Thomas Carlyle Clearly no one knows what leadership has gone undiscovered in women of all races, and in black and other minority men. Gloria Steinem God always takes the simplest way. Albert Einstein Our duty is to be useful, not according to our desires but according to our powers. Henri Frederic Amiel I do not see scales as abstract. James Galway

The two most important things that can be done to promote democracy in the world

is first, to bring moral clarity back to world affairs and second, to link international policies to the advance of democracy around the globe. Natan Sharansky People are a lot smarter than anyone gives them credit for being. Ruben Blades There are many, many people who have lost 100 pounds and kept it off. Robert Atkins Anyone who hates children and animals can't be all bad. W. C. Fields On A Beautiful Mind, there was a wall of math. Josh Lucas I didn't have a normal background - I was completely demented from a very early age! Bill Paxton We proved we could be safe and secure at home, and still have more allies and friends in the world. Chelsea Clinton

They sit there in committees day after day, And they each put in a color

and it comes out gray. And we all have heard the saying, which is true as well as witty, That a camel is a horse that was designed by a committee. Allan Sherman The way to do well is to do well. Donald Rumsfeld How delightful to find a friend in everyone. Joseph Brodsky Music is the expression of the movement of the waters, the play of curves described by changing breezes. Claude Debussy Present annual world energy consumption is about equal to the annihilation energy of 4 tons of matter. Barney Oliver The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order. Alfred North Whitehead I don't think we'll ever use the same sound techniques. Ann Wilson

I suppose everyone tells little white lies. Quite often they're necessary to make someone feel

better or prevent feelings from being hurt. Whoppers? No, that's dangerous and they'll boomerang. Richard Chamberlain Totalitarianism is patriotism institutionalized. Steve Allen A nice blend of prediction and surprise seem to be at the heart of the best art. Wendy Carlos He explained how ridiculous the clowning was, and there and then I decided to settle down and play seriously. Mary Lou Williams We need to get serious about combating gang violence on Long Island, and the entire nation. Tim Bishop A structure becomes architectural, and not sculptural, when its elements no longer have their justification in nature. Guillaume Apollinaire He who does not love his own language is worse than an animal and smelly fish. Jose Rizal

A lot of the American press at the time was saying 'just watch what happens

when Bertelsmann tries to buy EMI, that will be a moment of truth that will show the Commission's true colors.' Well, that deal never happened either. Mario Monti I'm a self-taught musician aside from what I've been able to pick up from other players. Walter Becker All changes are more or less tinged with melancholy, for what we are leaving behind is part of ourselves. Amelia Barr The mind is no match with the heart in persuasion; constitutionality is no match with compassion. Everett Dirksen There are strange flowers of reason to match each error of the senses. Louis Aragon The best road to progress is freedom's road. John F. Kennedy I think families find a dynamic that works for them. Treat Williams

Everything must be recaptured and relocated in the general framework of history, so that despite

the difficulties, the fundamental paradoxes and contradictions, we may respect the unity of history which is also the unity of life. Fernand Braudel People don't vote for vice president, they vote for president. Susan Estrich Monkeys who very sensibly refrain from speech, lest they should be set to earn their livings. Kenneth Grahame Young kids are taking Viagra, ecstasy. They even want instant sex. Tim Reid The parson knows enough who knows a Duke. William Cowper Dictatorships start wars because they need external enemies to exert internal control over their own people. Richard Perle A man who gives his children habits of industry provides for them better than by giving them fortune. Richard Whately

It's not rubbish to say that I was a bit peeved about not getting credit

for a couple of songs, but that wasn't the whole reason. I guess I just felt like I had enough. I decided to leave and start a group with Jack Bruce. Mick Taylor Either the car is stationary, or it's on the move. Murray Walker I just want to thank all my fans for their loyalty and support-for coming out to the shows and buying the CDs. Edgar Winter I hooked up everybody in Sidney, including one guy who was blind. Dave Willis Freedom is man's capacity to take a hand in his own development. It is our capacity to mold ourselves. Rollo May The inability of those in power to still the voices of their own consciences is the great force leading to change. Kenneth Kaunda There is nothing like a good dose of another woman to make a man appreciate his wife. Clare Boothe Luce

I'm not so presumptuous to feel that they're gonna get it right away, get exactly

what I have in mind. I hope that they'll enjoy looking at it at any rate, whatever it is. And that's why I started writing stories on my work. Faith Ringgold The players make the manager, it's never the other way. Sparky Anderson Art evokes the mystery without which the world would not exist. Rene Magritte We should wage war not to win war, but to win peace. Paul Hoffman Maybe I wanted to hear it so badly that my ears betrayed my mind in order to secure my heart. Margaret Cho Technology has been, and always will be, my one true passion professionally. John McKinley Facts are stubborn, but statistics are more pliable. Mark Twain

When the Negro cries with pain from his deep hurt and lays his petition for

elemental justice before the nation, he is calling upon the American people to kindle about that crucible of race relationships the fires of American faith. Mordecai Wyatt Johnson Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious. Peter Ustinov Senator, we just don't use that kind of language on the floor of the Senate. Mike Mansfield I think that's good that I have to watch how I act and what I say. I think that's a part of growing up. Sean Combs There is far more opportunity than there is ability. Thomas A. Edison By perseverance the snail reached the ark. Charles Spurgeon These days there's so much technology and ways you can learn. There are videos and CD roms. Mick Taylor

If you've been told all your life that you're good-looking, people just flock around you

and you never really have to try or have to learn an interesting craft, skill or hobby - or even have depth. Brittany Daniel I have no problem being with people of different nationalities. Krzysztof Kieslowski The best physicians are Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet, and Dr. Merryman. Daniel D. Palmer As order exponentially increases, time exponentially speeds up. Ray Kurzweil There are so few directors who are musical who appreciate music. Alex North I'm hardly disinterested totally in my appearance. Frank Langella Winning Wimbledon was a great feeling and it is still a great feeling. It has given me so much confidence. Goran Ivanisevic

High energy creates more energy, more energy, more energy. It kicks off synapses, I guess.

It opens up your brain and you think of one thing after another thing, after another. You can really open yourself up comedically, which is fun. Michael Keaton I'd call it a new version of voodoo economics, but I'm afraid that would give witch doctors a bad name. Geraldine Ferraro You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back. Barbara De Angelis We live in a bizarre world - there are cameras in our house! Nick Lachey No, well, my father's definitely not Christopher Walken. Josh Lucas We must take care that globalization does not become something people become afraid of. Gerhard Schroder War is a perversion of sex. Alan Moore

Life is a gamble. You can get hurt, but people die in plane crashes, lose

their arms and legs in car accidents; people die every day. Same with fighters: some die, some get hurt, some go on. You just don't let yourself believe it will happen to you. Muhammad Ali I'll do a cappella stuff, rock 'n' roll and swing stuff. Juice Newton The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Lao Tzu Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty. Plato Long hair is an unpardonable offence which should be punishable by death. Morrissey Eternal nothingness is fine if you happen to be dressed for it. Woody Allen The first people totalitarians destroy or silence are men of ideas and free minds. Isaiah Berlin

What our leaders and pundits never let slip is that the terrorists - whatever else

they might be - might also be rational human beings; which is to say that in their own minds they have a rational justification for their actions. William Blum Sooner or later, man has always had to decide whether he worships his own power or the power of God. Arnold J. Toynbee Law represents the effort of man to organize society; governments, the efforts of selfishness to overthrow liberty. Henry Ward Beecher The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm. Aldous Huxley Until Eve arrived, this was a man's world. Richard Armour I thought Star Wars was too wacky for the general public. George Lucas We may be coming to a new golden age of instrument making. Yo-Yo Ma

I usually write about ordinary people and ordinary things, but Paul Farmer is the least

ordinary person I've ever met... He's the leader of a small group of people who hope to cure a sick world, and I hope my book can help in some small way. Tracy Kidder I want to test my maximum and see how much I can do. And I want to change the world of swimming. Michael Phelps The flood of print has turned reading into a process of gulping rather than savoring. Raymond Chandler Don't organize for any other purpose than mutual benefit to the employer and the employee. Mark Hanna Just advertising departments with legs and high heels. Richard Avedon I try hard not to preach, but I get carried away, which is a mistake, but it's a risk worth running. Ben Elton My mother was really into big band. It was played in the house all the time. Suzy Bogguss

People who don't know me have opinions about me. That's the part that's very hurtful.

Because how do you form an opinion about somebody if you've never met them or spent any time with them? So it's all based upon hearsay or things that they've read. Rick Barry All men kill the thing they hate, too, unless, of course, it kills them first. James Thurber There is something good in all seeming failures. You are not to see that now. Time will reveal it. Be patient. Swami Sivananda To be brief is almost a condition of being inspired. George Santayana Wars are made to make debt. Ezra Pound I made over forty Westerns. I used to lie awake nights trying to think up new ways of getting on and off a horse. William Wyler Never stand and take a charge... charge them too. Nathan Bedford Forrest

I have a need to make these sorts of connections literal sometimes, and a vehicle

often helps to do that. I have a relationship to car culture. It isn't really about loving cars. It's sort of about needing them. Matthew Barney To do nothing evil is good; to wish nothing evil is better. Claudius Glamour is what I sell, it's my stock in trade. Marlene Dietrich They were two halves that together formed a magical whole. Dick Button Very often the law of extremity demands an attention to irrelevance. Janet Frame We must do everything we can to be more aggressive in confronting Syria about what they are doing in Iraq. Sam Brownback I wish that every human life might be pure transparent freedom. Simone de Beauvoir

I spend a lot of time copying saxophone players and trumpet players. Not to say

that it is not important to listen to guitar players, but there's so much music out there and so many possibilities. I like anyone who plays any instrument. Bill Frisell I hate to lose the constituency that I've worked with, but I've got 170,000 people to meet in my new district. Albert Wynn Those things which I am saying now may be obscure, yet they will be made clearer in their proper place. Nicolaus Copernicus A jazz musician is a juggler who uses harmonies instead of oranges. Benny Green Anne hated the idea of putting me down in front of the audience. Jerry Stiller Despite what many Americans think, most Soviets do not yearn for capitalism or Western-style democracy. Dan Rather I knew that when I resigned from the University of Texas that I would never coach again. Darrell Royal

Guided only by their feeling for symmetry, simplicity, and generality, and an indefinable sense of

the fitness of things, creative mathematicians now, as in the past, are inspired by the art of mathematics rather than by any prospect of ultimate usefulness. E. T. Bell A penny saved is not a penny earned if at the end of the day you still owe a quarter. Mary Landrieu I won't take my religion from any man who never works except with his mouth. Carl Sandburg Every journey into the past is complicated by delusions, false memories, false namings of real events. Adrienne Rich The curse of Adam and Eve that fell upon the earth because of their sin will be lifted when Christ returns. Tim LaHaye One had to take some action against fear when once it laid hold of one. Rainer Maria Rilke Thus, they are free to replace some objects by others so long as the relations remain unchanged. Henri Poincare

Certain songs by hearing the rhythm, it tells you that is either a love song

or you might be heartbroken or the songs give you the vibes and you just know that certain songs are militant that you have to write. Dennis Brown Very few of the great leaders ever get through their careers without failing, sometimes dramatically. Phil Crosby There is a land of the living and a land of the dead and the bridge is love, the only survival, the only meaning. Thornton Wilder We have long honored those who gave their lives during the unfortunate reality of war. Michael N. Castle If we weren't all crazy, we'd just go insane. Jimmy Buffett I don't need a lot of money. Simplicity is the answer for me. Linda McCartney There is a certain combination of anarchy and discipline in the way I work. Robert De Niro

When our minds as people normally starts to wrap around things, we start to attach

all these ideas to it that really aren't that necessary to the core of it, if you just experience it and kind of go through it. Josh Holloway Saddle your dreams before you ride em. Mary Webb Change will come slowly, across generations, because old beliefs die hard even when demonstrably false. E. O. Wilson It is more agreeable to have the power to give than to receive. Winston Churchill Taiwan is a budding democracy, and the people have participated in multi-party democratic elections since 1996. Todd Akin A sequel is an admission that you've been reduced to imitating yourself. Don Marquis The biggest problems with movies are expectations. Frank Oz

Scientists tend to be skeptical, but the weakness of the community of science is that

it tends to move into preformed establishment modes that say this is the only way of doing science, the only valid view. Walter Gilbert Wonder is the desire for knowledge. Thomas Aquinas Everything in life that we really accept undergoes a change. Katherine Mansfield I cannot live under pressures from patrons, let alone paint. Michelangelo If I needed to record, I'd head to the coast or Nashville, one or the other. Wanda Jackson I don't prefer much of film over stage... The only thing I prefer is the paycheck. Marisa Tomei This is America, where everything is still possible. John Edwards

I am a technological activist. I have a political agenda. I am in favor of

basic human rights: to free speech, to use any information and technology, to purchase and use recreational drugs, to enjoy and purchase so-called 'vices', to be free of intruders, and to privacy. Bram Cohen We want to change the way we help unemployed people find jobs. We want to be faster and more goal oriented. Gerhard Schroder I am looking forward to even greater healings and miracles in my ministry. Benny Hinn Lukewarmness I account a sin, as great in love as in religion. Abraham Cowley If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate. Thomas J. Watson I was raised right. I dig who I am. Scott Caan Liberty is the right of every man to be honest, to think and to speak without hypocrisy. Jose Marti

I feel like I almost didn't grow up in the business, because my parents worked

so hard at sheltering us from that. I was raised in Connecticut. And I honestly wasn't aware that my dad was a celebrity until I moved to Los Angeles a year ago. Bryce Dallas Howard The approach of liberty makes even an old man brave. Lucius Annaeus Seneca The greatest of all mistakes is to do nothing because you can only do a little. Do what you can. Liz Smith Why are our days numbered and not, say, lettered? Woody Allen It's eighty percent script and twenty percent you get great actors. There's nothing else to it. William Wyler There is no method by which an average citizen can effectively fight the White House in the media. Linda Tripp The road to hell is paved with works-in-progress. Philip Roth

My dad had this philosophy that if you tell children they're beautiful and wonderful then

they believe it, and they will be. So I never thought I was unattractive. But I was never one of the girls at school who had lots of boyfriends. Emily Mortimer It is easier to love humanity as a whole than to love one's neighbor. Eric Hoffer Truth is so hard to tell, it sometimes needs fiction to make it plausible. Francis Bacon We've got to put a lot of money into changing behavior. Bill Gates Nostalgia is a seductive liar. George Ball Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace. Buddha You hit home runs not by chance but by preparation. Roger Maris

Not every religion has to have St. Augustine's attitude to sex. Why even in our

culture marriages are celebrated in a church, everyone present knows what is going to happen that night, but that doesn't prevent it being a religious ceremony. Ludwig Wittgenstein It's not a special taste. An American composer should have something to say to a cab driver. Morton Gould Christ preferred the poor; ever since I have been converted so have I. John Nelson Darby The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. Ralph Waldo Emerson If you cry 'forward', you must without fail make plain in what direction to go. Anton Chekhov Rather go to bed with out dinner than to rise in debt. Benjamin Franklin My father worked for governments all his life as an engineer and public works director. Edward Tufte

All political revolutions, not affected by foreign conquest, originate in moral revolutions. The subversion of

established institutions is merely one consequence of the previous subversion of established opinions. John Stuart Mill People have a hard time making me dress up to look like a classy gal. Judy Holliday If you're playing with the best, you just rise up to that level. Tony Goldwyn Many are the names of God and infinite the forms through which He may be approached. Ramakrishna I believe I encountered death, which was a bit too much for a seven-year-old. Peter Straub I would like to electrocute everyone who uses the word 'fair' in connection with income tax policies. William F. Buckley, Jr. Works of art make rules; rules do not make works of art. Claude Debussy

Country music has changed tremendously, so what now is considered country was not considered country

at that time. We were doing stuff that probably could have been called country music today, but would certainly have not have fit in at that time. Charlie Daniels I seldom go into a natural history museum without feeling as if I were attending a funeral. John Burroughs The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of world history. Mao Zedong A friend is, as it were, a second self. Marcus Tullius Cicero It is only through raising expectations and striving for excellence that our children can reach their full potential. Brad Henry Furthermore, neither of our research groups set out in search of RNA catalysis. Sidney Altman I had never auditioned for Broadway - any play - and I was not familiar with what you're supposed to do. Ednita Nazario

When it comes down to it, at the end of the day, I need more

out of my life and I need to push myself harder. And if at the end of the day I don't have it, then I don't have it, but at least I'm going to put myself out there. If I fail, I'm going to fail terrifically. Ali Larter Moral values, and a culture and a religion, maintaining these values are far better than laws and regulations. Swami Sivananda Some of my oldest friends are actors. But that's not the only place my friends come from. Beau Bridges I like to think that I'm not as ominous in real life. Daniel Dae Kim One could drive a prairie schooner through any part of his argument and never scrape against a fact. David F. Houston A little in drink, but at all times your faithful husband. Richard Steele When I was in film school, it was said that all good films were characterised by some form of humour. Lars von Trier

I believe very strongly, and have fought since many years ago - at least over

30 years ago - to get architecture not just within schools, but architecture talked about under history, geography, science, technology, art. Richard Rogers The Lord prefers common looking people. That is why he made so many of them. Stuart Chase There's something about the Houdini act that is not always made clear - about the escape act in general. James Randi Complete abstinence is easier than perfect moderation. Saint Augustine I love going to the feed store and drinking coffee and talking about how much rain we need. Thomas Haden Church Only a great mind that is overthrown yields tragedy. Jacques Barzun I love to read, I love to watch movies, and I love to be with my children. Cornelia Funke

I started off in England and very few people knew I was Australian. I mean,

the clues were in the poems, but they didn't read them very carefully, and so for years and years I was considered completely part of the English poetry scene. Peter Porter You cannot speak on behalf of a nation when you have no mandate to do so. Jean-Marie Le Pen So, I think China desperately needs to legitimize some form of opposition. William Kirby There is no prejudice that the work of art does not finally overcome. Andre Gide I don't need the money, dear. I work for art. Maria Callas Art is the objectification of feeling. Herman Melville We had to decide: Do we want to do Saturday Night or go to our Senior Prom? We opted for Saturday Night Live. Mary-Kate Olsen

It is very remarkable, that in the book of life, we find some almost of

all kinds of occupations, who notwithstanding served God in their respective generations, and shone as so many lights in the world. George Whitefield I fooled some of the most brilliant people in journalism. Jayson Blair Life is very interesting... in the end, some of your greatest pains, become your greatest strengths. Drew Barrymore My page is junk, because I hate putting anything to do with me on the site, it just feels wrong. Colin Greenwood Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. Steve Jobs In the field of health care, we are giving people access to insurance who have not had it before. Christine Gregoire Controversial proposals, once accepted, soon become hallowed. Dean Acheson

Those are just some of the people whom we interviewed in the documentary, but that

should provide you with a good sense of the credibility of the individuals who bolster the case that this administration lied us into a war. Robert Greenwald Death is a very dull, dreary affair, and my advice to you is to have nothing whatsoever to do with it. W. Somerset Maugham If thou art master to thyself, circumstances shall harm thee little. Martin Farquhar Tupper Poverty can teach lessons that privilege cannot. Jack Klugman The virtue of some people consists wholly in condemning the vices in others. Herbert Samuel My children are 10 and three, and the longing and the need for them is incredibly powerful. Treat Williams It is vain to do with more what can be done with fewer. William of Occam

The question that will decide our destiny is not whether we shall expand into space.

It is: shall we be one species or a million? A million species will not exhaust the ecological niches that are awaiting the arrival of intelligence. Freeman Dyson Well, every time I get ready to do a job I want to lose weight. Fran Drescher Politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians. Charles de Gaulle I am about to be married, and am of course in all the misery of a man in pursuit of happiness. Lord Byron I may not have a practical mind, but it's very fixated on concrete things. I like detail. Alma Guillermoprieto Our seniors' retirement should never rely on the bull of political promises or the bear of the market. Barbara Mikulski Luck is the great stabilizer in baseball. Tris Speaker

My focus and that of all members of the Government responsible for delivering services to

the public is to make sure that the public sector can use all the skills it needs to do the job the public wants it to do. Estelle Morris It is not the position, but the disposition. Susan Sontag Most people have the will to win, few have the will to prepare to win. Bobby Knight We are learning, too, that the love of beauty is one of Nature's greatest healers. Ellsworth Huntington There's no such thing as coulda, shoulda, or woulda. If you shoulda and coulda, you woulda done it. Pat Riley I can do nothing with the enemy save observe him. John Buford Believe that time is going to help you do what you want. William Morris Hunt

I was a guy who needed to go to class, because I had some raw

talent that I thought was identifiable, when I finally made a decision to be an actor. And yet I wanted to learn how to really do the stuff. You know, 'How do I get to be a serious actor?' Jon Voight My bottom is so big it's got its own gravitational field. Carol Vorderman The combination of domesticity and wildness - that's a deep expression. Tracy Kidder That's the past. I don't agree with retrospect. Steve Carlton I bet Maurice Gibb's heart monitor was singing the tune of Stayin' Alive. Graham Norton Sometimes attaining the deepest familiarity with a question is our best substitute for actually having the answer. Brian Greene Don't tell a woman she's pretty; tell her there's no other woman like her, and all roads will open to you. Jules Renard

Modernity is the transitory, the fugitive, the contingent, which make up one half of art,

the other being the eternal and the immutable. This transitory fugitive element, which is constantly changing, must not be despised or neglected. Charles Baudelaire It is not clear that intelligence has any long-term survival value. Stephen Hawking Did you see the statue topple? Bill Clinton got nostalgic seeing something that big in a beret go down. Craig Kilborn It is my own firm belief that the strength of the soul grows in proportion as you subdue the flesh. Mahatma Gandhi You don't have to teach people how to be human. You have to teach them how to stop being inhuman. Eldridge Cleaver You get a heck of a sound from the church. Can't you hear it in my voice? Muddy Waters Time is the fire in which we burn. Gene Roddenberry

I have always been making art from an early age but for nearly forty years

did computer programming to earn a living. I bought a house and put my wife and three children through college. Now that diversion is over so I can finally paint full time. Mike Thompson The goal is to normalize trade relations based on sound science and consumer protection. Mike Johanns A fallen lighthouse is more dangerous than a reef. Navjot Singh Sidhu A lot of 18-year-olds are like old men. They think they've seen everything. Ben Folds Football's not just about scoring goals - it's about winning. Alan Shearer We want work and we want honest jobs. Our minds and our hands will be our keep! Viktor Yushchenko I just don't plan things. I live a month at a time. Jennifer Jason Leigh

The structural thinking I use in the concert hall is unnecessary to most film projects,

and most film composers make better use of the enormous range of pop and other materials and techniques required of them than I probably would, faced with the same challenge. John Corigliano Come here immediately and see if you can find the murderer of the President. Edwin M. Stanton But while I loved all of these courses, there was an irresistible attraction of economics. Joseph Stiglitz The dissolution of the nation destroys the national religion, and dethrones the national deity. William Robertson Smith The wise man doesn't give the right answers, he poses the right questions. Claude Levi-Strauss Football combines the two worst things about America: it is violence punctuated by committee meetings. George Will Music is nothing else but wild sounds civilized into time and tune. Thomas Fuller

I can tell you, dearest friend, that if it became known how much friendship, love

and a world of human and spiritual references I have smuggled into these three movements, the adherents of programme music - should there be any left - would go mad with joy. Alban Berg Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel. King Solomon I pledge tonight to be Mayor for all of the people of this city - for one Chicago. Jane Byrne What I have to say is far more important than how long my eyelashes are. Walter Scott I began to believe the fairy tales: You know, how we're all out there looking for our magical missing half. Michael Bergin The coward only threatens when he is safe. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe The Canadian run can be no different, at least in terms of actual running. Dennis Banks

I realized that I had traveled to Havana during what now seems like the childhood

of the Cuban Revolution, if you think that Fidel has now been in power for 44 extremely long years. I started looking at the revolution as history, and not as part of the daily news. Alma Guillermoprieto Our forefathers made one mistake. What they should have fought for was representation without taxation. Fletcher Knebel The first step... shall be to lose the way. Galway Kinnell Much of the demand for women in combat comes from female officers who are eager for medals and promotions. Phyllis Schlafly A man can do only what he can do. But if he does that each day he can sleep at night and do it again the next day. Albert Schweitzer If you have not chosen the Kingdom of God first, it will in the end make no difference what you have chosen instead. William Law How many famous and high-spirited heroes have lived a day too long? Jean-Jacques Rousseau

We are also fortunate in being in quite a sheltered environment, in terms of people

moving on to do other things, because there are relatively few companies in Scotland that are looking for the skill set that we've developed. David Milne I really appreciate people like Rosie coming out and saying I've inspired them. Wanda Jackson The very first law in advertising is to avoid the concrete promise and cultivate the delightfully vague. Stuart Chase Is it progress if a cannibal uses a fork? Stanislaw Jerzy Lec No science is immune to the infection of politics and the corruption of power. Jacob Bronowski To his dog, every man is Napoleon; hence the constant popularity of dogs. Aldous Huxley Our nation's children are our greatest asset and our most precious treasure. Christopher Dodd

I was born with music inside me. Music was one of my parts. Like my

ribs, my kidneys, my liver, my heart. Like my blood. It was a force already within me when I arrived on the scene. It was a necessity for me - like food or water. Ray Charles The camera introduces us to unconscious optics as does psychoanalysis to unconscious impulses. Walter Benjamin There is no delight in owning anything unshared. Lucius Annaeus Seneca Humanity I love you because when you're hard up you pawn your intelligence to buy a drink. e. e. cummings I will either be famous or infamous. Otto Dix Absence blots people out. We really have no absent friends. Ambrose Bierce You can't pretend to be a Sharon Stone or a Marilyn Monroe. You really can't fake that. Claire Bloom

Lots of people want to have written; they don't want to write. In other words,

they want to see their name on the front cover of a book and their grinning picture on the back. But this is what comes at the end of a job, not at the beginning. Elizabeth George They wanted Guy Middleton instead of Kenneth More, and even Kay Kendall wasn't their first choice! Dinah Sheridan Who has not served cannot command. John Florio The most important of all revolutions, a revolution in sentiments, manners and moral opinions. Edmund Burke I mean comedy is something that's very personal and people have strong opinions about. Matt Lucas I'm going to sit back, light up, and hope I don't chew the cigarette to pieces. Vin Scully I got started dancing because I knew it was one way to meet girls. Gene Kelly

I was a little hesitant at taking the job at Atari. I had never programmed

for a living and I worried it might get boring (building circuits seemed more fun). But I would probably still be in the video game business. David Crane Maturity is often more absurd than youth and very frequently is most unjust to youth. Thomas A. Edison The progress of evolution from President Washington to President Grant was alone evidence to upset Darwin. Henry Adams The worst thing about some men is that when they are not drunk they are sober. William Butler Yeats There is no sickness worse for me than words that to be kind must lie. Aeschylus True courage is like a kite; a contrary wind raises it higher. John Petit-Senn This is the very perfection of a man, to find out his own imperfections. Saint Augustine

I think that one of Elvis' charms was that he could sing almost any kind

of music. I am sure that in his heart, which I don't know what was there, but just from his singing I could feel that he was very partial to gospel music. Patti Page The desire to take medicine is perhaps the greatest feature which distinguishes man from animals. William Osler Genius is independent of situation. Charles Churchill Civilization is the making of civil persons. John Ruskin Politicians talk themselves red, white, and blue in the face. Clare Boothe Luce Life is a succession of crises and moments when we have to rediscover who we are and what we really want. Jean Vanier I hate negative songs; I won't sing them. It doesn't matter if it's sold 2 million more albums. Ricky Skaggs

If faith produce no works, I see That faith is not a living tree. Thus

faith and works together grow, No separate life they never can know. They're soul and body, hand and heart, What God hath joined, let no man part. Hannah More I love being part of the team. Jacqueline McKenzie Maybe I'm not a great man but I damn well want to break the record. Roger Maris I've always been that way. I'm not very good at reading music but I'm pretty quick at picking things up. Roy Wood What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself. Abraham Maslow Growth is a painful process. Wilma Mankiller Necessity has the face of a dog. Gabriel Garcia Marquez

There's a real purity in New Zealand that doesn't exist in the states. It's actually

not an easy thing to find in our world anymore. It's a unique place because it is so far away from the rest of the world. There is a sense of isolation and also being protected. Elijah Wood If Japan had been near to either England or France, war would have broken out long ago. Townsend Harris If you're feeling pressure, then you shouldn't be here. Eric Davis If a queen bee were crossed with a Friesian bull, would not the land flow with milk and honey? Oliver St. John My goal is to be one with the music. I just dedicate my whole life to this art. Jimi Hendrix I'm not smart, but I like to observe. Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why. William Hazlitt Don't make excuses and Don't talk about it. Do it. Melvyn Douglas

I'm somewhat horrified because I don't think the young people today even know what history

is. Some of them don't' even study History at school anymore or Geography and they don't know where one place is from another. Joan Sutherland Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it. Julia Child No great thing is created suddenly. Epictetus The mathematician has reached the highest rung on the ladder of human thought. Havelock Ellis One's happiness depends less on what he knows than on what he feels. Liberty Hyde Bailey I'm not interested in having an orchestra sound like itself. I want it to sound like the composer. Leonard Bernstein Design is everything. Everything! Paul Rand

A lot of life is dealing with your curse, dealing with the cards you were

given that aren't so nice. Does it make you into a monster, or can you temper it in some way, or accept it and go in some other direction? Wes Craven Every body continues in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, except insofar as it doesn't. Arthur Eddington The inevitable has always found me ready and hopeful. Amelia Barr Talent is like a faucet, while it is open, one must write. Jean Anouilh Truth, when not sought after, rarely comes to light. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. It's about finding great artists and being part of their careers. Kenneth Edmonds Until they put that sand and dirt in my face I will not sit in church all day. Alberta Hunter

We should never denigrate any other culture but rather help people to understand the relationship

between their own culture and the dominant culture. When you understand another culture or language, it does not mean that you have to lose your own culture. Edward T. Hall A character I would love to play is Iago, from Othello. Tim Roth Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men. Harry Day Never go for the punch line. There might be something funnier on the way. Jerry Stiller Writing is always personal in some way but not always in a direct way. Suzanne Vega Read not Milton, for he is dry; nor Shakespeare, for he wrote of common life. Charles Stuart Calverley It is bad for a young man to sin; but it is worse for an old man to sin. Abu Bakr

If we're picking people to draw out of their own conscience and experience a 'new'

Constitution, we should not look principally for good lawyers. We should look to people who agree with us. When we are in that mode, you realize we have rendered the Constitution useless. Antonin Scalia The world is wrong side up. It needs to be turned upside down in order to be right side up. Billy Sunday Music is my religion. Jimi Hendrix Don't think, just do. Horace It's a sign of mediocrity when you demonstrate gratitude with moderation. Roberto Benigni You could live in Winnipeg a thousand years and not meet Ringo, Paul McCartney, or Bob Dylan. Burton Cummings The tragedy of life is not that man loses but that he almost wins. Heywood Broun

The natural consequence of our submission, even in part, to the system that looks to

compelling the export of raw products, the exhaustion of the land, the cheapening of labour, and the export of the labourer. Henry Charles Carey Television probably has become the most evocative, widely observed signpost we have. Robert Adams I want to feel good, I want to feel proud, I want to feel that I give someone enough and that I get enough. Nastassja Kinski Some folks look at me and see a certain swagger, which in Texas is called 'walking.' George W. Bush Life isn't fair. It's just fairer than death, that's all. William Goldman I'm so embarrassed by that album. I don't even own it myself. Edward Furlong The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool. Philip Seymour Hoffman

To become truly immortal, a work of art must escape all human limits: logic and

common sense will only interfere. But once these barriers are broken, it will enter the realms of childhood visions and dreams. Giorgio de Chirico It is better to be unfaithful than to be faithful without wanting to be. Brigitte Bardot Iraqis have held elections and have recently put together their government, all encouraging developments. James A. Leach It is always good men who do the most harm in the world. Henry Adams I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it. George Bernard Shaw Nowadays, they have more trouble packing hair dryers than baseball equipment. Bob Feller I learned later, just as a footnote, that the World Assembly of Youth was a CIA front. Stephen Lewis

Why are people unemployed? Because there is no work. Why is there no work? Because

people are not buying products and services. Why are people not buying products and services? Because they have no money. Why do people have no money? Because they are unemployed. Craig Bruce I played as a 17-year-old with Walter Smith, who must have been about 32. So I've known Walter for 21 years. Richard Gough In mathematics the art of proposing a question must be held of higher value than solving it. Georg Cantor Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities - because it is the quality which guarantees all others. Joseph Chamberlain When I stopped drinking, it was only because I thought if I don't stop, I'm going to die. Craig Ferguson I'm looking forward to coming back, back to Earth, the landing, the views. Duane G. Carey There are no countries in the world less known by the British than those selfsame British Islands. George Borrow

Nature, more of a stepmother than a mother in several ways, has sown a seed

of evil in the hearts of mortals, especially in the more thoughtful men, which makes them dissatisfied with their own lot and envious of another's. Desiderius Erasmus Only a philosophy of eternity, in the world today, could justify non-violence. Albert Camus It's no exaggeration to say that the undecideds could go one way or another. George H. W. Bush Still round the corner there may wait, A new road or a secret gate. J. R. R. Tolkien But you know, I still had a dream of being able to go back home and tour. Luther Allison Even if I had a tuxedo I wouldn't wear it to school. Henry Thomas The thing I fear most is fear. Michel de Montaigne

From the age of fifteen, dogma has been the fundamental principle of my religion: I

know no other religion; I cannot enter into the idea of any other sort of religion; religion, as a mere sentiment, is to me a dream and a mockery. John Henry Newman The specific is not exclusive: it lacks the aspiration to totality. Theodor Adorno Why do I have to be an example for your kid? You be an example for your own kid. Bob Gibson Lots of people think it was Jimmy Page who had the first fuzzbox. It wasn't, No! it wasn't me either. Jim Sullivan Yet it is in our idleness, in our dreams, that the submerged truth sometimes comes to the top. Virginia Woolf Atlanta? I think it's the greatest city anywhere I know of. Ivan Allen Over the past two decades, we have clearly seen an erosion of ethical values. Arthur Levitt

That's where I got my start and where I'll continue to work, but I can't

tell you the number of films between Drugstore Cowboy and Curly Sue that I auditioned for and wanted that didn't choose me. Kelly Lynch I haven't spoken English with native speakers in several months. I've been speaking Arabic. John Walker Lindh Today you can't go by the titles of the shows to know what the content of the show may be. Donna Douglas It hinders the creative work of the mind if the intellect examines too closely the ideas as they pour in. Friedrich Schiller We create our own unhappiness. The purpose of suffering is to help us understand we are the ones who cause it. Willie Nelson We all want peace. Unfortunately, there are times when peace must be defended by fighting terror and tyranny. James H. Douglas, Jr. It is hard to say why politicians are called servants, unless it is because a good one is hard to find. Gerald F. Lieberman

Rest assured that whatever station of life we are placed, princely or lowly, it contains

the lessons and experiences necessary at the moment for our evolution, and gives us the best advantage for the development of ourselves. Edward Bach A gloomy guest fits not a wedding feast. Friedrich Schiller Religion is no more the parent of morality than an incubator is the mother of a chicken. Lemuel K. Washburn Like everybody I have many different sides. Juliette Lewis When I was about 15... I made my first attempt as a leading lady, and was, of course, a complete failure. Maude Adams Though pleas'd to see the dolphins play, I mind my compass and my way. Matthew Green Let there be more joy and laughter in your living. Eileen Caddy

Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates

the world. Science is the highest personification of the nation because that nation will remain the first which carries the furthest the works of thought and intelligence. Louis Pasteur Make health care a right, not a privilege. Ed Pastor The ideal beauty is a fugitive which is never found. Joan Rivers The basic rule of free enterprise: You must give in order to get. Scott Alexander Inaction may be safe, but it builds nothing. Dave Freudenthal Accident counts for as much in companionship as in marriage. Henry Adams I also know that I am not a great technician. John Fahey

Man hath still either toys or care: But hath no root, nor to one place

is tied, but ever restless and irregular, about this earth doth run and ride. He knows he hath a home, but scarce knows where; He says it is so far, that he has quite forgot how to go there. Henry Vaughan The idea of the extraordinary happening in the context of the ordinary is what's fascinating to me. Chris Van Allsburg America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. John Quincy Adams I simply have a marvellous life, a very lucky life. Olivia Newton-John I know that the internet has helped a new world audience find me. Wynonna Judd Elephants are contagious. Paul Eluard My eyes are wide open to the conflicts within the Church, but I don't think you can call it schism. Richard John Neuhaus

I don't return anybody's calls unless it's going to mean extra money for me. And

I've completely cut off all relationships with any friends that I had before the show. And I've copped an attitude. Mike Judge Everybody's got to do what they've got to do. Tom Osborne The duty of helping one's self in the highest sense involves the helping of one's neighbors. Samuel Smiles Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. Benjamin Franklin If man doesn't learn to treat the oceans and the rain forest with respect, man will become extinct. Peter Benchley A message prepared in the mind reaches a mind; a message prepared in a life reaches a life. Bill Gothard The reason I use ed is that I don't want to lose what's on the screen. Bill Joy

Before Watergate and Viet Nam, the American public, as a whole, believed everything it was

told, and since then it doesn't believe anything, and both of those extremes hurt us because they prevent us from recognizing the truth. Daniel Keys Moran Yeah, I know I'm ugly... I said to a bartender, 'Make me a zombie.' He said 'God beat me to it.' Rodney Dangerfield Hesitation increases in relation to risk in equal proportion to age. Ernest Hemingway The object of oratory alone in not truth, but persuasion. Thomas Babington Macaulay Hatred is blind, as well as love. Oscar Wilde The only people who should really sin are the people who can sin and grin. Ogden Nash I'm looking forward to working with some of the best cast and crew there are. Kelly Hu

When the ambassadors of other foreign countries come to Japan to make treaties, they can

be told that such and such a treaty has been made with the ambassador of the United States, and they will rest satisfied with this. Townsend Harris I want viewers to relate to me on a different level, not just a sexual level. Morris Chestnut So long as men worship the Caesars and Napoleons, Caesars and Napoleons will duly arise and make them miserable. Aldous Huxley It is a test of true theories not only to account for but to predict phenomena. William Whewell Attacks of divine transports are of pride and I accept the part assigned. Elizabeth Barton Health consists of having the same diseases as one's neighbors. Quentin Crisp The tax collector must love poor people, he's creating so many of them. Bill Vaughan

The number one benefit of information technology is that it empowers people to do what

they want to do. It lets people be creative. It lets people be productive. It lets people learn things they didn't think they could learn before, and so in a sense it is all about potential. Steve Ballmer Concealing an illness is like keeping a beach ball under water. Karen Duffy Mr Speaker, I smell a rat; I see him forming in the air and darkening the sky; but I will nip him in the bud. Boyle Roche One does not fall in love; one grows into love, and love grows in him. Karl A. Menninger I am not aware that any community has a right to force another to be civilized. John Stuart Mill It connects with the theologians' point that you can say what God is not, but not (easily) what He is. Nicholas Mosley I'm a survivor - a living example of what people can go through and survive. Elizabeth Taylor

Men's magazines often feature pictures of naked ladies. Women's magazines also often feature pictures of

naked ladies. This is because the female body is a beautiful work of art, while the male body is hairy and lumpy and should not be seen by the light of day. Richard Roeper Only I discern Infinite passion, and the pain Of finite hearts that yearn. Robert Browning You shoulda shot that fella a long time ago. Now he's too rich to kill. Chill Wills The Army War College has been a tradition in central Pennsylvania for years. Bill Shuster If some persons died, and others did not die, death would be a terrible affliction. Jean de la Bruyere For everything that lives is holy, life delights in life. William Blake You've really got to start hitting the books because it's no joke out here. Harper Lee

Buonaparte has often made his boast that our fleet would be worn out by keeping

the sea and that his was kept in order and increasing by staying in port; but know he finds, I fancy, if Emperors hear the truth, that his fleet suffers more in a night than ours in one year. Horatio Nelson There is nothing so powerful as truth, and often nothing so strange. Daniel Webster Appearances are often deceiving. Aesop There's a shortage of perfects breasts in this world. It would be a pity to damage yours. Cary Elwes The outer conditions of a person's life will always be found to reflect their inner beliefs. James Lane Allen Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted... but to weigh and consider. Francis Bacon This is said to us, even as this counterfeit president has legalized the Confederate Flag in Mississippi. Amiri Baraka

Twenty years ago, you might have been pessimistic and said there's no hope. But these

days, some of our very biggest companies are acting remarkably cleanly. And in some cases, although not all cases, the CEOs are the driving forces behind that. Jared Diamond The face of evil is always the face of total need. William S. Burroughs The best training is to play by ear: trial by fire. John Legend I'm a one-man idiot. Eddie Izzard Canada is a good country to be from. It has a gentler slower pace - it lends perspective. Paul Anka Of course, neither David or myself ever saw a penny from them; it was the early days of merchandising. Robert Vaughn It is stupid on my part to think of banning the media. Shah Rukh Khan

Well, the biggest Norwegian newspaper regarded this as an arrest, since they hadn't told us

that they were coming and they brought me in. So the biggest Norwegian newspaper looked upon that as an arrest. Jon Johansen One thing is certain, You can't shake hands with a fist. David Allan Coe We are closer to the ants than to the butterflies. Very few people can endure much leisure. Gerald Brenan The experimenter who does not know what he is looking for will not understand what he finds. Claude Bernard You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will. William Tecumseh Sherman When business executives are making the artistic decisions and don't understand animation, things can go awry. Don Bluth For 200 years we've been conquering nature. Now we're beating it to death. Tom McMillan

When you're looking that far out, you're giving people their place in the universe, it

touches people. Science is often visual, so it doesn't need translation. It's like poetry, it touches you. Story Musgrave I'm retarded - I mean I'm retired. Frank Serpico I was in an awful lot of trouble in Hollywood. Eddie Bracken He that will be angry for anything will be angry for nothing. Sallust You can employ men and hire hands to work for you, but you must win their hearts to have them work with you. Merle Shain When the fabric of the universe becomes unknown, it is the duty of the university to produce weavers. Gordon Gee I grew up in an environment of jokes and sarcasm and puns. I talk that way, so I write that way. Allan Sloan

We begin with the common belief that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and a threat

to the peace and stability of the region. He has ignored the mandated of the United Nations and is building weapons of mass destruction and the means of delivering them. Carl Levin While the mind is in doubt it is driven this way and that by a slight impulse. Terence The tennis wasn't really very much on my mind, so it wasn't like I was thinking about it all the time. Steffi Graf If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities. Maya Angelou I've never worked with the Java community. Miguel de Icaza Strike against war, for without you no battles can be fought! Helen Keller I'll need my whole lifetime to polish my craft. Eva Green

The half hour between waking and rising has all my life proved propitious to any

task which was exercising my invention... It was always when I first opened my eyes that the desired ideas thronged upon me. Walter Scott It doesn't use shading, but it does use stroke length variations. John Robert Gregg Whatever success I've had, I always like to top it. Bernie Mac The lowest budget U.S. films are ten times times better than shooting in Tibet. Joan Chen Recession is when a neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours. Ronald Reagan And it wasn't until '84 when I was first asked to come to Sweden and do an album and concert tour. Wanda Jackson With an eye made quiet by the power of harmony, and the deep power of joy, we see into the life of things. William Wordsworth

Do not be desirous of having things done quickly. Do not look at small advantages.

Desire to have things done quickly prevents their being done thoroughly. Looking at small advantages prevents great affairs from being accomplished. Wilson Mizner You can expect interior enforcement actions in the future. Asa Hutchinson The biggest problem with every art is by the use of appearance to create a loftier reality. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life. Muhammad Ali One's destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things. Henry Miller You tend to be afraid when someone seems foreign to you. But if you aren't careful, that can lead to bigotry. Jasmine Guy The enemies of the future are always the very nicest people. Christopher Morley

I don't know if Wimbledon's seen anything like it. I don't know if they will

again. But it was just - it was electric. The Aussie crowd, I'm really proud of them, the way they conducted themselves. You know they're great losers, as well. Patrick Rafter The Internet provides a delivery system for pathological states of mind. Phillip Adams Marriage is not just spiritual communion, it is also remembering to take out the trash. Joyce Brothers Acquaintance. A person whom we know well enough to borrow from, but not well enough to lend to. Ambrose Bierce I am still in shock and awe at being fired. Peter Arnett When it was time for a player to go, he went. Cal Hubbard Celerity is never more admired than by the negligent. Cleopatra

I just had that conversation this morning with my doctor. I just got back from

the hospital a half-hour ago, and nothing will make me happier than to replicate the DNA of my amazing husband. I'm optimistic. Karen Duffy Few men are born brave. Many become so through training and force of discipline. Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus Upper classes are a nation's past; the middle class is its future. Ayn Rand Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve. J. K. Rowling The truest expression of a people is in its dances and its music. Bodies never lie. Agnes de Mille Wherever there is light, one can photograph. Alfred Stieglitz These impossible women! How they do get around us! The poet was right: Can't live with them, or without them. Aristophanes

Whenever the pressure of our complex city life thins my blood and numbs my brain,

I seek relief in the trail; and when I hear the coyote wailing to the yellow dawn, my cares fall from me - I am happy. Hamlin Garland Oaths are the fossils of piety. George Santayana Reputation is what men and women think of us; character is what God and angels know of us. Thomas Paine Nobody's got it made. Nobody, no matter what they look like. Linda Evans Destiny is the invention of the cowardly, and the resigned. Ignazio Silone The mere imparting of information is not education. Carter G. Woodson All round the room my silent servants wait, My friends in every season, bright and dim. Bryan Procter

If we have reason to believe someone is preparing an attack against the U.S., has

developed that capability, harbours those aspirations, then I think the U.S. is justified in dealing with that, if necessary, by military force. Dick Cheney In our factory, we make lipstick. In our advertising, we sell hope. Peter Nivio Zarlenga We need three kinds of pitching: left handed, right handed, and relief. Whitey Herzog God appoints our graces to be nurses to other men's weaknesses. Henry Ward Beecher Tears are the natural penalties of pleasure. It is a law that we should pay for all that we enjoy. William Gilmore Simms I cannot help but think a curious event is this life of mine. John James Audubon The sea hath fish for every man. William Camden

Bill Mitchell said he really liked it. But when he asked the other four their

opinions, we all took one look at ourselves in our raggedy long winter coats and cracked up. We knew we weren't likely to tempt anyone or anything, but what the hell, it was as good a name as any. Otis Williams Sleep is an excellent way of listening to an opera. James Stephens I always have trouble remembering three things: faces, names, and - I can't remember what the third thing is. Fred Allen Bush wasn't elected, he was selected - selected by five judges up in Washington who voted along party lines. Alec Baldwin Great things are accomplished by talented people who believe they will accomplish them. Warren Bennis There is no surprise more magical than the surprise of being loved: It is God's finger on man's shoulder. Charles Morgan If you haven't cried, your eyes can't be beautiful. Sophia Loren

The face of nature and civilization in this our country is to a certain point

a very sufficient literary field. But it will yield its secrets only to a really grasping imagination. To write well and worthily of American things one need even more than elsewhere to be a master. Henry James I want to make a film about a factory worker. Richard Linklater The last book I read was the book I've been rereading most of my life, The Fountainhead. Vince Vaughn Conviction is worthless unless it is converted into conduct. Thomas Carlyle If you don't have a dream, how are you going to make a dream come true? Oscar Hammerstein A conservative believes nothing should be done for the first time. Thomas Fuller That's sort of what I like about this character is that he's not the good guy, he's not truly the bad guy. Nicholas Lea

And preserving our open spaces or having them there for recreational purposes is one of

the things that contributes to the high level of quality of life that we offer in Pennsylvania, and that also translates into economic benefits. Ed Rendell One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity. Albert Schweitzer I've played killers, crazies, and really bad people. Morgan Brittany There weren't any astronauts until I was about 10. Yuri Gagarin went into space right around my 10th birthday. John L. Phillips Outward failure may be a manifested variant of inward success. Kenneth L. Pike Chase after the truth like all hell and you'll free yourself, even though you never touch its coat tails. Clarence Darrow As my manager says, 'These are wonderful problems.' Jeffrey Tambor

Well, I think, I certainly used backward music in Sea of Monsters. I can't remember

in the Sea of Time. I would tend to do that all the time, you know? I tended to do all sorts of weird things. Just to get effects. George Martin Shirley Maclaine once said that she didn't want to be a big star, just a long star. That's what I want too. Joyce DeWitt As a young girl I think I wanted to be a horse woman. I loved horses. Karen Hughes The world is sick of big IT things that don't work. Tony Scott It was both exciting and frustrating to work with an orchestral group. Ken Hensley Problem solving is hunting. It is savage pleasure and we are born to it. Thomas Harris Never neglect details. When everyone's mind is dulled or distracted the leader must be doubly vigilant. Colin Powell

Summer is the time when one sheds one's tensions with one's clothes, and the right

kind of day is jeweled balm for the battered spirit. A few of those days and you can become drunk with the belief that all's right with the world. Ada Louise Huxtable Let's face it, in America today we don't have a health care system, we have a sick care system. Tom Harkin You know us crazy kids. We'll do anything crazy to our hair. Ryan Gosling I hope you love birds too. It is economical. It saves going to heaven. Emily Dickinson A fellow has to have faith in God above and Rollie Fingers in the bullpen. Alvin Dark Iron rusts from disuse; water loses its purity from stagnation... even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind. Leonardo da Vinci You get the best out of others when you get the best out of yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

Unlike life, you've got more or less complete control over what's going on in your

stories. That's not to say you can make characters do whatever you want them to - they usually have a life of their own if you've done your job properly. Paul Kane Illustrious acts high raptures do infuse, And every conqueror creates a muse. Edmund Waller The vulgar boil, the learned roast, an egg. Alexander Pope Some people approach every problem with an open mouth. Adlai E. Stevenson Where fear is, happiness is not. Lucius Annaeus Seneca Glory comes too late, after one as been reduced to ashes. Marcus Valerius Martial Ah, I hope to live to 87 and drink from the the goblet of life to the dregs. Theo Van Gogh

I was being called to surrender the very citadel of my self. I was completely

in the dark. I did not really know what repentance was or what I was required to repent of. It was indeed the turning point of my life. Bede Griffiths It's only in the United States that they make a big deal about nudity. Christopher Atkins I think every player listens out for his name being sung and it's something I really enjoy. Steven Gerrard We fear doing too little when we should do more. Then atone by doing too much, when perhaps we should do less. Robert Trout Time! Joyless emblem of the greed of millions, robber of the best which earth can give. Amy Lowell Television is a device that permits people who haven't anything to do to watch people who can't do anything. Fred Allen My sons are into German music, but they are into all kinds of music. Keith Emerson

I don't see my dancing or acting as two separate things. I don't define them

separately, so I can't say one has helped the other, It's all the same thing. More than anything I love being on stage and performing. Bebe Neuwirth The desire to die was my one and only concern; to it I have sacrificed everything, even death. Emile M. Cioran But, I'm a big Johnny Cash and a big Lou Reed fan and a Fellini fan. Noah Taylor The beauty about the D-list is that people who are on it probably don't know they are. Kathy Griffin Pop flies, in a sense, are just a diversion for a second baseman. Grounders are his stock trade. Jackie Robinson The greatest remedy for anger is delay. Lucius Annaeus Seneca I didn't think Comfort and Joy was going to be a box-office smash. Bill Forsyth

A strong economy causes an increase in the demand for housing; the increased demand for

housing drives real-estate prices and rentals through the roof. And then affordable housing becomes completely inaccessible. William Baldwin He that can have patience can have what he will. Benjamin Franklin Singing was the big focus and outlet for me. Debra Wilson Cobb is a prick. But he sure can hit. God Almighty, that man can hit. Babe Ruth I was raised Catholic, but my father's people were Methodist, so we went to both churches. Aaron Neville The courage of a soldier is heightened by his knowledge of his profession. Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus I think I settled on the title before I ever wrote the book. Frank McCourt

The novel is about five students of classics who are studying with a classics professor,

and they take the ideas of the things that they're learning from him a bit too seriously, with terrible consequences. Donna Tartt Our show doesn't rely on the typical whistles and bells, and smoke and mirrors. It relies mostly on the music. Juice Newton Freedom is the by-product of economic surplus. Aneurin Bevan Hard to be a physics major at Rice University if you have flunked calculus. Elizabeth Moon If you can't make it better, you can laugh at it. Erma Bombeck America's best buy is a telephone call to the right man. Ilka Chase To see victory only when it is within the ken of the common herd is not the acme of excellence. Sun Tzu


I love the game, it's the greatest game on earth, that's why I can't understand

all of this talk about trying to make the game better. People talk about the high strike zone and changing this and that. Why? To speed up the game? That's the beauty of baseball. There is no time element. Eric Davis My dad also plays a little banjo and guitar, my mom plays the mandolin. Page McConnell I never set out to write prayers at all. But there was a span of time when I didn't find it easy to pray, but, when I went to write one of the things I had to write, a prayer would come. Gloria Gaither You can't get closer to the heart of national sovereignty than national security and intelligence services. Gijs de Vries A guy will promise you the world and give you nothin', and that's the blues. Otis Rush I think people often confuse success with fame and stardom. Brenda Blethyn The beautiful spring came; and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also. Harriet Ann Jacobs Live to learn, learn to live, then teach others. Dou

I'm the type of person who can get a feel for what you need and

what I need to do to push you to get you to a breaking point, where you realize that you can't go on this way anymore, that the reason you're heavy is because you're ignoring all the stuff that's going on inside. Cara Castronuova The health care industry can play a great role in this by being aware of the fact that these children form perhaps the most neglected group of people in the country, largely because it is hard to find them. C. Everett Koop I can't tell you why a particular athlete would leave a certain coach, but I can tell you there could be many reasons. They could have personality conflicts. They could have misunderstandings. Lots of stuff can happen. Alberto Salazar Today's misery is real unemployment, home foreclosures and bankruptcies. This is the Obama Misery Index and its at a record high. Its going to take more than new rhetoric to put Americans back to work - its going to take a new president. Mitt Romney I enjoyed art in school. I

I find that on serialized television it's wiser to hit the ground and look forward,

and take the cues from the writers and the events happening, otherwise you just tie yourself in knots. Dallas Roberts I approach 'Fast & Furious 6' the same way I would approach a Sidney Lumet film. Getting into character's getting into character. Vin Diesel I don't think there's any better education than learning the intimate details of the lives of people who you most admire. Brandon Stanton Being bad at stuff is hard, and we all deal with it every day because we're all bad at stuff. Graham Moore I am fine playing 'Law & Order' and even the 'Jurassic' movies to be straight up, as far as the characters being portrayed there, but I never want to stay in straight-up land too long. I always wanted to do something where the character's world gets to be explored. B. D. Wong Mental health is such a complex thing and so difficult to diagnose. What is a mental problem? Who does have mental problems? What's the difference b

It is by God's grace and provision that Hobby Lobby has endured. Therefore, we seek

to honor God by operating the company in a manner consistent with biblical principles. David Green Even spiritually advanced people are often confused. They feel an inner ecstasy which comes from the vital world, and they think this is the real delight. But it is not so. Real delight comes from the highest world to the soul, and from the soul it saturates the whole being. Sri Chinmoy I love discussing the ins and outs of the collaborative nature of writing. Jim Rash If you step back and take a holistic look, I think any reasonable person would say Android is innovating at a pretty fast pace and getting it to users. Sundar Pichai Reducing caloric intake is the only proven method of extending life. If caloric intake is reduced to 20 percent below maintenance, you can extend your lifespan considerably. S. Jay Olshansky Now, learning how to make a movie is something you can figure out in about an afternoon. The physics of it, the marks, the lights, etc. What's hard to do

The point is, the political reporters are the ones who no longer understand the ritual

they are covering. They keep searching for political meanings in the tepid events when a convention is now essentially a human drama and only that. William Greider Shields were generally made of wood, covered with leather, or some similar substance. To secure them, in some sort, from being cut through by the sword, they were surrounded with a hoop of metal. Thomas Bulfinch When you give an artist a canvas, you shouldn't tell him exactly how much paint to put on it, or exactly how sharp the images should be. You should let the artist get going. Reed Hundt There are a lot of stars I've worked with - big stars - who, when they walk on set, the energy just changes. Kathleen Robertson I played with so many musicians and some of the musicians would have something I want. I steal a lot of them, and I mash it up, I mash it up into my chords. David Edwards When I finally decided that my only hope was to go to college, I took an acting class, and once I walked onstage, I j

It is not a dream that someday, nations will be able to settle their difficulties

without war, just as individuals now settle their personal feuds without resorting to arguments of physical strength or sharp steel. For, then, humanity will have created international jurisdiction and a power to enforce its laws. Ellen Key I carried on acting during school holidays and was all set to go to drama school when I was offered my first professional job appearing in 'King David' with Richard Gere. Gina Bellman I work in fantasy all day, so when I go home, I want to touch reality. Johnny Galecki Tea makes everything better. Bindi Irwin In television, the writer-creator-showrunner is embraced as the creative mind. Jim Rash There are a number of candidate vaccines that are in development for HIV/AIDS. Anthony Fauci I don't know what to do if I am not inspiring some sort of false fascination. Elizabeth Wurtzel It was weird that most people knew me as someone let go from 'SNL.' I had the best time there, and in retrospect, it was the perfe

It's not an act. I love it. It's totally original. People go, 'What's going on

with this guy? Why does he sound so weird? What is going on in his brain. I don't know. Just one day I suddenly woke up with a new brain. Charlie Sheen I don't plan out my visits rigorously, but I do have a list of about 125 New York galleries, alternative spaces, museums, and so forth that I visit regularly. That's the closest thing I have to a strategy: I go to a lot of places, many that artists don't visit. Jerry Saltz I think that practising the law, particularly litigation, and particularly in Glasgow, has always been difficult enough without adding to it by having problems with professional colleagues or former colleagues. Len G. Murray I guess I found it useful to realise that everything is true at once, you know? You can pull back and say, 'Everything will be fine,' but you can also be in a situation and say, 'Not everything is going to be fine.' Feist Once you understand that someone has Tourette and that they can't help their ti

By and large, I'm in the same boat as other inventors. If we're lucky, of

the 10 or 15 items we do a year, maybe one or two of them wind up with a licensing agreement. Ralph H. Baer Keep the faith; work hard: practice does make you perfect. Do what you can, and meet the right people to make it work. Christina Milian Many people don't understand ring control. They think they do until they're against someone who really understands how to set traps, how to create holes in the octagon that they fall into. Conor McGregor I assisted on a lot of films outside my dad's company. I only did two of his films. Arjun Kapoor A tapper sticks to existing routines. Whereas hoofing... a hoofer pushes the art form. Savion Glover You don't want to hear about how much money I donate to the Boys and Girls Clubs of America or to AIDS awareness or to give out scholarships. You don't want to hear about that. Allen Iverson Animals need to understand other species, if only to prey on them or escape from them. Elizabeth Marshall Thomas For me, r

I like Muhammad a lot, because he's like us more than anybody else. Jesus is

just so exalted, and Buddha is just so exalted, it's almost beyond our reach. Deepak Chopra It didn't matter that Charlie Chaplin may not have been a great director or a great anything else. He made great movies. Jon Landau I've never lost perspective on who I am. Well, maybe briefly, but generally I'm pretty balanced. Sting After I saw the first thing I ever did, I got a migraine. Claire Forlani I'm an exhibitionist, I was an exhibitionist as a kid. Dave Van Ronk There are lots of emotions that go with the Fourth of July. Dan Harmon You can tell an honest artist from one who's just given all their songs. Rita Ora You're either living or you're dead. Lil Wayne Sanely applied advertising could remake the world. Stuart Chase I read a lot of thrillers, especially American crime novels. Kate Mosse

Certain things can't be approximated, so I'm always interested in getting in another way, one

which makes the reader bend in closer to the scene even if that scene, especially if that scene, is painful... Brutal language isn't necessarily the most truthful way of describing a brutal moment. Anne Michaels The function of the novelist... is to comment upon life as he sees it. Frank Norris But I've got more to learn, too. I don't feel like I'm done or I know it all. Gary Sinise Man is the only animal that laughs and has a state legislature. Samuel Butler If its not done ethically, advertising won't be trusted. If consumers don't trust it, advertising is pointless. Jef I. Richards Simplicity does not precede complexity, but follows it. Alan Perlis There is always strength in numbers. The more individuals or organizations that you can rally to your cause, the better. Mark Shields If ye despise the human race, and mortal arms, yet remember that there is a God who is mindful of right and wrong. Virgil Had we but world enough, and time, t