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Showing posts from May 19, 2018

I am willing to admit that if the agriculturists are oppressed by peculiar

burdens, they ought to be relieved from them, or be allowed a fair and just protection equivalent to all such peculiar burdens. Joseph Hume In order to figure out how to make atoms compute, you have to learn how to speak their language and to understand how they process information under normal circumstances. Seth Lloyd We did it Disneyland, in the knowledge that most of the people I talked to thought it would be a financial disaster - closed and forgotten within the first year. Walt Disney There are a lot of unseen elements to having a successful singing career. Lesley Garrett I was sleeping the other night, alone, thanks to the exterminator. Emo Philips Establishing lasting peace is the work of education; all politics can do is keep us out of war. Maria Montessori The true measure of your worth includes all the benefits others have gained from your success. Cullen Hightower

I'm really keen to go back and do some theatre, but I can't afford to

at the moment because we're getting married in September. And then I'm hoping to direct a film at the end of this year, and that means a year of your life without pay. Richard Roxburgh I want to make films and write films, which will happen, I'm just taking a different route right now. I'm a bit of a chameleon with the whole entertainment industry so to speak. David Boreanaz Politics I conceive to be nothing more than the science of the ordered progress of society along the lines of greatest usefulness and convenience to itself. Woodrow Wilson The cure for admiring the House of Lords is to go and look at it. Walter Bagehot I grew up to always respect authority and respect those in charge. Charles de Gaulle I'm brave to say that I won't take this sort of risk. Alain Prost The first and most important step toward success is the feeling that we can succeed. Nelson Boswell

By our form of government, the Christian religion is the established religion; and all sects

and denominations of Christians are placed upon the same equal footing, and are equally entitled to protection in their religious liberty. Samuel Chase I feel very sorry for the one or two North Korean defectors who were caught by Chinese police while entering South Korean or foreign embassies in Beijing, but their arrest drew the whole attention of the world. Kim Young-sam If someone said to me that you can have three wishes, my first would have been to get into racing, my second to be in Formula 1, my third to drive for Ferrari. Gilles Villeneuve I've always wanted to be Wonder Woman, of course. She had the greatest costume. Kelly Hu At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst. Aristotle Maintaining clean, safe water remains one of our greatest national and global challenges and responsibilities. Jerry Costello It's not the having, it's the getting. Elizabeth Taylor

I went off to a school with the children of CEOs and diplomats. To be

able to be at home with that group of people and at home with the desperately poor has been good for me in preparation for my coming to Washington. James Green Somerville The Way is not a religion: Christianity is the end of religion. 'Religion' means here the division between sacred and secular concerns, other-worldliness, man's reaching toward God in a way which projects his own thoughts. David Kirk By vulgarity I mean that vice of civilization which makes man ashamed of himself and his next of kin, and pretend to be somebody else. Solomon Schechter When the rich think about the poor, they have poor ideas. Evita Peron In Hollywood, an equitable divorce settlement means each party getting fifty percent of publicity. Lauren Bacall The Internet treats censorship as a malfunction and routes around it. John Perry Barlow The struggle alone pleases us, not the victory. Blaise Pascal

The universal principle of etymology in all languages: words are carried over from bodies and

from the properties of bodies to express the things of the mind and spirit. The order of ideas must follow the order of things. Giambattista Vico People are like stained - glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross If the career you have chosen has some unexpected inconvenience, console yourself by reflecting that no career is without them. Jane Fonda Sculpture occupies real space like we do... you walk around it and relate to it almost as another person or another object. Chuck Close Delay always breeds danger; and to protract a great design is often to ruin it. Miguel de Cervantes Villains never know they are villains in a picture so I play this like I'm the nicest guy in the world. Wayne Rogers Magna Charta is such a fellow, that he will have no sovereign. Edward Coke

While I do not suggest that humanity will ever be able to dispense with its

martyrs, I cannot avoid the suspicion that with a little more thought and a little less belief their number may be substantially reduced. John B. S. Haldane A murderer is regarded by the conventional world as something almost monstrous, but a murderer to himself is only an ordinary man. It is only if the murderer is a good man that he can be regarded as monstrous. Graham Greene Drawing is still basically the same as it has been since prehistoric times. It brings together man and the world. It lives through magic. Keith Haring I am my own secretary; I dictate, I compose, I copy all myself. Venerable Bede If the U.N. didn't exist, we'd be inventing it right now. Sam Farr All artists are people of growth. It's like food, you take the good and leave the rest. Andrew Jack Latinos are here to stay. As citizen Raquel, I'm proud to be Latina. Raquel Welch

Now that I'm gettin' old enough to get some money, I'd like to have some

money. I don't get much made, I need to conquer a big chunk of money. Not quit playin' but quit playin' so hard. Muddy Waters He that is thy friend indeed, he will help thee in thy need: if thou sorrow, he will weep; if you wake, he cannot sleep; thus of every grief in heart he with thee doth bear a part. Richard Barnfield Cinema, radio, television, magazines are a school of inattention: people look without seeing, listen in without hearing. Robert Bresson Women are at last becoming persons first and wives second, and that is as it should be. May Sarton I resolved to stop accumulating and begin the infinitely more serious and difficult task of wise distribution. Andrew Carnegie Do you like my suit? I think this is an amazing suit, don't you think? Tom Selleck Every picture shows a spot with which the artist has fallen in love. Alfred Sisley

The aphorism in which I am the first master among Germans, are the forms of

'eternity'; my ambition is to say in ten sentences what everyone else says in a book - what everyone else does not say in a book. Friedrich Nietzsche I mean, we've had all these awful pictures from the prison in Iraq and these sort of memos floating around about justifying torture, all this kind of stuff. And it makes you want to take a shower, you know? Ron Reagan My aim then was to whip the rebels, to humble their pride, to follow them to their inmost recesses, and make them fear and dread us. William Tecumseh Sherman James Joyce was a synthesizer, trying to bring in as much as he could. I am an analyzer, trying to leave out as much as I can. Samuel Beckett I think FoxNews ratings are a reliable guide to the attitudes of the American electorate. Reese Schonfeld I've been watching so many movies and they all have to do with the DVDs. It's just so much more convenient. Shiri Appleby We need a type of patriotism that recognizes the virtues of those

It is vital that we provide North Dakota's children with nutritionally sound diets. That means

ensuring that they are getting plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and are developing good eating habits for their future. Kent Conrad If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair. C. S. Lewis For, after all, put it as we may to ourselves, we are all of us from birth to death guests at a table which we did not spread. Rebecca Harding Davis If you know how to spend less than you get, you have the philosopher's stone. Benjamin Franklin The internet interprets censorship as damage and routes around it. John Gilmour In the midst of the fountain of wit there arises something bitter, which stings in the very flowers. Lucretius I always believed that my silence on several topics will be an advantage in the long run. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan

Just carrying a ruler with you in your pocket should be forbidden, at least on

a moral basis. The ruler is the symbol of the new illiteracy. The ruler is the symptom of the new disease, disintegration of our civilisation. Friedensreich Hundertwasser In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed. Noah Webster That said, let me add that Joan and I never want him to be a child actor. We both feel that it takes away their childhood and puts untold pressure on children. Dwayne Hickman Directors are never in short supply of girlfriends. Bob Fosse Well, I certainly did not think that I could do worse. D. W. Griffith To retain respect for sausages and laws, one must not watch them in the making. Otto von Bismarck Genius, like humanity, rusts for want of use. William Hazlitt

You can never betray the people who are dead, so you go on being a

public Jew; the dead can't answer slurs, but I'm here. I would love to think that Jesus wants me for a sunbeam, but he doesn't. Anita Brookner Why would you create a movie for black people if you don't understand the history and perspective of the people you are doing it for? You need historical perspective to make sound decisions. Tim Reid Do not for a moment suppose that you must make yourself better, or prepare your heart for a worthy reception of Christ, but come at once - come as you are. Archibald Alexander For happiness one needs security, but joy can spring like a flower even from the cliffs of despair. Anne Morrow Lindbergh I was fine with everything except Maths. I was terrible at Maths. Charlie Simpson Puberty for a girl is like floating down a broadening river into an open sea. G. Stanley Hall The good things of prosperity are to be wished; but the good things that belong to adversity are to be admired. Lucius Annaeus Seneca

There's a difference between wanting to be respected and being a strong female and being

known for being able to do things, but still very much wanting guys to open the door, wanting them to ask us out, still bringing flowers and stuff like that. Jennifer Love Hewitt By focusing once and for all on helping the Palestinians build a free society, I have no doubt that an historic compromise between Israelis and Palestinians can be reached and that peace can prevail. Natan Sharansky The only plan the Administration seems to have for winning the war is that there is no plan and no schedule for our troops to come home and get out of harm's way. Eliot Engel My father and mother - I figured if I could make them laugh, they'd stop fighting. I stole all their material. Jerry Stiller I have seen three emperors in their nakedness, and the sight was not inspiring. Otto von Bismarck Pleasure that isn't paid for is as insipid as everything else that's free. Anita Loos Value people on their potential, not on their history. Bo Bennett

There are all sorts of reasons why I don't do much work in the theatre,

the main one being that after two performances I feel I've given all I can. I hate repetition, I really do. It's like asking a painter to paint he same picture every day of his life. Peter Cushing I try to give to the poor people for love what the rich could get for money. No, I wouldn't touch a leper for a thousand pounds; yet I willingly cure him for the love of God. Mother Teresa I wouldn't ever set out to hurt anyone deliberately unless it was, you know, important - like a league game or something. Dick Butkus I wanted to make connections between Whale's past and present. Bill Condon A grievance is most poignant when almost redressed. Eric Hoffer The important thing in life is not victory but combat; it is not to have vanquished but to have fought well. Pierre de Coubertin I like to listen to classical music... I like mainline jazz. Herb Alpert

Under the pressure of the cares and sorrows of our mortal condition, men have at

all times, and in all countries, called in some physical aid to their moral consolations - wine, beer, opium, brandy, or tobacco. Edmund Burke Lady Limelight is a jealous lady. She wants all of your attention. You don't have any time to think of anything else but Lady Limelight, because pretty soon that light will be shinning on somebody else. So you better do it while you can. Buck Owens Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness. And they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy... or they become legend. Jim Harrison Friendship is a sheltering tree. Samuel Taylor Coleridge The secret of being a bore... is to tell everything. Voltaire You never know when you're making a memory. Rickie Lee Jones I love Canadians because I don't see very much racism in Canada. Patti LaBelle

A laborer no longer makes whole articles. He receives raw materials, puts his touch on

them, and passes them to another worker in the series. When the articles are quite finished they are carried out of sight by currents of commercial exchange. These currents are untraceable. John Bates Clark There is hardly a pioneer's hut which does not contain a few odd volumes of Shakespeare. I remember reading the feudal drama of Henry V for the first time in a log cabin. Alexis de Tocqueville I think it would be harder for me not to write comedy because the comic view of things is the one that comes most naturally to me. Richard Russo There is some self-interest behind every friendship. There is no friendship without self-interests. This is a bitter truth. Chanakya I'm not staid and unbiased here. I have certain biases I want to convey, and if you disagree, that's fine. Neil Cavuto The world today is changing rapidly, and we are helping to make it better for our children's future. Ginny Brown-Waite Cats are connoisseurs of comfort. James Herriot

It seems like there's a lot of people who just do not understand satire. They

think it's weird. There's people who just don't understand you portray something or just explore a character, it means you're condoning it, saying this is the way to live. Mike Judge Of what value is a mind when placed in the brain of a coward? If mind is a gift of God to man for his use, let him use it. A mind is not in use when doing no good. Andrew Taylor Still The politician in my country seeks votes, affection and respect, in that order. With few notable exceptions, they are simply men who want to be loved. Edward R. Murrow Marry Prince William? I'd love that. Who wouldn't want to be a princess? Britney Spears It is easy to dodge our responsibilities, but we cannot dodge the consequences of dodging our responsibilities. Josiah Stamp I got briefly mistaken for someone who might be good in bed, which was very, very good. Bill Nighy Teach my children to love! They'll learn to hate on their own. David Allan Coe

When I started working, I didn't have a clue what I was doing, in that

I was just wandering around, hoping that I could succeed. Then after I got a little under my belt, it took me about 25 years to feel like I knew what I was doing. James Garner It bothers me to know there is the possibility that I as a Christian would be not only an underdog, but that I would be trodden upon if I claimed that I was a Christian. Lee Greenwood To the extent that we are all educated and informed, we will be more equipped to deal with the gut issues that tend to divide us. Caroline Kennedy John Kerry, who says he doesn't like outsourcing, wants to outsource our national security. Zell Miller Elections are about choosing sides, but inaugurations are about closing ranks. Ted Kulongoski To actually be allowed to be beautiful is a total first for me. Kristen Johnston Motown will always be a heavy-duty part of my life because those are my roots. Smokey Robinson

It's been a strange day - a day when I thought I was on top

of the world, planning my life. I planned all of my courses for the rest of the semester at Smith, and talked to my advisor about honoring in History. Julie Nixon Eisenhower What Romantic terminology called genius or talent or inspiration is nothing other than finding the right road empirically, following one's nose, taking shortcuts. Italo Calvino A painstaking course in qualitative and quantitative analysis by John Wing gave me an appreciation of the need for, and beauty of, accurate measurement. Paul D. Boyer People talk fundamentals and superlatives and then make some changes of detail. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. No protracted war can fail to endanger the freedom of a democratic country. Alexis de Tocqueville In fact, Social Security is the only source of income nationwide for 29 percent of unmarried elderly women. Ginny Brown-Waite True change takes place in the imagination. Unknown

The 1993 Social Security tax penalizes seniors who have planned for their retirement through savings,

investment and hard work. That's wrong, and that's why the double tax on Social Security must end. Rob Simmons I use the music to vent, and a lot of the stuff that I am writing about or was writing about contained a lot of anger and anxiety, stress and depression, so that's how the album came out so dark. Vanilla Ice I did have a big following in the upper New York area. I was at the New York State Fair a few times over the years. I have areas that I say are my areas. Bobby Vinton I don't necessarily think anything on a Web site can have a result. Matt Drudge You have to be fast on your feet and adaptive or else a strategy is useless. Charles de Gaulle God can only do for you what He can do through you. Eric Butterworth I didn't get old on purpose, it just happened. If you're lucky, it could happen to you. Andy Rooney

Nowadays people don't know how to handle it if all the ends aren't tied up

and they're not told what to think in films. And if they're challenged, they think it's something wrong with the film. Alan Cumming Two stops after I got on, these two unbelievable short people got on, and the way they were looking at me, I could tell. They wanted to bite my ankles! Mark McKinney In Wisconsin, We're at the forefront of research that might one day bring cures for diseases like Parkinsons and Alzheimers, and we must seize its great potential. Jim Doyle Reality is something you rise above. Liza Minnelli One should never forbid what one lacks the power to prevent. Napoleon Bonaparte We own almost all our knowledge not to those who have agreed but to those who have differed. Charles Caleb Colton Europe is a collection of free countries. Douglas Feith

The great thing about this town hall format is that it allows us to hear

what's on the minds of Americans. Tonight, it was clear - voters have quite a few questions about the direction in which the current administration is headed. Janet Napolitano You think you can go into all those auditions not knowing who you are? The work came after I found my sense of self - when I wasn't so manic and desperate. Jenifer Lewis The Photograph is concerned with the power that the past has to interfere with the present: the time bomb in the cupboard. Penelope Lively Shania Twain brought a whole other fan base to country music with her sound, the way the videos were produced. Faith Hill He who seeks for gain, must be at some expense. Plautus If you can dream it, you can do it. Walt Disney During my McGill years, I took a number of math courses, more than other students in chemistry. Rudolph A. Marcus

I still the love classic period, but also the baroque period, and even 17th-Century music

such as the music of Monteverdi. He's one of the greatest opera composers. He was the one who really started the opera. Cecilia Bartoli And there had to be a dagger thrust in the heart of the left to tell them that you are no longer gonna give five years for a Smith Act prosecution or one year for Contempt of Court, but we're gonna kill ya! Julius Rosenberg The purpose of education is to keep a culture from being drowned in senseless repetitions, each of which claims to offer a new insight. Harold Rosenberg Sometimes I can't figure designers out. It's as if they flunked human anatomy. Erma Bombeck A person's worth is quite independent of their usefulness to society. Kjell Magne Bondevik I wish my butt did not go sideways, but I guess I have to face that. Christie Brinkley We must be willing to pay a price for freedom. H. L. Mencken

The most frequent complaint is that it's hard. True. it's a hard game to win

Also, many people ask me how to use the secret debugging commands, apparently under the impression that I'll tell them. Graham Nelson The opposition is indispensable. A good statesman, like any other sensible human being, always learns more from his opposition than from his fervent supporters. Walter Lippmann Not only is there but one way of doing things rightly, but there is only one way of seeing them, and that is, seeing the whole of them. John Ruskin Government is not the generator of economic growth; working people are. Phil Gramm I long to speak out the intense inspiration that comes to me from the lives of strong women. Ruth Benedict You know, I'm pro-troops, but I'm not pro-war. Toby Keith I don't necessarily want people to know all my intimate feelings about Tracey. Kenneth Edmonds

A strange thing is memory, and hope; one looks backward, and the other forward; one

is of today, the other of tomorrow. Memory is history recorded in our brain, memory is a painter, it paints pictures of the past and of the day. Grandma Moses She belongs to a race of delightful women, who never do any harm, whom everybody calls good, and who are very severe on those who do not pretend to be good. Gilbert Parker When you were growing up in the 30s, 20s, of course the 40s, all black people at least in the Washington, D.C., area were required to live among themselves. Ed Smith Rooting is following, and I don't do that, but I'd like to see the Phillies win because I love Philadelphia. Steve Carlton I never have plans for the future as you never know how things will turn out. Nigella Lawson When we argue for our limitations, we get to keep them. Evelyn Waugh I honor religion except when it gets into shedding blood. Rip Torn

Of course, not everybody's willing to go out and do the experiments, but for the

people who are willing to go out and do that, - if the experiments don't work, then it means it's not science. Seth Lloyd I am a writer and always was; being a writer is an integral part of my identity. Being published, being well regarded, is a component of that identity. Brian Aldiss Always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter. Walt Disney Every decision you make is a mistake. Edward Dahlberg My mom used to say that Greek Easter was later because then you get stuff cheaper. Amy Sedaris Congress seems to want to cure every ill known to man except unconstitutional government and high taxes. Charley Reese I was just about 6 weeks old when we moved to Detroit. Eddie Floyd We're the only dance in town. We don't compete with any professional teams for the entertainment dollar. Hayden Fry

The minister and the priest teach that the organization is greater. No great philosophy has

ever come from an organization, but from an individual whose research has been a personal study of God and ITS ways. Paul Twitchell Bobby and I went through some old questionnaires about customer requirements for languages, then we compiled a new one and sent it out to a few dozen people we knew. James Frank No real social change has ever been brought about without a revolution... revolution is but thought carried into action. Emma Goldman I missed New York. Every break I had from the series, I'd fly back to the East Coast just to get back onstage. Bebe Neuwirth Because I would just tell everyone it was going to be great and just put that belief in them. Jim Capaldi I write a lot too, so I would like to write or direct in the future if I can. Alexis Bledel Schizophrenia may be a necessary consequence of literacy. Marshall McLuhan

We know that if gold, if fraud, if force can defeat us, they will all

be used. And we have resolved that they shall not defeat us. We shall arm. We shall meet fraud and falsehood with defiance, and force with force, if need be. Denis Kearney If we had been less reliant on technology and the security that we enjoy in being divorced from what we used to know, maybe things would have turned out differently. Heather Donahue We would be false to our trust if we allowed the time it takes to give effect to constitutional rights to be used as the very reason for taking away those rights. Frank Murphy A reputation once broken may possibly be repaired, but the world will always keep their eyes on the spot where the crack was. Joseph Hall All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind. Aristotle We in the west are seen as godless, as greedy and as uncaring about the suffering of those in the developing world. Silvia Cartwright While some no other cause for life can give, but a dull habitude to live. John Oldham

All parents believe their children can do the impossible. They thought it the minute we

were born, and no matter how hard we've tried to prove them wrong, they all think it about us now. And the really annoying thing is, they're probably right. Cathy Guisewite Acting provides the fulfillment of never being fulfilled. You're never as good as you'd like to be. So there's always something to hope for. Washington Irving But that intimacy of mutual embarrassment, in which each feels that the other is feeling something, having once existed, its effect is not to be done away with. George Eliot Great woman belong to history and to self sacrifice. Leigh Hunt One of the reasons people hate politics is that truth is rarely a politician's objective. Election and power are. Cal Thomas You'll never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart. George Michael Justice is a certain rectitude of mind whereby a man does what he ought to do in the circumstances confronting him. Thomas Aquinas

I just lead my life as naturally, as normally as I possibly can. But I

can't help it if controversy is hounding me day in and day out. I'm quite amazed sometimes by the way they go about it. I grow a beard and it lands up in the editorial in The Times of India. Amitabh Bachchan Of all the inhabitants of the inferno, none but Lucifer knows that hell is hell, and the secret function of purgatory is to make of heaven an effective reality. Arnold Bennett If you're playing baseball and thinking about managing, you're crazy. You'd be better off thinking about being an owner. Casey Stengel I always listen to a lot of different music when I am working on a project. Bill Wyman God loves to help him who strives to help himself. Aeschylus Human improvement is from within outward. James Anthony Froude The existence of a single atheist does not disprove the existence of God. William F. DeVault

An adolescent is somebody who is in between things. A teenager is somebody who's kind

of permanently there. And so living with them through the various teenage hopes and sorrows and joys was curiously enough a maturing experience for me. Andrew Greeley You have to sort of see the way that the character behaves, and what the character says and does, and claim it in the same way that you claim anything, really. Richard Roxburgh Rise above sectional interests and private ambitions... Pass from matter to spirit. Matter is diversity; spirit is light, life and unity. Muhammad Iqbal Subsidize... or lend. Susan George Nothing is more admirable than the fortitude with which millionaires tolerate the disadvantages of their wealth. Jean Rostand A certain amount of opposition is a great help to a man. Kites rise against, not with, the wind. Lewis Mumford I have faith in the market when we get the rules right. Kenneth Lay

I am 55 years old now. It takes three years to write one book. I

don't know how many books I will be able to write before I die. It is like a countdown. So with each book I am praying - please let me live until I am finished. Haruki Murakami We look at the world and see what we have learned to believe is there. We have been conditioned to expect... but, as photographers, we must learn to relax our beliefs. Aaron Siskind The south produced statesmen and soldiers, planters and doctors and lawyers and poets, but certainly no engineers and mechanics. Let Yankees adopt such low callings. Margaret Mitchell Just standing around looking beautiful is so boring. Michelle Pfeiffer Singularity shows something wrong in the mind. Erica Jong Jesus was all right, but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It's them twisting it that ruins it for me. John Lennon Music is too important to be left to professionals. Michelle Shocked

These children should be enrolled in Independent Living programs designed by state and local governments

to prepare them to enter the workplace, or attend college, and successfully manage their lives. Charles Bass We were working with this lousy print and it just wasn't going to be good enough. I said that we should get the original negative and do it from that. Well, a couple guys pointed out that the negative was locked up over at Deluxe. David Fincher All the problems we face in the United States today can be traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of the American Indian. Pat Paulsen The streets were dark with something more than night. Raymond Chandler God always has another custard pie up his sleeve. Lynn Redgrave No matter how hard the loss, defeat might serve as well as victory to shake the soul and let the glory out. Al Gore A revolution is not a bed of roses. Fidel Castro

To take a photograph is to participate in another person's mortality, vulnerability, mutability. Precisely by

slicing out this moment and freezing it, all photographs testify to time's relentless melt. Susan Sontag I got fed up with being in bands. I spent a couple of years touring the country in a smoked filled band, doing lots of drugs and being really unhealthy. Cliff Martinez One of the most untruthful things possible, you know, is a collection of facts, because they can be made to appear so many different ways. Karl A. Menninger He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying. Friedrich Nietzsche Kev has these old Boston drills, where you all have to talk to each other, and interact, and it's helped us. Kevin Garnett The most disadvantageous peace is better than the most just war. Desiderius Erasmus No operatic star has yet died soon enough for me. Thomas Beecham

Science is not about control. It is about cultivating a perpetual condition of wonder in

the face of something that forever grows one step richer and subtler than our latest theory about it. It is about reverence, not mastery. Richard Powers The Leader of the Opposition's constitutional obligation - the obligation to Parliament - it's the reason we did the merger! - is to make sure Canadians have an alternative for government. Stephen Harper If your voices are not heard, you can be sure that many others will be - in particular those who are paid to present a point of view, and often do it most effectively. Kathleen Sebelius Men do not shape destiny, Destiny produces the man for the hour. Fidel Castro The railroad originally was as completely dissociated from steam propulsion as was the ship. John Moody I always try to approach character first and foremost viscerally. Patricia Clarkson The worst thing I could be thinking is how could I be a cool bass player. Mike Gordon

There's no such thing as a perfect guy. I think it would be strange if

somebody was absolutely everything you always wanted, because then there'd be no challenge. Also, you'd feel inferior. Jessica Alba In 2001, Congress passed much needed tax relief to allow Americans to keep more of their hard earned money and spend it as they see fit - rather than how the federal government sees fit. Doc Hastings Music is neither old nor modern: it is either good or bad music, and the date at which it was written has no significance whatever. Peter Warlock I will drive flat out all the time. I love racing. Gilles Villeneuve I was the worst hitter ever. I never even broke a bat until last year when I was backing out of the garage. Lefty Gomez The king reigns but does not govern. Louis Adolphe Thiers I'm a Gemini, so I change my mind every day. Natalie Portman

Missionary zeal does not grow out of intellectual beliefs, nor out of theological arguments, but

out of love. If I do not love a person I am not moved to help him by proofs that he is in need; if I do love him, I wait for no proof of a special need to urge me to help him. Roland Allen We praise a man who feels angry on the right grounds and against the right persons and also in the right manner at the right moment and for the right length of time. Aristotle Doubt, indulged and cherished, is in danger of becoming denial; but if honest, and bent on thorough investigation, it may soon lead to full establishment of the truth. Ambrose Bierce I think we have a moral obligation to our children that can be easily summarized: number one, protect them from harm. Tom Allen I was famous from birth. Peter Fonda My first solo was in church when I was five. Suzy Bogguss When I was in university, my dream was to be a coach, like a high school track coach. Not to teach. Victoria Pratt

I think it's still hard for me to turn down work if it's really good

because for so many years I was so desperate to get a job and couldn't and so it's kind of an anathema for me to turn down work. Matt Damon There are two things I will never do in my life. I will never climb Mount Everest, and I will never work with Val Kilmer again. There isn't enough money in the world. John Frankenheimer There are a lot of issues that I hope we deal with at some point that we haven't up to now, for various reasons. Some technical, and some more political. Will Wright The drops of rain make a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by oft falling. Lucretius It is not the going out of port, but the coming in, that determines the success of a voyage. Henry Ward Beecher I haven't thought about it. I'm not capable of deep thinking. Phil Simms No one inspired me to write, but writer Harlan Ellison terrified me into getting published. Dan Simmons

Laws protecting the United States flag do not cut away at the freedom of speech

guaranteed in the First Amendment... Congress made this position clear upon passage of the Flag Protection Act of 1989, which prohibited desecration of the flag. Larry Craig That's the reason some schools of thinking don't rule out a destruction of the Chinese military potential before the situation grows worse than it is today. It's bad enough now. Curtis LeMay I did put on weight for the last half of the film, but the Ferris wheel scene was shot with a harness on me so that if I fell I wouldn't fall all the way. Ryan Gosling The marble not yet carved can hold the form of every thought the greatest artist has. Michelangelo Chords that were broken will vibrate once more. Fanny Crosby Battle, n., A method of untying with the teeth a political knot that would not yield to the tongue. Ambrose Bierce Any informed borrower is simply less vulnerable to fraud and abuse. Alan Greenspan

All that a good government aims at... is to add no unnecessary and artificial aid

to the force of its own unavoidable consequences, and to abstain from fortifying and accumulating social inequality as a means of increasing political inequalities. James F. Cooper But the real focus should be on people who are buying today because the base is so big it will take a long time for any change materialize on an overall basis. Sanjay Kumar It's immoral that people make money out of writing crap, but I try not to obsess about it. I don't want to spend my life being angry. Stella McCartney There has been a change in attitude, though. Daniel Petrie I could get into bed with James Bond, then take my false leg off and it would really be a gun. Heather Mills The knowledge of the theory of logic has no tendency whatever to make men good reasoners. Thomas Babington Macaulay The best way to do ourselves good is to be doing good to others; the best way to gather is to scatter. Thomas Brooks

And we're seeing a higher level of consciousness and many more opportunities for people to

challenge their present ways of thinking and move into a grander and larger experience of who they really are. Neale Donald Walsch Thus the sum of things is ever being reviewed, and mortals dependent one upon another. Some nations increase, others diminish, and in a short space the generations of living creatures are changed and like runners pass on the torch of life. Lucretius Love is like the wild rose-briar; Friendship like the holly-tree. The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms, but which will bloom most constantly? Emily Bronte Tears are often the telescope by which men see far into heaven. Henry Ward Beecher Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory. Mahatma Gandhi Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out. Anton Chekhov The world of politics is always twenty years behind the world of thought. John Jay Chapman

If you go out to Hollywood you'll find a lot of fantastic plastic people there

in the business and a lot of people in life generally. They find it so hard to be themselves that they have to be plastic. Jimmy Cliff In recurring episodes over the next couple of decades, the minority view gradually won. A profusion of factors differentiates each case from the others, including naked partisanship on both sides, but the trend has been clear. Michael Kinsley I do not want to foresee the future. I am concerned with taking care of the present. God has given me no control over the moment following. Mahatma Gandhi In violent streets and broken homes, the cry of anguished souls is not for more laws but for more conscience and character. Cal Thomas Responsibilities are given to him on whom trust rests. Responsibility is always a sign of trust. James Cash Penney I think the tree is an element of regeneration which in itself is a concept of time. Joseph Beuys Errors of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it. Thomas Jefferson

Now, I think that I should have known that he was magic all along. I

did know it - but I should have guessed that it would be too much to ask to grow old with and see our children grow up together. So now, he is a legend when he would have preferred to be a man. Jackie Kennedy Expression, to a great extent, is a matter of terms, and terms are anyone's. The meaning of 'God' may have a billion interpretations if there be that many souls in the world. Charles Ives My obstetrician was so dumb that when I gave birth he forgot to cut the cord. For a year that kid followed me everywhere. It was like having a dog on a leash. Joan Rivers Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee? Pontius Pilate Black women don't have the same body image problems as white women. They are proud of their bodies. Tyra Banks It's the sad thing about entertainment, it's not always about who is the best. Jake Roberts Nature is wont to hide herself. Heraclitus

Magic Johnson, former basketball player, may run for mayor of L.A. in the next election.

Remember the good 'ol days when only qualified people ran for office like actors and professional wrestlers. Jay Leno If you want to make an audience laugh, you dress a man up like an old lady and push her down the stairs. If you want to make comedy writers laugh, you push an actual old lady down the stairs. Tina Fey Anger may repast with thee for an hour, but not repose for a night; the continuance of anger is hatred, the continuance of hatred turns malice. Francis Quarles I happen to be lucky in that I knew what I wanted to do as far as a career since I was nine years old. Alanis Morissette They succeed, because they think they can. Virgil We're not like Alice In Chains where somebody dies and the band breaks up. Ann Wilson Not believing in force is the same as not believing in gravitation. Thomas Hobbes

There are worlds of experience beyond the world of the aggressive man, beyond history, and

beyond science. The moods and qualities of nature and the revelations of great art are equally difficult to define; we can grasp them only in the depths of our perceptive spirit. Ansel Adams They told me my services were no longer desired because they wanted to put in a youth program as an advance way of keeping the club going. I'll never make the mistake of being seventy again. Casey Stengel It is warm work; and this day may be the last to any of us at a moment. But mark you! I would not be elsewhere for thousands. - at the Battle of Copenhagen. Horatio Nelson Yeah, I really like being alive. But I definitely don't have any intentions as an artist. John Frusciante I think there's a great beauty to having problems. That's one of the ways we learn. Herbie Hancock The very best impromptu speeches are the ones written well in advance. Ruth Gordon To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. Joseph Chilton Pearce

Lest those islands still seem to you too remote in space and time to be

relevant to our modern societies, just think about the risks... of our increasing globalization and increasing worldwide economic interdependence. Jared Diamond Fundamentally I feel that there is as much difference between the stage and the films as between a piano and a violin. Normally you can't become a virtuoso in both. Ethel Barrymore The Church cannot be content to live in its stained-glass house and throw stones through the picture window of modern culture. Robert McAfee Brown My mom has this great skiing event in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, every year for a local charity. Joely Fisher When I was younger I decided I'd hop on the train to New York. David Selby Any debate among politicians about monetary policy is counterproductive. Gerhard Schroder Politics is my hobby. Smut is my vocation. Larry Flynt

I just want to go to university and have fun - I want to be

an ordinary student. I'm only going to university. It's not like I'm getting married - though that's what it feels like sometimes. Prince William The question we all face is what sort of culture we will live in for the rest of our lives and then hand on to the next generation - one that embraces these most basic of values, or one that collapses because of their absence. Tammy Bruce Time is a beautiful thing. It's like when you meet an old lover on the street six years later and they don't look so ugly anymore. Sarah McLachlan Young men are apt to think themselves wise enough, as drunken men are apt to think themselves sober enough. Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield It's not what you take when you leave this world behind you. It's what you leave behind you when you go. Randy Travis I collect antiques. Why? Because they're beautiful. Broderick Crawford I have patterned myself after my father and God. Adam Petty

I build duets into bigger works. I like to see people working together. What we

call a giant solo in my company is about four bars long while twenty other people are doing something dynamically. I like the charge that is set up by a lot of people doing something. Mark Morris And when I was born, I drew in the common air, and fell upon the earth, which is of like nature; and the first voice which I uttered was crying, as all others do. Solomon Ibn Gabirol White House and State Department foreign-policy experts are overwhelmingly directed towards military and diplomatic issues, not development issues. Jeffrey Sachs I destroy things every day in the act of working and often recall a picture I had considered finished in order to rework it. Frank Auerbach I am committed to making Georgia a model for open and honest government. Roy Barnes Show me a person who doesn't like to laugh and I'll show you a person with a toe tag. Julia Roberts No one ever reached the worst of a vice at one leap. Juvenal

Fortunes are made, and disappear, over the lifetime of a single generation. Today, a person

in essence takes his wealth from society just for the duration of his or her lifetime. The next generation has to create it anew. Mikhail Khodorkovsky As soon as I got out there I felt a strange relationship with the pitcher's mound. It was as if I'd been born out there. Pitching just felt like the most natural thing in the world. Striking out batters was easy. Babe Ruth I might show facts as plain as day: but, since your eyes are blind, you'd say, 'Where? What?' and turn away. Christina Rossetti We knew shortly after the war that our troops were becoming ill. Christopher Shays I know intuitively when the work is right, no training can teach you this, it is simply a matter of feeling. Robert Ryan Jimmy Carter as President is like Truman Capote marrying Dolly Parton. The job is just too big for him. Rich Little Acted drama requires surrender of one's self, sympathetic absorption in the play as it develops. George Pierce Baker

Coming into the business, you'd pass through these little agencies until you got to understand

what was happening in the business, unless you were really able to have a style strong enough to go directly to the publishers. Gil Kane Doing comedy for film is always a challenge because you are in the hands of the editor after the fact. I am hoping I can do some more soon, I enjoy doing comedy. Tim Roth I paint what cannot be photographed, that which comes from the imagination or from dreams, or from an unconscious drive. Man Ray We acquire the strength we have overcome. Ralph Waldo Emerson I had friends of mine tell me they had a baby, and I didn't even know they were pregnant. Josh Lucas In hell there is no other punishment than to begin over and over again the tasks left unfinished in your lifetime. Andre Gide He who surpasses or subdues mankind, must look down on the hate of those below. Lord Byron

They still don't want to admit to the world that this isn't the best and

the fairest and most equal justice system. And that they are guilty of railroading people into jail. They don't want to, or never will, admit these things. Leonard Peltier If one were to bring ten of the wisest men in the world together and ask them what was the most stupid thing in existence, they would not be able to discover anything so stupid as astrology. David Hilbert Dylan, myself and my father were in a two hour movie called The Sand Kings, which started off the Outer Limits series. It was sort of the two hour pilot movie. Beau Bridges If you become president, you're guaranteed to develop some nervous habit. Rich Little Each day is the scholar of yesterday. Publilius Syrus Looking after my health today gives me a better hope for tomorrow. Anne Wilson Schaef A proverb is good sense brought to a point. John Morley


Years ago nobody was elected on the economic ticket. It was either the education platform,

or it was health or it was other issues. It is only recently that economic values have superceded every other human value. Anita Roddick The physical fabric of the world had to be such as to enable that ten billion year preliminary evolution to produce the raw materials of life. Without it there would not have been the chemical materials to allow life to evolve here on earth. John Polkinghorne I respect the Hall of Fame, and if they think that I'm worthy enough, I would be very honored. And if they don't, I gave it all that I had to this game. Rafael Palmeiro I'm pleased the administration is endorsing the need for legislation dealing with the chemical sector. In the past, the administration's position has been ambiguous. Susan Collins When I was 12 years old, I was hanging out with 23-year-olds. I was into cartoons and Pokemon, and they're all talking about girls. It was a strange way to grow up. Shaun White I read everything. I've always got a b

If I can avoid looking at myself, I will. I don't care to examine myself

or see much of what I do. I never care how I look. Scott Bakula I was 17 when I released my first record. I didn't really figure out what I wanted to say, how to get a message and put it together. Sydney Wayser I've always liked simple. Growing up, I wore corduroys and Lacoste shirts, Maraolo flats, and maybe one gold bracelet. Aerin Lauder I started off with violin, then I started learning guitar, then I went to piano. But I self-taught piano just because I enjoyed it. I've always really enjoyed music. Jesse Spencer Stand up and pledge with me: A government of the United States is not on the auction block. And America is not for sale! Tom Selleck Religion is a very personal thing for me. Religion has its good moments and its poor moments. Elie Wiesel Sweet, delicious Dungeness crab is always a treat. Tom Douglas I'm feeling around for what happens in a post-'Peep Show' world. Robert Webb I'd refer to myself as a feminist. I don't

The higher mental development of woman, the less possible it is for her to meet

a congenial male who will see in her, not only sex, but also the human being, the friend, the comrade and strong individuality, who cannot and ought not lose a single trait of her character. Emma Goldman We had every kind of audience you could name. Young, old, not-so-old, some older than old, some younger than young: they were there, they were there! There was everything. John Hunter Music is something that always lifts my spirits and makes me happy, and when I make music I always hope it will have the same effect on whoever listens to it. Aaron Carter God is not disillusioned with us. He never had any illusions to begin with. Luis Palau Genre is a bookstore problem, not a literary problem. Rick Moody We are the recorders and reporters of facts - not the judges of the behaviors we describe. Alfred Kinsey Power has only one duty - to secure the social welfare of the People. Benjamin Disraeli

One of the worst things about being an actor, besides people being nice to you

and getting free stuff all the time - but really, one of the worst things is not knowing what's coming next. You could shoot a pilot, and they could have you on hold for six months waiting to find out what is going to happen with the show, and you're locked into it. Nick Kroll What, I sometimes wonder, would it be like if I lived in a country where winter is a matter of a few chilly days and a few weeks' rain; where the sun is never far away, and the flowers bloom all year long? Anna Neagle Of course there have been times I regretted being the kid in 'E.T.' My world went completely crazy. I was that stupid kind of famous, where you can't go anywhere. Henry Thomas A lot of the stuff I have done had been not only the likable guy, but like the nice likable guy. Ron Livingston It doesn't have to be a problem for children to be fat, but it does affect you: you aren't as happy in that skin. Harry Melling They always want me to play myself and th

I pondered all these things, and how men fight and lose the battle, and the

thing that they fought for comes about in spite of their defeat, and when it comes turns out not to be what they meant, and other men have to fight for what they meant under another name. William Morris So, fall asleep love, loved by me... for I know love, I am loved by thee. Robert Browning As you walk down the fairway of life you must smell the roses, for you only get to play one round. Ben Hogan And soon, too soon, we part with pain, To sail o'er silent seas again. Thomas Moore The first step, my son, which one makes in the world, is the one on which depends the rest of our days. Voltaire Soap and water and common sense are the best disinfectants. William Osler There are no insuperable constitutional difficulties. Lionel Murphy

I've become wary of interviews in which you're forced to go back over the reasons

why you made certain decisions. You tend to rationalize what you've done, to intellectually review a process that is often intuitive. Peter Weir With this first novel, I am just above the foothills, but I see the path to the top, and it is my desire to write compelling stories about everything that I find of interest. Guy Johnson Even though the vast majority of my work was outside television, the amount of creation and inventing that went into the TV shows was non stop and, unknown to me, a great strain. Paul Daniels Black women, whose experience is unique, are seldom recognized as a particular social-cultural entity and are seldom thought to be important enough for serious scholarly consideration. Barbara Smith I wouldn't say anything is impossible. I think that everything is possible as long as you put your mind to it and put the work and time into it. Michael Phelps Either you write songs or you don't. And if you do write songs like I do, I think there

When you're editor-in-chief of a big magazine, you cannot be a cover girl for MAC;

you cannot be the face of Givenchy - of course you can't; it's doesn't go with the job. Carine Roitfeld When I was 10, I was hit by a car, which turned my right tibia into a jigsaw puzzle. John Scalzi Black people have, like, this thing, and I have it, we all have it, we have this kind of embarrassment. Where we don't like white people to find out our little insecurities and out little quirks. We don't really like that that much. It's kind of, we're like, 'Don't let them know - that ours; that's for us.' Michael Che Where destruction is the motive, unity is dangerous. Ravi Zacharias My beloved dog defied treatment from the best and most expensive veterinarians, holistic practitioners, trainers, and animal communicators. He was simply beyond my ability to repair or control. Jon Katz When I got sober, that was 1990. Rob Lowe I basically apply with my teams the lean startup principles I used in the private sector - go into Sili

I was always under the impression that acting is an innate gift. One of the

first things I heard them say at Koothu-P-Pattarai was that actors should realise the art of acting through their training. Vijay Sethupathi I remember auditioning for 'Moulin Rouge!,' the part that Ewan McGregor played. I was so young: I was literally just out of college. Tobias Menzies When you have an opportunity to do a series, you want to stick it out. You don't know when you're going to get another one like that again. Cleavant Derricks I am a really great daughter. Millie Bobby Brown Let us fight until the end. Let me try at least that - fight. Pep Guardiola You can have an idea that everyone else thinks is dumb, and it's still a good idea. Ryan North When there is a ring on my finger, which is actually given to me, then I'll tell the world. Till then, no one can claim me. Priyanka Chopra You need not fear my extinction. Fear my proliferation! I've already reproduced! Lydia Millet We are at a point in our nation's history w

My uncle inspired me, and it was because of him that I become a wrestler,

but besides him, the one Superstar that really caught my attention growing up as a kid was 'Macho Man' Randy Savage.Rey Mysterio It's clear that Planned Parenthood went out of its way to paint me as some sort of a zealot - a Trojan-horse zealot who came into Komen and within 10 to 11 months had completely turned the place upside down. That's clearly not who I am, and it's not what happened.Karen Handel Once you become president, you don't even have to stop for red lights. And if it looks like traffic's too bad, you just take a helicopter.H. W. Brands From Julia Child to 'The Galloping Gourmet' and the Food Channel and Cooking Channel, our fascination with the spectacle of cooking has been a mainstay of TV entertainment.Chuck Norris I want to love. I want to enjoy life.David Cassidy The mistake we made in the 1990s was overestimating the potential of NAFTA's positive impact.William M. Daley I was set to confront the might of the

I think you have to take each movie for its own value. There will be

those you'll roll your eyes over and others you can't wait to see. It all has to do with the intention. If someone's intention is just to make money and exploit something for profit, then it's not good. If it's thoughtfully done, the proof's in the pudding.Carrie-Anne Moss I basically applied to law school as a way of telling my parents that I wasn't going to medical school.John Delaney At a certain point, if you still have your marbles and are not faced with serious financial challenges, you have a chance to put your house in order. It's a cliche, but it's underestimated as an analgesic on all levels. Putting your house in order, if you can do it, is one of the most comforting activities, and the benefits of it are incalculable.Leonard Cohen I simply love coming to Chennai. My wife always complains, saying, 'You literally run at the mention of Chennai - I wonder what it is about that place!' I love how everyone is active here 24/7.