when I have to get stuff done! I've been a zombie.
GloZellI've got a love affair with Harley-Davidson. One of my earliest photos with my dad is of him holding me as a baby on his bike.
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
If we hand over a planet with an uncertain future, history will not forgive us.
Miroslav Lajcak
You cannot force a country to do something that is against its own interests or against the democratic process.
Marine Le Pen
My characters are always unlucky in love. It's annoying, but perhaps there is something in me that is suited to characters that have a darkness. Maybe it's why I play such damaged people when I'm not particularly damaged myself, I would say.
Vanessa Kirby
I think people who really want to do something do it. No matter what. And they won't quit until they do it.
Gary Rossington
There's this ridiculous idea that I'm a gender traitor because I'm not a feminist. I'm supposed to be part of a sisterhood: you're automatically supposed to support all women just because you have the same genitals as them, which doesn't make sense.
Lauren Southern
If we're having a tough day, we'll bring the babies on, and suddenly, these crew guys who have, like, tattoos all over their necks are cooing and fawning.
Jessica St. Clair
I played a lot of football, and I was a goalkeeper, but I didn't really like playing in goal.
Katarina Johnson-Thompson
Technical co-founders are great at envisioning where the company's going from a strategic standpoint. They have what I call the 'gut-feel' of building out their business.
Peter Levine