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You have to have the same power to lead the life you want as a

man does, and that means earning the same amount of money. We still have a battle on our hands with that.Diana Rigg

Each gig is brilliant and fun. When it becomes a routine, we'll take a break. There's no point in doing it if you don't enjoy it.Dolores O'Riordan

To be honest, I used to always procrastinate when I write. I mean, I love writing, but I hate it.David Grann

I've been a war reporter and a human rights defender. A professor and a columnist. A diplomat and - by far most thrillingly - a mother. And what I've learned from all these experiences is that any change worth making is going to be hard. Period.Samantha Power

Elizabeth Warren has very good proposals regarding Wall Street, but she really has not been leading the charge for single-payer health care... and is pretty much a war hawk in alignment with Hillary Clinton.Jill Stein

The reason that ISIL was so successful, yes, it had to do with their capabilities and prowess on the battlefield, but they were dealing with a receptive constituency in northern Iraq because of the intense hatred of the Maliki government, which of course is imposing the Shia view on them.James Clapper

I'm not afraid to blame myself for any of my own faults or just to analyze things in a different way, but I don't overanalyze, either.Christina Milian

Cynicism, to me, is trying to make people as unhappy as you are.Ricky Gervais

I'll be my own man and work closely with a Tory Government if it is in London's interest.Sadiq Khan

Being passed up by teams because of my size made me hungry. I've seen a lot of first-round guys who come in and never really do nothing because they may not appreciate the opportunity because everything has been given to them. I think guys who come from the bottom understand how hard it is, so they appreciate the opportunities more.Antonio Brown


That's what I think our jobs as parents are, to educate as much as possible...

I tell them to follow their bliss. The people who follow their bliss in this world tend to be the more happier people. Art Alexakis The only time I waste is time I spend doing something that, in my gut, I know I shouldn't. If I choose to spend time playing video games or sleeping in, then it's time well spent, because I chose to do it. I did it for a reason - to relax, to decompress or to feel good, and that was what I wanted to do. Simon Sinek Meat workers may have been looked down upon socially, but at least they were well-paid and were a fit and lively bunch as a result of hard, honest physical work. Michael Leunig I decided that I wanted a farm back in 1940 when I was with the Dodgers. I tried to find one within commuting distance of New York. Larry MacPhail Oh God, are you supposed to collect things? I don't collect things. I like throwing things away. Caitlin Moran My first phone was two tin cans tied together with string, and it worked pretty good. Do

It had to happen to me sometime: sooner or later, I would have to lose

sight of the cutting edge. That moment every technical person fears - the fall into knowledge exhaustion, obsolescence, techno-fuddy-duddyism - there was no reason to think I could escape it forever. Ellen Ullman Innovation and its allure can be dangerous. It can draw you away from the user, from the intended outcome, and may be the ultimate demise of otherwise great intentions. Mark Brand My voice is different, but I don't think I'm the only one with a different take on pop music. Charli XCX In South Africa, we drive on the left-hand side, and most of the cars are standard, so I learned with a full-gear transmission with a clutch and hill starts. I've never driven an automatic until I came to Canada. Jodi Balfour Mexico has 44 treaties with other countries that make it very advantageous to do international shipping from Mexico rather than from the United States. Wilbur Ross Winning HOYS set me up for the future and prepared me for riding in front of lots of

Given Pounds and five years, and an ordinary man can in the ordinary course, without

any undue haste or putting any pressure upon his taste, surround himself with books, all in his own language, and thence forward have at least one place in the world. Augustine Birrell Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud, and that the major cancer research organizations are derelict in their duties to the people who support them. Linus Pauling A Bush Administration will, I believe, enjoy a better relationship with the new Congress, although President-elect Bush will be faced with real challenges in getting along with the Congress. Richard V. Allen I once thought that I was the only man that persevered to be the friend of the white man, but since they have come and cleaned out our lodges, horses, and everything else, it is hard for to believe the white man any more. Black Kettle When you finish a poem, it clicks shut like the top of a jewel box, but prose is endless. I haven't experienced an awful lot of clicking shut! Kenneth Koch I thin

As a Midlander and a big walker, I'd always loved ridge and furrow

fields, the plough-marked land as it was when it was enclosed. It is the landscape giving you a story of lives that ended with the arrival of sheep. Jim Crace I think it's really rare to see women on television who are brilliant, selfish, vain, fallible - and I feel like I have all those capacities in myself, so it's good to see people in the media representing all of those things. Kerry Bishe I never went after fame. It fell into my lap. Caitlyn Jenner My mom and dad were actors when they were younger and had a horrible experience of it. My dad became a literary agent and my mom a casting director. Daniel Radcliffe I have this idea of trying to catalog all the genes on the planet. Craig Venter The wind from the Kingdom of Heaven has blown all over the world, and shall blow for centuries yet. George William Russell I always said if I played a drag queen, I'd want to create a template with the realness they talk about in 'Paris Is Burning.' Billy P

When I was 17, I worked in a mentoring program in Harlem designed to improve

the community. That's when I first gained an appreciation of the Harlem Renaissance, a time when African-Americans rose to prominence in American culture. For the first time, they were taken seriously as artists, musicians, writers, athletes, and as political thinkers. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar I only make movies that are interesting to me. Brian Grazer I wouldn't say I was organised at all. I just have to prioritise. Is it more important for them to be organised, or to have their dinner, do you know what I mean? Jo Brand The courage in journalism is sticking up for the unpopular, not the popular. Geraldo Rivera A happy life must be to a great extent a quiet life, for it is only in an atmosphere of quiet that true joy dare live. Bertrand Russell I think Mick Jagger would be astounded and amazed if he realized that to many people he is not a sex symbol, but a mother image. David Bowie I enjoy my job as long as I can create a character, otherwise it's boring. Jav

Integrating breakthrough technology into everyday products is always a challenge; at the same time, this

is exactly how design makes tech products easily adoptable in life. Yves Behar I enjoy music that is commercial. I think that in order for music to be heard in a lot of different situations, you have to always consider that. Commercial music, for the most part, is popular music, and you always have to keep that in mind. It's not so much financial as making sure it gets the shot and is heard on the radio. Babyface There used to be a tradition within the Hispanic community that, regardless of your political party, you would support undocumented immigrants. That ended with Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. Jorge Ramos The armed citizen made America free, and the armed citizen will keep America free! David A. Clarke, Jr. History never repeats itself in the same way. Ehud Barak I like Jay Z, Journey, and Kings of Leon. Alex Rodriguez I grew up in a small town where we played around on motorcycles and things, but it really started when I got old enough. I think I was obsessed w

The past is still visible. The buildings haven't changed, the layout of the streets hasn't

changed. So memory is very available to me as I walk around. Jonathan Lethem I cannot consent that my mortal body shall be laid in a repository prepared for an Emperor or a King my republican feelings and principles forbid it the simplicity of our system of government forbids it. Andrew Jackson Anyone who loses a parent, you have to find those parts of yourself that your parent held true in themselves, especially if they're supportive parents. Anthony Rapp When you borrow money, you should always think how you're going to pay it back. Dmitry Medvedev I'm the world's expert on sterotypes held by academics about athletes and held by athletes about academics. To me, both of them are caricatures. A. Bartlett Giamatti A society in which there are high levels of voluntary activity will simply be a better, happier place than one where there are not. Jonathan Sacks In my life and career I want to embrace ageing because I think that's what's interesting

I came away from the forums with a profound concern about the highly addictive and

destructive nature of methamphetamine. Families are torn apart, lives are destroyed and treatment is difficult to get. Greg Walden But with the slow menace of a glacier, depression came on. No one had any measure of its progress; no one had any plan for stopping it. Everyone tried to get out of its way. Frances Perkins When I was a young player, I would look at players and think, he does this well, and try and pick up good points from them, or he conducts himself well, I'll pick up on that. Richard Gough You do not notice changes in what is always before you. Sidonie Gabrielle Colette The whale is endangered, while the ant continues to do just fine. Bill Vaughan

The first three years, I don't think I would leave my hotel room outside of

tennis, because I was like, 'I got to rest, I got to rest.' It was like sort of a paranoia to do everything as best as I can. Milos Raonic I can read in any book and newspaper about the city of Detroit, but I want to hear what the people in Detroit have to say about Detroit. My best education is actually talking to people. Erin Cummings I believe we move in soul groups; we meet the same people over different lifetimes; we have to finish the unfinished business with those people. And when we do, they walk away from our lives. Shilpa Shetty Some women can't stand being pregnant, getting big and bloated, and hauling around a giant stomach, and some women, for reasons probably understood by Darwin, love it. Rich Cohen I remember being a teenager and seeing Seymour Cassel across a crowded room and being incredibly star struck, and not having the courage to say, 'Hello.' Ira Sachs I'm the little half-black, half-Jewish girl who was odd and awkward. I tr

Songs like the Buck Owens tune, for example, are very simple and straightforward, and recording

it really gave me a chance to get into and get a sense of Buck's personality, a feel for that whole Bakersfield sound. Juice Newton There is one kind of robber whom the law does not strike at, and who steals what is most precious to men: time. Napoleon Bonaparte He is great enough that is his own master. Joseph Hall The universal narrator knows all and can enter a character's head any time he chooses. Arthur Herzog In the case of Marilyn and John Kennedy, I think they did affect change. Sally Kirkland