and everything. People are my jam.Cara Delevingne
We're in Kentucky, dude. How many variations of Bevin are there? Many. Bevins, Blevins, Belvin, Belvins, I'm sure. Or Bevin even with an -eavin or... Bivin or Bivins. And we're probably all cousins if you go back far enough.Matt Bevin
Sports teaches you to understand the meaning of a team. You need to be able to work with everybody; you don't have to be their best friend. You can experience the fun of competition and driving toward a common goal without pushing to bond in some major way with each individual on a project.Kathleen Kennedy
Inside all the computers of any large corporation is every decision that gets made. But people spend a huge amount of time trying to find the correct piece of information.Stewart Butterfield
We must bring the issue of mental illness out into the sunlight, out of the shadow, out of the closet, deal with it, treat people, have centers where people can get the necessary help.John Lewis
In cycling, you just race. When you get to the finish, you see the result.Pauline Ferrand-Prevot
There's a certain freedom that comes when people don't expect you to be sexy.Mary Steenburgen
God has given each one of us a gift greater than a thousand I.B.M. machines. It is called a memory, and everything that passes through our five senses is stored in this faculty.Mother Angelica
I'm not much of a procedural person. That's not what I'm interested in.Gillian Flynn
It used to be that I was known as 'the longest-serving independent in the history of the United States Congress,' which is true. Now I'm a 'self-professed democratic socialist.' Things change when you run for president.Bernie Sanders
We're in Kentucky, dude. How many variations of Bevin are there? Many. Bevins, Blevins, Belvin, Belvins, I'm sure. Or Bevin even with an -eavin or... Bivin or Bivins. And we're probably all cousins if you go back far enough.Matt Bevin
Sports teaches you to understand the meaning of a team. You need to be able to work with everybody; you don't have to be their best friend. You can experience the fun of competition and driving toward a common goal without pushing to bond in some major way with each individual on a project.Kathleen Kennedy
Inside all the computers of any large corporation is every decision that gets made. But people spend a huge amount of time trying to find the correct piece of information.Stewart Butterfield
We must bring the issue of mental illness out into the sunlight, out of the shadow, out of the closet, deal with it, treat people, have centers where people can get the necessary help.John Lewis
In cycling, you just race. When you get to the finish, you see the result.Pauline Ferrand-Prevot
There's a certain freedom that comes when people don't expect you to be sexy.Mary Steenburgen
God has given each one of us a gift greater than a thousand I.B.M. machines. It is called a memory, and everything that passes through our five senses is stored in this faculty.Mother Angelica
I'm not much of a procedural person. That's not what I'm interested in.Gillian Flynn
It used to be that I was known as 'the longest-serving independent in the history of the United States Congress,' which is true. Now I'm a 'self-professed democratic socialist.' Things change when you run for president.Bernie Sanders