to anywhere, Frankston or Cranbourne or Craigieburn late at night, you should be able to do it with safety, and, increasingly, you are.
Denis Napthine
Stories develop from things I read and also from my own experiences and experiences of people I know.
William Sleator
I didn't read poetry seriously until college, when I really began to devour it in a very intense way. I also discovered that a poet is a maker. Before that, I thought a poet was someone who wrote about his own experiences.
Edward Hirsch
I worked in this bar called the Raincheck Room in the '60s; it used to be over on Santa Monica Boulevard, and, y'know, it was a pretty hip place. Lots of actors hung out there.
Alex Rocco
Who I am on stage is just an amped up version of who I am in real life.
Russell Peters
There is a kind of misconception that Asian-Americans are not as American as European-Americans.
B. D. Wong
Divorce is brutal and horrible and... you have to actively work to get your life back on track.
Jane Kaczmarek
You would have thought that our first priority would be to ask what the ecologists are finding out, because we have to live within the conditions and principles they define. Instead, we've elevated the economy above ecology.
David Suzuki
Novelists are in the business of constructing consciousness out of words, and that's what we all do, cradle to grave. The self is a story we tell.
James Gleick
When people are self-entitled for no reason, just with anything, that bothers me. It's like waiting for someone to cross the road, and they walk slower because they know you're waiting. I like all the credit due in the places that it's supposed to be due.
Holly Holm
The way I pick who gets caked is generally by who shows me the most energy and is screaming for it. I still can't help but ask myself... should I stop caking people? Will that stop the haters from hating? Stop giving the trolls more content to target me with?
Steve Aoki
Denis Napthine
Stories develop from things I read and also from my own experiences and experiences of people I know.
William Sleator
I didn't read poetry seriously until college, when I really began to devour it in a very intense way. I also discovered that a poet is a maker. Before that, I thought a poet was someone who wrote about his own experiences.
Edward Hirsch
I worked in this bar called the Raincheck Room in the '60s; it used to be over on Santa Monica Boulevard, and, y'know, it was a pretty hip place. Lots of actors hung out there.
Alex Rocco
Who I am on stage is just an amped up version of who I am in real life.
Russell Peters
There is a kind of misconception that Asian-Americans are not as American as European-Americans.
B. D. Wong
Divorce is brutal and horrible and... you have to actively work to get your life back on track.
Jane Kaczmarek
You would have thought that our first priority would be to ask what the ecologists are finding out, because we have to live within the conditions and principles they define. Instead, we've elevated the economy above ecology.
David Suzuki
Novelists are in the business of constructing consciousness out of words, and that's what we all do, cradle to grave. The self is a story we tell.
James Gleick
When people are self-entitled for no reason, just with anything, that bothers me. It's like waiting for someone to cross the road, and they walk slower because they know you're waiting. I like all the credit due in the places that it's supposed to be due.
Holly Holm
The way I pick who gets caked is generally by who shows me the most energy and is screaming for it. I still can't help but ask myself... should I stop caking people? Will that stop the haters from hating? Stop giving the trolls more content to target me with?
Steve Aoki