going to be able to pay back toward a student loan responsibly if you're doing it yourself after you have a job? That dictates the amount of money you can borrow. That dictates the school you can go to, if you can even go to a four-year college at all.
Suze Orman
Shakespeare is where I live. I adore him.
Kate O'Mara
I don't like crowds or attention.
Gina Bellman
I used to think that, by the 21st century, cars would run on electricity rather than gasoline and would have guidance systems so that they actually drove themselves. Specially equipped roadways would transmit instructions to the cars, telling them where to go and how fast. I figured this would be in the lines painted on the roads.
Pat Cadigan
In war, it feels like everything you're doing is more important because you're in the proximity of violence and death, and that proximity changes your relationship to America because it changes the way you see the world.
Phil Klay
As you get older, the defeats become more painful. They definitely hurt more.
Brian O'Driscoll
All I want to do is get back to a principle-based Congress.
Dan Webster
The male corporate model is built on a man's greater willingness to be a slave of sorts - especially once he has to provide for children.
Warren Farrell
I see my daft surname as a positive thing. It first dawned on me that I had a comical name when someone called me 'Fishface' on my first day at school. I've heard all the fish jokes since then, many times over.
Laura Haddock
It is always nice to get to finals, but never nice to lose in them.
Alan Smith
I've always had a really active imagination. Lots of kids have imaginary friends. Mine just took on a rather demonic form.
Claire Danes
Suze Orman
Shakespeare is where I live. I adore him.
Kate O'Mara
I don't like crowds or attention.
Gina Bellman
I used to think that, by the 21st century, cars would run on electricity rather than gasoline and would have guidance systems so that they actually drove themselves. Specially equipped roadways would transmit instructions to the cars, telling them where to go and how fast. I figured this would be in the lines painted on the roads.
Pat Cadigan
In war, it feels like everything you're doing is more important because you're in the proximity of violence and death, and that proximity changes your relationship to America because it changes the way you see the world.
Phil Klay
As you get older, the defeats become more painful. They definitely hurt more.
Brian O'Driscoll
All I want to do is get back to a principle-based Congress.
Dan Webster
The male corporate model is built on a man's greater willingness to be a slave of sorts - especially once he has to provide for children.
Warren Farrell
I see my daft surname as a positive thing. It first dawned on me that I had a comical name when someone called me 'Fishface' on my first day at school. I've heard all the fish jokes since then, many times over.
Laura Haddock
It is always nice to get to finals, but never nice to lose in them.
Alan Smith
I've always had a really active imagination. Lots of kids have imaginary friends. Mine just took on a rather demonic form.
Claire Danes