The overall experience Skype provided was superior to other folks because of the underlying architecture
and the ability to provide a superior experience.
Danny Rimer
Most people who are writers go through periods when they can't write.
Joyce Carol Oates
Bad debt is debt that makes you poorer. I count the mortgage on my home as bad debt, because I'm the one paying on it. Other forms of bad debt are car payments, credit card balances, or other consumer loans.
Robert Kiyosaki
My writing was liberated once I abandoned acting.
David Rabe
To me, Green Arrow in the past, what people loved about Oliver Queen pre-New 52 was his relationships with other heroes. Like his friendship with Green Lantern, his animosity with Hawkman, his romance with Black Canary - these are all the things that sort of defined him.
Jeff Lemire
I just hope that people realize that our Savior is something that can bring peace.
Shay Carl
If I could spit out a litter of kids, I would.
Blake Lively
We're always, by the way, in fundamental physics, always trying to investigate those things in which we don't understand the conclusions. After we've checked them enough, we're okay.
Richard P. Feynman
I don't mind being older. I'm proud of my age. I've achieved a lot. It's the same thing with Mick and the Stones. They should be revered and respected. Isn't it strange that now we're living longer we have so much less respect for old age? Perhaps it's a less valuable commodity?
Jerry Hall
I have a tremendous battle with melancholy and depression.
Sebastian Faulks
There is no set numerical value you can put on a pitcher. They're all different.
Tom Seaver
Danny Rimer
Most people who are writers go through periods when they can't write.
Joyce Carol Oates
Bad debt is debt that makes you poorer. I count the mortgage on my home as bad debt, because I'm the one paying on it. Other forms of bad debt are car payments, credit card balances, or other consumer loans.
Robert Kiyosaki
My writing was liberated once I abandoned acting.
David Rabe
To me, Green Arrow in the past, what people loved about Oliver Queen pre-New 52 was his relationships with other heroes. Like his friendship with Green Lantern, his animosity with Hawkman, his romance with Black Canary - these are all the things that sort of defined him.
Jeff Lemire
I just hope that people realize that our Savior is something that can bring peace.
Shay Carl
If I could spit out a litter of kids, I would.
Blake Lively
We're always, by the way, in fundamental physics, always trying to investigate those things in which we don't understand the conclusions. After we've checked them enough, we're okay.
Richard P. Feynman
I don't mind being older. I'm proud of my age. I've achieved a lot. It's the same thing with Mick and the Stones. They should be revered and respected. Isn't it strange that now we're living longer we have so much less respect for old age? Perhaps it's a less valuable commodity?
Jerry Hall
I have a tremendous battle with melancholy and depression.
Sebastian Faulks
There is no set numerical value you can put on a pitcher. They're all different.
Tom Seaver