successful travellers was of the lowest orders of mechanics and artisans, among whom great distress and a dangerous spirit of discontent with the government at that time prevailed.
Fanny Kemble
Critics are entitled to have an opinion, but how can they judge how comfortable a building is? No critic is smart enough to judge how a building will perform over time.
Helmut Jahn
I think careful cooking is love, don't you? The loveliest thing you can cook for someone who's close to you is about as nice a valentine as you can give.
Julia Child
Freedom is secured every day by our men and women in uniform. We must build a future worthy of their sacrifice.
Nancy Pelosi
We must believe in the power of education. We must respect just laws. We must love ourselves, our old and or young, our women as well as our men.
Arthur Ashe
Theories of evolution must provide for the creative acts which brought such theories into existence.
Michael Polanyi
The party is a true art form in Sydney and people practise it a great deal. You can really get quite lost in it.
Baz Luhrmann
I'm blessed to be able to work at something that I'm good at, and that I love. It's not something I take for granted.
Emmylou Harris
For the most part, I don't care about what everyone else is doing, or what is popular.
Namie Amuro
Well, I love Pink Floyd, so I wouldn't be offended by it. I only intentionally robbed them three or four times.
Josh Silver
Fanny Kemble
Critics are entitled to have an opinion, but how can they judge how comfortable a building is? No critic is smart enough to judge how a building will perform over time.
Helmut Jahn
I think careful cooking is love, don't you? The loveliest thing you can cook for someone who's close to you is about as nice a valentine as you can give.
Julia Child
Freedom is secured every day by our men and women in uniform. We must build a future worthy of their sacrifice.
Nancy Pelosi
We must believe in the power of education. We must respect just laws. We must love ourselves, our old and or young, our women as well as our men.
Arthur Ashe
Theories of evolution must provide for the creative acts which brought such theories into existence.
Michael Polanyi
The party is a true art form in Sydney and people practise it a great deal. You can really get quite lost in it.
Baz Luhrmann
I'm blessed to be able to work at something that I'm good at, and that I love. It's not something I take for granted.
Emmylou Harris
For the most part, I don't care about what everyone else is doing, or what is popular.
Namie Amuro
Well, I love Pink Floyd, so I wouldn't be offended by it. I only intentionally robbed them three or four times.
Josh Silver