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Showing posts from August 25, 2018

As I started to pursue the subject more deeply I realized that walking was this

wonderful meandering path through everything I was already interested in - gender politics, public space and urban life, demonstrations and parades and marches. The relationship between walking and thinking and between the mind and the body. Rebecca Solnit It's still an escape for me, painting, so it also takes me elsewhere. I don't think I would do it otherwise. Peter Doig The key factor is whether the agent is a member of the Association of Authors' Representatives, which screens its members and requires them to uphold a Canon of Ethics. Richard Curtis And I think you understand a little bit more why she falls for him. In a way, watching the French do anything is a little more fun because their gestures are different. And in that way, they make everything interesting. Adrian Lyne A tax cut to compensate for a tax increase is not a cut - it's a con. Tony Abbott I can wear a sexy dress to any red carpet event. My wedding is my chance to go all the way and

Creating emotion was what my career was all about. I wanted people to laugh at

me; I wanted people to cry with me. I wanted people to feel good or to think about something when they watched me. I think that's why, even not being an Olympic champion, I have such a huge following around the world. Johnny Weir I love to listen to Howard Stern with the guy who drives me. Mark Feuerstein I view my role now as providing more of a macro-level skepticism, rather than saying this poll is good or this poll is evil. Nate Silver I mean, just because you're a musician doesn't mean all your ideas are about music. So every once in a while I get an idea about plumbing, I get an idea about city government, and they come the way they come. Jerry Garcia I knew boxing before I knew anything else. Floyd Mayweather, Jr. Bush is giving the rich a tax cut instead of putting that cut in the pockets of working people. Carol Moseley Braun Politics is never a victory, it's just the remorseless grinding forward of events. Robert Harris I'm a big salsa

I was elected by the people of Australia as Prime Minister of Australia. I was

elected to do a job, I intend to continue doing that job. I intend to continue doing it to the absolute best of my ability. Part of that job has been to steer this country through the worst economic crisis the world has seen in 75 years. Kevin Rudd Finally, I was no longer a student and was making music for myself. Kenny G Some things are only capable of being done in space. Examples of that are looking at our Earth from that far away, and understanding the entire processes of storms and weather patterns, and oceans, and coastlines. Laurel Clark The people who ask me for my autograph are the people who've put me here today, and you can't afford to forget that. Katie Price I'm absolutely, l00 percent, not guilty. O. J. Simpson You know you poor when you eatin' breakfast food late. You fryin' toast? At nine o'clock at night? With bacon? You're broke. Bernie Mac CRATEL is a center with a two-fold mission - to explore technology as an expressiv

It used to be that if your automobile broke, the teenager down the street with

the wrench could fix it. Now you have to have sophisticated equipment that can deal with microchips. We're entering a world in which the complexity of the devices and the system of interconnecting devices is beyond our capability to easily understand. Howard Rheingold Quoting, like smoking, is a dirty habit to which I am devoted. Carolyn Gold Heilbrun If you have fun, fine. It's not all life and death. Bill Parcells An important consequence of freeing oneself from the fear of death is a radical opening to spirituality of a universal and non-denominational type. Stanislav Grof When children are small, parents should run their lives and not the other way around. Anna Quindlen The point here is that physics followed the data where it seemed to lead, even though some thought the model gave aid and comfort to religion. Michael Behe The idea that we can make all things safe for all behaviors is in itself a dangerous and slippery slope. Gever Tulley I don't ge

I am in a fabulously lucky position in that I get to wear beautiful, beautiful

gowns for functions, which I can then give back. That way, they're not sitting in my wardrobe with me looking at them and feeling guilty. I love that, and I think when people have a fabulous function to go to, I'd recommend renting. Helen Mirren I've always known and been interested in people who are a little bit off the norm. I like to call attention to the idea that they are there, that they are real people, not invisible. Charles de Lint Common wisdom dictates that the vice president should provide balance to the ticket by representing a different part of the country, another set of experiences, or a basketful of electoral votes. Madeleine M. Kunin The things that make me happiest in the whole world are going on the occasional picnic, either with my children or with my partner; big family gatherings; and being able to go to the grocery store - if I can get those things in, I'm doing good. Kate Winslet I just don't want people to think I'm too swee

More and more these days what I find myself doing in my stories is making

a representation of goodness and a representation of evil and then having those two run at each other full-speed, like a couple of PeeWee football players, to see what happens. Who stays standing? Whose helmet goes flying off? George Saunders This notion that it is up to each person to innovate in some way flies in the face of the industrial age, but you know what, the industrial age is over. Seth Godin In the end, they pardoned me and packed me off to a home for the shell-shocked. Shortly before the end of the war, I was discharged a second time, once again with the observation that I was subject to recall at any time. George Grosz A man has to have sensibility, wit, mystery, tolerance, and strength... Romance also helps. Carolina Herrera I was a high school throw-out. Alan King The Congressional Budget Office has been embarrassed repeatedly by making projections based on the assumption that tax revenues and tax rates move in the same direction. Thomas Sowell I could

I'm pretty upfront about my love and admiration for the military. One of the perks

of making movies is that you get to sort of follow your own passions, and I believe quite passionately that we don't pay enough attention and respect to our veterans. Not just our wounded veterans, but all veterans. Peter Berg When you become active in the system and communicate to your representatives, and they don't vote in accordance with your values, your responsibility is to support candidates who will. Joan Blades I've spent a lot of words on my own mortality. Elizabeth Edwards Comedians who are 22 years old can certainly be funny and clever, and be capable of telling jokes - but are they talking about their favorite TV shows, or a particular brand of shampoo? Rob Delaney As a general thing, when a woman wears the pants in a family, she has a good right to them. Josh Billings Coming from a smaller place always made things feel more personal, which is really what it's all about. Dan Auerbach With Aerobic Strip Tease, you can do it at home - it mak

When I was a teenager, my father went bust. He could have declared himself bankrupt,

but he was an honourable man and he insisted on paying back all his debts. That almost ruined the family. I was aware that my mother and father couldn't control things anymore. I guess I was afraid that we would end up on the street. Jo Nesbo Disney had such a hold on the mind of America-they were Adolf Hitler. The whole country thought Disney was some sort of god and that animation was some sort of pure thing for children. Ralph Bakshi I'm a modern girl, but you should put your husband first. I like to think divorce is not an option. Khloe Kardashian Nathaniel Philbrick's 'In the Heart of the Sea' has rightfully taken its place as a classic for its literary merits. It has a special place in the cannibalism canon as well. Mitchell Zuckoff The goal of scientists is you hope that the thing you're working on is bigger than the thing you're pipetting into that tube at that moment. Bonnie Bassler I work out like a maniac and I spray tan a lot. Gene

'Up in the Air' may be a glossy production sprinkled with laughter and sex, but

it captures the distinctive topography of our Great Recession as vividly as a far more dour Hollywood product of 70 years ago, 'The Grapes of Wrath,' did the vastly different landscape of the Great Depression. Frank Rich I suppose and I hope that the young guys who are out there losing their lives at least feel the same way I did. I shouldn't think about this very much because I'm almost weeping when I think about it. Lawrence Halprin If someone is not tech savvy, I have no time for them. I've always been a big believer in looking forward. James Woods I like to create imaginary characters and events around a real historical situation. I want readers to feel: OK, this probably didn't happen, but it might have. Ken Follett My best moment of 2011 would definitely be the birth of my daughter six weeks ago, on September 25. Dylan Walsh I went to school for about 2 years on a technical course, and I learned a lot. I learned about air mixture ratios and

One of the things about being raised British in Africa is that you get this

double whammy of toughness. The continent in place itself made you quite tough. And then you've got this British mother whose entire being rejects 'coddling' in case it makes you too soft. So there's absolutely nothing standing between you and a fairly rough experience. Alexandra Fuller I try to get roles that challenge me in what I can do and who I think I can portray. For me, it's about creating characters with really fascinating stories, because that's what I like to watch on TV. Tatiana Maslany I not only wanted to showcase lyrical skills but also continue to drop knowledge on the hiphop community. I'm looking to elevate through my music, and through my music I educate. Talib Kweli My first album was completed in three months. Adam Lambert Being a writer is an endless study in human transition and lessons learned or forgotten or misapplied. Sloane Crosley Mostly I do Iyengar. I like anything that's hard enough to make me cry in class.

Darwin's theory of evolution is a framework by which we understand the diversity of life

on Earth. But there is no equation sitting there in Darwin's 'Origin of Species' that you apply and say, 'What is this species going to look like in 100 years or 1,000 years?' Biology isn't there yet with that kind of predictive precision. Neil deGrasse Tyson I think my heart is quite selfish. If I followed my heart, I would not be a good person. But I have moral principles. I have to sit down and reflect. Jo Nesbo Sometimes you can forget about who you are in a relationship. But you can also be inspired by the person you are with to become something you always knew you wanted to become. Mia Maestro I wouldn't be surprised if some day, they put the Simpsons in the Smithsonian. It's become part of our culture, those characters. Joe Mantegna Most of leaders in Philippine politics come from rich family. Manny Pacquiao Much of what I make is geometric, and has a kind of almost mathematical logic to the form. Anish Kapoor I don't get thi

There is no greater country on Earth for entrepreneurship than America. In every category, from

the high-tech world of Silicon Valley, where I live, to University R&D labs, to countless Main Street small business owners, Americans are taking risks, embracing new ideas and - most importantly - creating jobs. Eric Ries I wanted to be one of the voices in the box. Bob Edwards Britain is not in the single currency, and we're not going to be. But we all need the eurozone to have the right governance and structures to secure a successful currency for the long term. David Cameron Fame is a silly business. People who chase it are almost always going to be disappointed. Tom Conti The basic rule of storytelling is 'show, don't tell.' Julianna Baggott I could never have pictured myself writing a book when I was 25 years old. My mom was an English teacher but I wasn't that way growing up. Tony Dungy My favourite authors include Trollope and Dickens. Kevin McCloud Yes, I want children and I can't wait to have that closeness with someone - to br

As part of our layered approach, we have expedited the deployment of new Advanced Imaging

Technology (AIT) units to help detect concealed metallic and non-metallic threats on passengers. These machines are now in use at airports nationwide, and the vast majority of travelers say they prefer this technology to alternative screening measures. Janet Napolitano If someone were to ask me before I made the NBA, you going to have to go through all this, you're going to have to sign your soul away to play in the league, I still would have done it. Chris Webber I joined the after-school club, School of Comedy, which progressed wildly, and in quite a Hollywood way. It sounds like 'School of Rock', right up to trying to raise money to pay for a venue in Edinburgh. Will Poulter Every episode of 'True Blood' is like shooting a low budget feature. Christopher Heyerdahl If at any moment of the day I ever think I'm remotely cool at all, which is hardly ever, I have two daughters who make sure that never happens. Pat Benatar New Yorkers are stuck in a

I've mis-signed many a book Rollins or Clemens. My readers quickly become aware. Booksellers will

often promote me under both names, and I do plug both at signings. Generally, the fantasy reader has no problem going into the suspense genre. It's harder for the typical suspense reader to go the other direction. James Rollins When somebody says something bad about you, they feel bad about themselves in some way. Tila Tequila At the Emmys, you've got a bunch of people who are used to being on TV on TV. You don't have that at the Oscars. At the Oscars, you have people who are used to having 40 takes. Jimmy Kimmel When you're a self-made man, you start very early in life. In my case it was at 9 years old when I started bringing income into the family. You get a drive that's a little different, maybe a little stronger, than somebody who inherited. Kirk Kerkorian I thought I was going to be a bum the rest of my life. Jean-Michel Basquiat I've got more creative control when I do music. Method Man I think we have always had a fascination for gangs a

We've got very large freshman class, it's historic in its size, so there's people that

are extremely diverse in their backgrounds and their viewpoints. I think that we're going to see a conservative group of people coming together, focused on some real ideals that are going to be extremely important. Kristi Noem I respect someone's right to privacy and I want them to know it. Terry Gross I think a lot of people relate to some of my characters' inner struggles. Edward Norton When you are thrown onto the stage at 17 in such an enormous way, it becomes living on the edge because every step you take, every word you speak, every action you do becomes headline news. And it became, for me, life or death. Boris Becker Our culture, language, history, and values are vital to uniting us as a nation. Bobby Jindal I had to think whether, after 50 years of hard slog, I was still lucid and fresh enough for the job. Jacques Delors The way I see it, when I go out as an actor, it should be on a type of film I'm never going to do as a director. Edward Bur

I've been through a lot, both personally and professionally, and the album that I started

to record two and a half years ago is a different album from the one that exists today. I even changed the album title. First it was 'All I Want is Everything,' and now it's 'Jumping Trains.' JoJo I never wore glasses except when I had to read a teleprompter at an awards show or drive, so I didn't notice much. I could exist in my head. It was kind of my escape from the world and my protection. Nicole Kidman I'm very happy. I was little scared because it's such a big bite. Jessi Colter The running across the field thing, that was the first scene we shot in the movie. We asked the audience to stay for the scene, and 37,000 people stayed. Jimmy Fallon When anyone has the power to destroy the whole human race in a matter of hours, it becomes a moral issue. The church must speak out. Billy Graham I think people have all faced decisions at times where you never know. Brett Favre The role of G-20 is to support the global economy to achieve str

I do want to emphasize that we've seen an explosion in the use of Google

Maps and Google Earth for education. The earth is a special place. It is our home and it's why we're all here. And the ability to see what's really going on the earth, the good stuff and the bad stuff, at the level that you can, is phenomenal. Eric Schmidt I don't think we should ever be at war. That's kind of naive, I suppose. Sandy Duncan I think that the problem with network television is that they cling to the whole business model like they are clinging to the side of a cliff. Bill Lawrence My number-one goal is to never feel like I'm strictly defining myself. The minute I feel like I'm doing that as anything - as theatrical, as feminist, as songwriter - I feel like the minute I name it, I'm stuck in a box. Amanda Palmer I'm always forming bands. Damian Lewis A faction willing to take the risks of making war on the ossified status quo in the Middle East can be described as many things, but not as conservative. Christopher Hitchens

The business can be frustrating. For me, Omaha is a rounding foundation. I was raised

in a very faith-filled household, very hardworking. It made me aware of what privilege is. And it's a place I can go back to, spend time with nieces and nephews, celebrate the things that have nothing to do with the hubbub of Hollywood. Nicholas D'Agosto I've come to realize that the contemporary creative culture is not generating the best possible outcome. Elizabeth Gilbert God is good for everybody. The sun shines on good people and bad people, and it rains on both, too. God doesn't choose rain only for bad people. Mariano Rivera If I had a plot that was all set in advance, why would I want go through the agony of writing the novel? A novel is a kind of exploration and discovery, for me at any rate. Chaim Potok The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise. Alden Nowlan Some people, however long their experience or strong the

My dad, as a guy, had to quit school in the ninth grade, fought in

the Battle of the Bulge. And spent his life pushing wheel barrels of heavy wet cement. So we've gone from pushing cement to now in one generation pushing legislation. But we always want any president to succeed, to do well; that means America does well and Americans do well. John Barrasso The reason I'm not a neurobiologist but a cognitive psychologist is that I think looking at brain tissue is often the wrong level of analysis. You have to look at a higher level of organization. Steven Pinker And the spirit of revolution will not die while the hearts of these workers continue to beat. Ernst Toller But, I do think, on a very simplistic level, that we can project onto dogs because they are so innocent. They don't come with a lot of baggage. Kevin Kline To create a work of art is to create the world. Wassily Kandinsky My friends have always told me that rock stardom was wasted on me. Melissa Etheridge The real duty of man is not to extend his power or multip

I've just finished my 20th book this past year and I'm working on my 21st

book about the Middle East right now that I'll finish this year. And I get up early in the morning and when I get tired of the computer and tired of doing research, I walk 20 steps out to my woodshop and I either build furniture or paint paintings. I'm an artist too. Jimmy Carter Before a secret is told, one can often feel the weight of it in the atmosphere. Susan Griffin Any actor who is being honest will admit there's always a small or large part of the real you in every character. It's impossible not to have that. Jerry Ferrara I believe every child has the right to a mother and a father. Men and women are not the same. That's not to say they're not entitled to equal rights, but they are not the same. Mark Davis If you cast your bread upon the water and you have faith, you'll get back cash. If you don't have faith, you'll get soggy bread. Don King As a kid I read Jules Verne, H. G. Wells, and a few others. As an adult have admired L

I do think that something of the effect I have on people is to put

everything on an edge where they're both infatuated with a kind of charmingness happening in the person or in the writing, and also flatly terrified by a revelation or acceptance of revelation that's almost happening, never quite totally happening. Anne Carson I do worry that it's impossible to write something original, that there's nothing that a human hasn't already thought of. But I can put it out of my mind and get on with what I'm doing. Arthur Phillips Again, in Wag the Dog, war has to be declared by an act of congress. But if you go to war, you don't have to declare war. You're just at war and we did that, which is not legal. Val Kilmer Am I famous in Japan? I don't know, and I don't really think of myself in that way. Tadashi Shoji I still believe that music is one of the greatest gifts that God gave to man. George Michael I've always had horrible Valentine's Days. Rebecca Hall The future of publishing is about h

I was studying International Relations at Columbia when 9/11 happened, and it made me want

understand the security dynamics of the world. I had been more focused on soft power issues - understanding different cultures and such - but once 9/11 happened, I felt like I didn't know anything about security problems. Ellen Gustafson I think my biggest appeal for fans is probably the fact that I'm honest. I'm up front about who I am. I'm a little naughty. I have a naughty side and everybody knows that. But I know when to use that and when not to. John Barrowman If we know that our own men are in a condition to attack, but are unaware that the enemy is not open to attack, we have gone only halfway towards victory. Sun Tzu I will embrace the first opportunity to get to California and it is altogether probable that when once there I shall never again leave it. George Stoneman The theatre is a spiritual and social X-ray of its time. Stella Adler Children learn and remember at least as much from the context of the classroom as from the content of the cours

My mom sent me to regular high school because she wanted me to have that

experience and not say that I missed out, but I didn't like it at all. I'm more comfortable in the world that I'm in, I grew up in it so when I get around normal kids in regular high school I don't know what to do. I feel more secure in an adult environment. Alexa Vega He who commits injustice is ever made more wretched than he who suffers it. Plato Soldiers of Israel, we have no aims of conquest. Our purpose is to bring to naught the attempts of the Arab armies to conquer our land. Moshe Dayan I wasn't writing the music. Ed would write a piece of music. I'd listen to it and come up with a melody and then we would arrange it. We'd put it together and I would write lyrics to my melodies. Sammy Hagar There's a lot of instant spotlight and pressure when it comes to a Bond song. Barbara Broccoli You come there and hang out and have a drink before the show and eat, so it's not that brutal. It's only $6. Todd Barry If elephants didn&#

The thing about radio is that it's got an intimate feel. What I like is

that you don't have to give it your full attention - you can still do something else that the same time, whereas TV is all-enveloping: you have to sit there and pay attention to it, and give yourself over to it. You have to surrender to it, but you don't with radio. Jarvis Cocker I always wanted to be a great actor. Sally Field Fighting disparities is very significant. Jesse Jackson In my dreams, I could be a Princess, and that's what I was. Like most little girls, I believed nothing less than a Prince could make my dreams come true. Loretta Young Rock n' roll really belongs to all America. It really doesn't belong to one city. Ahmet Ertegun It's definitely an influence, I mean how can you not say you are influenced to play rock. Mike Lowry It's very hard when you're doing a new play that you believe in, and you want to tell the story in the best way possible. Lily Rabe Maybe subconsciously I've kept activism separate from acting

I want people to think about movies and how we watch them. Let them know

it's okay to question the structure or how we're sometimes duped into a false sense of normalcy. Most of all, I want people to question the old standard practices of, 'This is how the structure of something should work,' or, 'This is how a character must behave.' Tim Heidecker For all my criticisms of the current system, it doesn't mean that I would like to return to the old one. Helen Suzman To appreciate and use correctly a valuable maxim requires a genius; a vital appropriating exercise of mind closely allied to that which first created it. William R. Alger The Tea Party has imparted political energy to common-sense American constitutionalism. Nancy Pearcey Billy Campbell who is... I... truly one of the most talented actors today. Sela Ward I like when people take chances. Josh Homme If someone knows me and likes me or my work, they're more likely to allow me to tell their story. But it also cuts the other way. Anderson Cooper The

There's just a feeling, when you're just an actor - I have great admiration for

people who are just actors. I don't understand it, the idea of waiting to get cast, being at the whim of others. I find it incredibly powerless and frightening, so that's why I've been constantly trying to create my own content. Nick Kroll My biggest regret is that my mother didn't see me walk on to that London Palladium stage, being the star she always wanted me to be. But I always say that when she reached Heaven, she had a word with a few agents. Bruce Forsyth Selling millions of records is great, but at the end of the day it really doesn't bring peace. TobyMac I was with the U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali on the day that Srebrenica fell, which happened to be a huge historical turning point in the Bosnian war. Michael Ignatieff I actually got a nice surprise about being a mother because I expected it to be harder and to have to make more adaptations. Paula Radcliffe My all-time favorite skin cream is from Poland. Its called Eva Natura

I'm 43 now. I've reached the point where I really can't care what anyone thinks.

Of course, I do. I'm an actress. I'm totally insecure, but I'm trying to stick to my guns about what is important to me, and it doesn't matter what anyone thinks I should or shouldn't do. Paget Brewster There are certain sounds that I've found work well in nearly any context. Their function is not so much musical as spatial: they define the edges of the territory of the music. Brian Eno Even at school I studied ethics instead of religion. Ville Valo Emotionally, I was affected a lot by Rage Against the Machine, not specifically the literal intention of the words or what it was about, but the feel, the sound, those phrases that got me. Fred Durst I'm a weirdo magnet, but I'm handling it better than I used to. Brian Molko The Galatians are severely censured for giving heed to false doctrines, and are called to pronounce even an apostle anathema, if he preached another gospel. Charles Hodge But let me tell you something. Gloria Steinem nev

When I use the word 'healing,' by that I mean that every disease has a

physical element that we're very good at handling, but there's always a sense of the violation. 'Why me?' 'Why is my leg broken on the ski trip and not anyone else's?' And I think that medicine has done a terrible job of addressing that spiritual violation. Abraham Verghese I've been complimented enough and asked to run for various offices out here in Utah, but right now, I'm not interested. I don't know that I have the stomach for it. Dale Murphy I love playing a dad. It's hard to find family dramas that are genuinely funny. Peter Gallagher When you're being looked at very hard, it's very hard to look back. And that made me stop paying attention to the world in a way that allowed me then to write about it. Andrew Motion There's so many lies being told throughout the media and people just run with the lies. They're numb to it. Too many followers, not enough leaders. Big Boi I've been fined probably more than

I don't study films particularly. I plan to direct, but I'm not watching film -

I watch the entire film to see how the story goes, but I don't say, 'Oh, so he does a slow pan here, or he pulls here, watch the crane shot, or look at the composition,' because it's got to be my eye. James Cromwell My dad always told me to stand up to bullies, and Bill O'Reilly is kind of a bully, and he's the kind of kid who hits other kids on the playground. And when you hit him, he runs to the teacher and says, 'Teacher, sue him.' Al Franken As a matter of fact, I am an uncle. I have nine nephews and nieces. I'm not sure if they think I'm all that quick with a quip. But I'm quick with a spank. Dean Norris Love works not for profit nor reward; yet God has ordained that great gain shall be the certain result of every labor of love. Ellen G. White You can't say history teaches us this or that; it gives us more questions than answers, and many answers to every question. Amin Maalouf Art is all in the details. Christian Mar

In domestic life, the woman's value is inherent, unquantifiable; at home she exchanges proven values

for mythological ones. She 'wants' to be at home, and because she is a woman, she's allowed to want it. This desire is her mystique, it is both what enables her to domesticate herself and what disempowers her. Rachel Cusk I've never played for a draw in my life. Alex Ferguson Winston Churchill aroused this nation in heroic fashion to save civilisation in World War Two. We have everything we need except political will, but political will is a renewable resource. Al Gore I love football, football is my life. Wayne Rooney Too often we see that teachers and educational administrators feel threatened by self-organized learning. They, therefore, think it is not learning at all. Sugata Mitra I'm not writing just about melancholy stuff anymore, I made a point to cover a wide range of emotions. Chantal Kreviazuk Great research universities must insist on independence from government and on the exercise of academic freedom. Alan Dershowitz Love casts out

If you record the world honestly, there's no way people can stop being funny. A

lot of fiction writing doesn't get that idea, as if to acknowledge it would trivialize the story or trivialize human nature, when in fact human nature is reduced and falsified if the comic aspects are not included. Lorrie Moore But by virtue of our baptism, Peter Akinola and I are brothers in Christ and one day we are going to be in heaven together, so we might as well learn to get along here because we will have to get along there. God won't have it any other way. Gene Robinson Yes, the meeting of dear friends atones for the regret of separation; and like it so much enhances affection, that after absence one wonders how one has been able to stay away from them so long. Marguerite Gardiner I probably should get a bit more star-struck but I never do. Gemma Arterton Because you know when you first become famous, you start walking a little different because people are staring at you. Bono The dog was created specially for children. He is a god of frolic. Henry Ward

I represent a rural state and live in a small town. Small merchants make up

the majority of Vermont's small businesses and thread our state together. It is the mom-and-pop grocers, farm-supply stores, coffee shops, bookstores and barber shops where Vermonters connect, conduct business and check in on one another. Peter Welch Before passing different laws for different people, I'd relinquish myself unto you as your slave. Franz Grillparzer Let us not paralyze our capacity for good by brooding of man's capacity for evil. David Sarnoff My friends tell me I'm the most boring celebrity they know! A typical night for me is at home in California or watching movies in my pyjamas. Amber Riley I can't give up my own identity. Shirley MacLaine I am, you know, adamantly against illegal immigration. Hillary Clinton These people who come to Comic-Con and dress up - all across the country, the rest of the population who doesn't understand are scoffing at them. William Shatner Some people are born with the necessary gift, and some

To me, the scariest movie ever made to this day is 'The Exorcist.' It still

scares the living hell out of me, and it's because of the fantasy element. It's the exorcism. It's the Devil. It's not a guy breaking into your house trying to torture you or cut your whatever off. Those kinds of movies don't do it for me, and I don't call them horror. Cassandra Peterson The role of inequity in society is grossly underestimated. Inequity is not good for your health, basically. Frans de Waal Typically, a book takes me about a year to write. Ted Bell But, I've always loved John Mayer and I think T-Pain is brilliant. Taylor Swift Knowing that we can control our own behaviour makes it more likely that we will. Peter Singer I heard someone say the other day that they thought it was sexier to call someone their fiance instead of their husband or wife. Leelee Sobieski I feel SF is going through an experimental phase right now. Sarah Zettel Movies are just ridiculously expensive. Anthony Michael Hall A government is for the b

Anyone who relishes art should love the extraordinary diversity and psychic magic of our art

galleries. There's likely more combined square footage for the showing of art on one New York block - West 24th Street between Tenth and Eleventh Avenues - than in all of Amsterdam's or Hamburg's galleries. Jerry Saltz I don't get mad too much. Tom Cochrane I do not gather things, I prefer to rent them rather than to possess them. Jerzy Kosinski I'm not really into clubbing, I like to go to parties after events, and those do end up at clubs or bars. But in my free time I go grocery shopping or to the gym, or I talk on the phone. Amanda Seyfried Spread the gospel that the Marine Corps is a force that has changed. We're not in 1942 anymore. James F. Amos The one thing I need to leave behind is good memories. Michael Landon I've recorded 25 or 30 albums. I know that sometimes when you work with producers who are kinda dictators, it doesn't help you make a better record. Ace Frehley If every time you engage in a sex act, you go into a co

I did not even go to kindergarten; I just started first grade when I was

five and started reading right away. I don't know how it all worked, but I had a lot of adults and older siblings around me. So, I guess I was probably introduced to what one would be introduced to at that time in kindergarten. Joan Ganz Cooney There is frequently more to be learned from the unexpected questions of a child than the discourses of men. John Locke I'm ridiculous in my oversharing; my mom and sister are very open but a little more judicious than me... and my father is a decidedly private person. Lena Dunham I like protective men, the type who'll put an arm around me so I can be smothered. Katie Price As a child I was given the freedom to explore my passion for acting, but I also grew up in a home where there were a lot of rules. I didn't have 'yes' parents. Emmanuelle Chriqui In matters of the heart, nothing is true except the improbable. Madame de Stael I want a schedule-keeping, waking-up-early, wallet-carrying, picture-hanging m

Presumptuous for me to say, but at least - at a minimum - I've been

able to influence the direction of the Democratic Party on foreign policy. And I've been relatively - presumptuous to say - relatively successful legislatively in the Senate, being able to win a lot of Republican friends, and being able to cross the aisle. Joe Biden I don't think you can sing about certain things when you're a teen-ager or in your early 20s, because you haven't lived long enough. So I think living gives you character and that comes out in your voice. Tom Jones Long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead. John Maynard Keynes Heretofore there has always been in the history of the world a comparatively unoccupied land westward, into which the crowded countries of the East have poured their surplus populations. Josiah Strong I love jeans, T-shirts, boots, and tennis shoes. Ashley Benson I think that when you follow Christ, one of the things that happens when you start listening to His voice is that you r

Once I was in a cafe in Portland and the woman at the next table

and I began chatting and in the course of our conversation she strongly recommend I visit this web site called 'The Rumpus' so I could read this advice column called 'Dear Sugar.' It was so painful not to tell her that in fact I was Sugar, but I didn't. Cheryl Strayed In a small room one does not say what one would in a large room. Louis Kahn It's a good thing we don't get all the government we pay for. Will Rogers I want to do films I can relate to emotionally. Christian Slater There is less in this than meets the eye. Tallulah Bankhead When fish experience something that would cause other animals physical pain, they behave in ways suggestive of pain, and the change in behaviour may last several hours. Peter Singer There are a lot of things that you don't realize that your parents are going through when you're a kid. Vanessa Williams Even the small amount of infamy I have makes me uncomfortable - on a personal level and on a pro

I obviously identify with the anti-authority figure. I've pretty much always had problems with authority,

ever since I was a kid. But, yeah, it's not identifying, I think it's more a part of my natural DNA that I question anybody who has a plan. Everybody's got to have an angle; that's the way I grew up. Denis Leary I'm wide open and raw emotionally to the crowd. Miranda Lambert Because of Mozart, it's all over after the age of seven. Wendy Wasserstein Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. Malcolm X The essayist has to follow a certain intellectual pattern. The novelist has the advantage of using fantasy, of being subjective. Manuel Puig All on-set kisses are weird, no matter who it is, especially with people standing around coughing and sneezing. It's very uncomfortable! Bella Heathcote You can design a mortgage system that is different without a Fannie and Freddie, but there are principles you have to have, to have a good system. Jamie Dimon The Web is now

I want my job to include a little adventure, a little more of a heightened

reality than what I'm actually living. And 'Castle' has that. He gets this opportunity to tail these homicide detectives, and he's driven by that. He's a little immature, but he's obviously loving life. Nathan Fillion This sense of power is the highest and best of pleasures when the belief on which it is founded is a true belief, and has been fairly earned by investigation. William Kingdon Clifford Science's domain is the natural. If you want to understand the natural world and be sure you're not misleading yourself, science is the way to do it. Francis Collins Never meet trouble half-way. John Ray Character is a journey, not a destination. William J. Clinton Well, I'm never happier than when I'm acting. Jason Biggs When I turned to writing fantasy, and writing for young people, it was joyous. It was like discovering an underground lake of ideas that went on forever. Laini Taylor Things are going better now than ever, but in

When my hair was dark for 'House,' that was the hardest to maintain because it

was like every three weeks my light roots would start coming in. And you can't really just dye your hair one color brown because then it looks like a helmet on television, so then I had to have four colors of brown woven into my hair every three weeks. Jennifer Morrison It's fun when you are on tour to go a place you are familiar with in any given city. It's like being home away from home. Kerry King In architecture the idea degenerated. Design allows a more direct and pleasurable route. Charles Eames I actually made an effort to reject acting, to shove it out of my body, because I didn't want my kids to have an actress as a mother-to have, like, a silly person. Lisa Kudrow It hurts, it hurts... Im dying, I'm dying. Herve Villechaize I don't have any particular burning desire to go back to being cuddly. Not really. Hugh Grant It is easier to criticize than to correct our past errors. Livy Man is a clever animal who behaves like an imbecile.

I'm obsessed with the countryside: woods, forests, fields, lakes, mountains. I'm really into folk music

and folklore. But more so I'm into electronic music. I'm into bands that have both aspects, like Boards of Canada is a perfect example. You could listen to that type of music running through a woods. It's kind of what I wanted to achieve. Ellie Goulding HBO churn out some unbelievable stuff. They really got me with things like 'Band of Brothers.' But you can't beat 'The Sopranos.' Mark Lawrenson But the throat just kind of falls into line once you realize in your head what it is. You got to remember the musicality of a character you're going to do. Billy West Of course, I want to look good, as that helped me get jobs. But it didn't get me the jobs I wanted and it held me back. Rufus Sewell Grossing Out dealt with the western nations selling arms to the Third World and exploiting these countries. Terry Southern I used to be a real doctor. Now I just play one on TV. Richard Carmona I like the consistency of a TV show, but I like i

I was interested in transcendence from a very early age. I was interested in what

was over there, what was behind life. So when I had my first communion I was very disappointed. I had expected something amazing and surprising and spiritual. Instead all I got was a bicycle. That wasn't what I was after at all. Anselm Kiefer I'm a little younger than these guys, but I would say all of us are huge fans of the original 'MacGyver' series, and obviously we found that inspiration for the original pitch for 'MacGruber.' Jorma Taccone We need not be theologians to see that we have shifted responsibility for making the world interesting from God to the newspaperman. Daniel J. Boorstin I've gotten to work with some great people. I've been really lucky. Corey Haim People never cease to amaze me. Tina Yothers I choose not to give energy to the emotions of revenge, hatred or the desire to subjugate. Rosanne Cash The greatest gift is our own eyes, sense of smell, and abilities to deduce. Patricia Cornwell The relationship betwee

When we played the Dodgers in St. Louis, they had to come through our dugout,

and our bat rack was right there where they had to walk. My bats kept disappearing, and I couldn't figure it out. Turns out, Pee Wee Reese was stealing my bats. I found that out later, after we got out of baseball. He and Rube Walker stole my bats. Stan Musial I have great expectations for the future, because the past was highly overrated. Sylvester Stallone People want change but not too much change. Finding that balance is tricky for every politician. Eleanor Clift I made a commitment... both to myself and to some supporters to carefully consider a run for the Liberal leadership for the Liberal Party of Canada. Dalton McGuinty There are no gentlemen in anything competitive - you want to win. Len Goodman In junior high, I sang in madrigals, men's' and women's' choir. I played piano too, but then I got out of it. Travis Barker British aren't really known for their physical loveliness but firemen, generally speaking, are gorgeous. Emma Thompson

I want to see children curled up with books, finding an awareness of themselves as

they discover other people's thoughts. I want them to make the connection that books are people's stories, that writing is talking on paper, and I want them to write their own stories. I'd like my books to provide that connection for them. Patricia Reilly Giff I feel like we're attracted to paths in life that force us to look at our weaknesses or deficiencies as human beings. Not to get all deep on you, but that's how I feel. Emma Bell You really are as hot as your last movie. And it goes away really quickly. Brian De Palma Life is a grand party. Ezra Miller I'm always making Butcher Holler sound like the most backward part of the United States-and I think maybe it is. Loretta Lynn Our characters were antiseptic but we weren't. And if you remember what we did on BATMAN, as the scripts were written very funny, we played them very straight. Burt Ward Stopping leaks is a new form of censorship. Julian Assange The key factor in the vodka cat

The liberal feminist movement never imagined that women would take seriously the encouragement to become

our own heroes and claim life for ourselves, on our terms, no matter who we are. Pro-choice and pro-life, Christian and not, poor and rich, black, white, gay and straight. It is a dream we all hold dear, and it's called the Tea Party. Tammy Bruce Generally speaking, I, like anyone else who does anything publicly, like it when people like what I do, and would like to hear as much. John Hodgman Don't despair too much if you see beautiful things destroyed, if you see them perish. Because the best things are always growing in secret. Ben Okri I always admired Walt's optimism. He seemed to know the direction he was going to. When I was at the studio, I remember he kept driving all of us back down to a more fundamental level all the time. John Hench If you don't have a story that will hold the audience, you won't have a successful show. Dorothy Fields People come into your life and people leave it... you just have to trust that life has a road mapped out fo

People think that I'm mean because I'm quiet, and I don't really go out places

or because I don't really say too much. On the other hand, people think that I'm soft because I may not handle myself the way other people handle themselves. That's just not me. They don't know my background or none of that stuff. Derrick Rose Retirement from work has depressed many a man and hastened his death. Ezra Taft Benson Our technological powers increase, but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate. Alvin Toffler I wanted people to see that I really am a real person. I'm not just some guy who was on a TV show, some guy engulfed in the Hollywood life. I'm just a normal guy when it comes down to it. Scotty McCreery I've admired historical clothes like Victorian gowns since I was a child, and it's what motivated me to go into fashion. Olivier Theyskens The reality shows are getting worse and worse. They're out of control and have been for some time. Sara Ramirez The chances that your tombstone will read 'Killed

On the last drafts, I focus on the words themselves, including the rub of vowels

and consonants, stressed and unstressed syllables. Yet even at this stage I'm often surprised. A different ending or a new character shows up and I'm back to where I began, letting the story happen, just trying to stay out of the way. Ron Rash I was born with a need to be the center of attention, and, of course, you're the center of the world when you're acting. Julie Christie I don't know if you can change things, but it's a drop in the ocean. Julie Walters Never before in human history has more information been available to more people. But at the same time, never before in human history has more bad information been available to more people. Scott Pelley I sometimes lie awake at night and wonder why I am still so popular and, to be honest, I don't know. Pele My mother was a housewife. My father was a garment worker. Alan Sugar A central claim of the Bush administration's foreign policy is that the spread of democracy in the Middle Ea

I'm from Indiana. I know what you're thinking, Indiana... Mafia. But in Indiana it's not

like New York where everyone's like, 'We're from New York and we're the best' or 'We're from Texas and we like things big' it's more like 'We're from Indiana and we're gonna move.' Jim Gaffigan The focus is on singer/songwriters now rather than huge shows. I mean, of course there's always a place for that too. Emeli Sande I've helped many, many, many children, thousands of children, cancer kids, leukemia kids. Michael Jackson Fame is a lot of pressure, especially when you're responsible for your entire family. Financially, emotionally - everything. Nick Carter I'm the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life. J. D. Salinger Even if we were to stop putting out greenhouse gases right now, we'd still face decades of warming. Jamais Cascio There's a sort of magic and music to comedy. Some words, some numbers even, are funnier than others. A Caramac bar, for instance, is funnier than a Milky Wa

There are hundreds of Frank Lloyd Wright buildings around the United States and in other

countries, too. Wright lived into his 90s, and one of his most famous buildings, the Guggenheim Museum in New York, was completed just before his death. Wright buildings look like Wright buildings - that is their paradox. Jane Smiley In a perfect world, I could be doing some bigger films and balance that with some independent films because they seem to be the most challenging and unique. Sherilyn Fenn I was an altar boy and a choir member. Cheech Marin I have a career I am proud of as a child actor. I'm not running away from it or embarassed with anything I did. Ricky Schroder I feel like you just need to keep writing until the writing itself just begins to take shape. Ed Westwick I used to do community theater with Conor Oberst. Andrew Rannells God Almighty first planted a garden. And indeed, it is the purest of human pleasures. Francis Bacon I got sober when I was 22 years old. Philip Seymour Hoffman I have a lot of repression. So repression is what I make


I love the game, it's the greatest game on earth, that's why I can't understand

all of this talk about trying to make the game better. People talk about the high strike zone and changing this and that. Why? To speed up the game? That's the beauty of baseball. There is no time element. Eric Davis My dad also plays a little banjo and guitar, my mom plays the mandolin. Page McConnell I never set out to write prayers at all. But there was a span of time when I didn't find it easy to pray, but, when I went to write one of the things I had to write, a prayer would come. Gloria Gaither You can't get closer to the heart of national sovereignty than national security and intelligence services. Gijs de Vries A guy will promise you the world and give you nothin', and that's the blues. Otis Rush I think people often confuse success with fame and stardom. Brenda Blethyn The beautiful spring came; and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also. Harriet Ann Jacobs Live to learn, learn to live, then teach others. Dou

I think it helps a lot when they tell people that Teri Hatcher likes you.

If you're Teri Hatcher's boyfriend, suddenly you're hunky I guess. I've spent 40 years being average and now I'm Teri hatcher's boyfriend and here we are. I've been really fortunate. James Denton Moreover, no one is judged from the natural man, thus not so long as he lives in the natural world, for man is then in a natural body; but everyone is judged in the spiritual man, and therefore when he comes into the spiritual world, for man is then in a spiritual body. Emanuel Swedenborg I am afraid that the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the banks can and do create and destroy money. And they who control the credit of a nation direct the policy of governments, and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people. Richard McKenna The focus of Congress is on keeping the nation secure - and it doesn't see that food security is an essential part of that responsibility. Instead of putting more food on the tables of America, they

Much of the impotence of American churches is tied to a profound ignorance and apathy

about justification. Our people live in a fog of guilt. Or just as bad, they think being a better person is all God requires. Kevin DeYoung I pay attention to how every makeup artist does everything. Gigi Hadid I had a brilliant trip to Mexico with my friend Ellie during my gap year. We thought we were being really cool and going off the beaten track while all our friends went to Thailand and Australia. The first beachside bar we walked into - there were two girls from my sixth form in there. Emily Berrington There is a qualitative difference between being a minority and being a majority. Majorities are stronger under psychological pressure because numbers count. But only if they are aware of it. Peter Abrahams I've realized that the most important thing I can do to look good is just treat myself well, whether it's getting a nice, long massage or just lying low and not going out every single night. Kim Cattrall Living organisms are created by chemistry. We are hu

I had almost forgotten to tell you that I have already been to the Parliament

House; and yet this is of most importance. For, had I seen nothing else in England but this, I should have thought my journey thither amply rewarded. Karl Philipp Moritz Most of the time I feel stupid, insensitive, mediocre, talentless and vulnerable - like I'm about to cry any second - and wrong. I've found that when that happens, it usually means I'm writing pretty well, pretty deeply, pretty rawly. Andre Dubus III Looking forward, it might prove constructive to examine the true historical record of an issue prior to assuming the worst of anyone's motive and deconstructing and questioning anyone's Democratic bona fides. After all, we liberals got feelings. Gary Ackerman I loved that these two guys argued with each other as if movies actually mattered. Nobody I knew talked about movies that way, but Siskel and Ebert took each movie as it came and talked about whether it was a success on its own terms. Sarah Vowell The waltz can be sad and at the same ti

I'm a filmmaker. I'm always searching for the truth in everything I do. I demand

it from my writing partner and my crew, actors, and so hopefully, we're making people think. Lee Daniels Art brings a message into a room. It should make us perceive in a new way - either through color, form or narrative content - something we had not perceived before... and perhaps reveal something to you about yourself. Gloria Vanderbilt We all have choices we have to make, and with those choices come certain sacrifices. Hill Harper I'm so happy to be Tiffany Trump, happy to be in the family I'm in. Tiffany Trump The Barenboim Foundation has nothing to do with politics. Daniel Barenboim Once you go down a road, you take it through to the end. Peter Jackson I've been in enough positions to respect people with different views. Condoleezza Rice You can't get any better than TV on HBO, ABC and BBC3. Chris Lilley If you feel that there's the author and then the character, then the book is not working. People have a habit of identifying the a

'No one can make you successful; the will to success comes from within.' I've

  made this my motto. I've internalized it to the point of understanding that the success of my actions and/or endeavors doesn't depend on anyone else, and that includes a possible failure. Fabrizio Moreira We owe a lot when it comes to women in terms of innovation, in terms of education, in terms of progression in life. Aldis Hodge It is literally painful to watch Rick Perry as a candidate. James Carville I was a pretty free-spirited kid. I was part of a notorious group of troublemakers who didn't do well in school but had a great time exploring Beijing from the inside out. Chloe Zhao You should definitely stay true to your own style. Megan Mullally When my dad died, my world crumbled. Lukas Forchhammer It's not like you can say, 'This is the right side and this is the wrong side,' because obviously, a happy person is never going to want to inflict pain on somebody else. So the bullies are really victims themselves and yada, yada, yada, pop psychology, but it&#

Being a teen idol or being a heartthrob on all the magazines, with Shaun Cassidy,

Leif Garrett, and Scott Baio - it was embarrassing! I never understood it. I mean, why me? I never really got it. Willie Aames Meeting with the director is an audition. Chandler Massey As an artist, you want to make good stories and create good art; as a businessman, you want to make money and make sure the investors are happy. The two will always clash, unfortunately. Neil Jackson As an actor, I'm very much a company person. And this also goes through my life: I have a dread of responsibility. I like someone else to be in charge. Ian Holm You have to find ways to relate to the characters you get to play. Put it in terms and in a context that speaks to you. Randy Couture I grew up in the golden age of Flash Gordon and sci-fi. Margaret Atwood The only way to improve the GOP brand and make good public policy is to fix the process. This requires transforming the way Congress does business. Dan Webster I didn't disappear; I started writing songs and worked behi

I'm completely indifferent to what genre I read provided that I feel sympathy with how

a writer perceives being alive in the world. Thomas Ligotti Gays and lesbians began to gain civil rights when Americans realized that their brothers, cousins, daughters were gay. Nicholas Kristof I am a Londoner and I love my home. There are many things about this country which drive me crazy, but when I am in America, I feel wrong there. Toby Stephens Everybody in the Olympics is paid. Lindsay Vonn is going to make a million dollars whether she skis or not. Dan Jenkins 'The Invisibles' by Grant Morrison is my favorite series of all time. Brea Grant Fact-checking can wreak havoc on Chinese political mythology. Evan Osnos To participate in a World Cup is a great honour and achievement. I've played in three World Cups. The whole world watches you during a World Cup and expects you to play innings to win games for your country. Virender Sehwag If I couldn't use food or love to define contentment, I would use reading. Mary Roach You're not gonna

I don't think men are that attracted by glamour. I think women are attracted by

glamour. I think men are attracted by a sense of friendship. Joanna Lumley I drive my family nuts because when I watch something on TV, I'm likely to watch it with a bass guitar. But I don't plug it in! Steve Capus I had always been a really peculiar child. My mom would tell you I grew up roughing it with the boys and playing with action figures and toy cars and stuff, but I also had an Easy Bake Oven... I find it amazing that in a really weird way, people are mad that they can't figure out my gender. Shamir When I'd hear something that sounded like I could follow it - most of those big band jazz tunes are blues anyway - I would hum it and play with the fiddle while I was humming. Johnny Gimble A lot of artists go in the studio and say, 'OK, whaddaya want me to do? Is it gonna be a hit? I'll do it. Is it gonna get played on the radio? I'll do it.' So they start makin' these songs, and they fall in the same tempo, same category, same this,

It's a wonderful profession, and it opens lots of doors, and I think it's quite

right that people can accuse actors and actresses of being dilettante, but you learn on every job, whatever it is, the process moves you on in some way, and yeah, I want to expand my knowledge of our existence, I suppose. Miranda Richardson I'm your knight in shining armor. I'm here to save you from Linkin Park. Rufus Wainwright There was no reality to pain when it left one, thought while it held one fast all other realities failed. Rachel Field I used to work in a fire hydrant factory. You couldn't park anywhere near the place. Steven Wright I think that was a moment of cool panic there. Ron Atkinson Tell the truth. Sing with passion. Work with laughter. Love with heart. 'Cause that's all that matters in the end. Kris Kristofferson The theater is the only branch of art much cared for by people of wealth; like canasta, it does away with the brother of talk after dinner. Mary McCarthy What distinguishes a great artist from a weak one is first the