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Showing posts from June 30, 2018

American society is a sort of flat, fresh-water pond which absorbs silently, without reaction, anything

which is thrown into it. Henry Adams But you see, that's the gilded prison of fashion. We're riding in private jets, and meantime I was so incredibly, painfully sad and lonely. Janice Dickinson Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth. Henry David Thoreau Ambition has one heel nailed in well, though she stretch her fingers to touch the heavens. Lao Tzu Art is a sense of magic. Stan Brakhage Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness. Martin Luther King, Jr. About two months into the Whisky, I borrowed some money and rented a remote recording truck. Johnny Rivers A self-respecting nation is ready for anything, including war, except for a renunciation of its option to make war. Simone Weil Even if happiness forgets you a little bit, never completely forget about it. Jacques Prevert I think Baywatch is such a hit here because of the weather. Gena Lee Nolin

One of the greatest gifts of Black feminism to ourselves has been to make it

a little easier simply to be Black and female. Barbara Smith Only in Washington does a decrease in the proposed increase equal a spending cut. Larry Elder I believe that ultimately the situation in Kosovo can only be resolved through self-determination. Eliot Engel I can imagine an utter hatred for the jazz avant-garde. Matthew Shipp The Bio-diversity Convention has not yielded any tangible benefits to the world's poor. Atal Bihari Vajpayee You have got to attract the brightest and the best, but the brightest and best won't stay unless they see real career options. Estelle Morris I am very happy to be signing for the best team in the world and especially proud to be the first Portuguese player to join United. Cristiano Ronaldo The pleasure that is in sorrow is sweeter than the pleasure of pleasure itself. Percy Bysshe Shelley By giving every American access to quality, affordable health care, they will create a more competitive, a stronger and more secu

Most creative work is a process of people passing ideas and inspirations from the past

into the future and adding their own creativity along the way. Joichi Ito Never was patriot yet, but was a fool. John Dryden I guess we decided to make a new record 3 years ago when Nancy was done scoring for Almost Famous. Ann Wilson Bob Marley isn't my name. I don't even know my name yet. Bob Marley If you look upon the rule in Titus it is a rule to me. If you convince me that it is no rule I shall yield. Anne Hutchinson That was the problem with reading: you always had to pick up again at the very thing that had made you stop reading the day before. Nicholson Baker They died hard, those savage men - like wounded wolves at bay. They were filthy, and they were lousy, and they stunk. And I loved them. Douglas MacArthur As soon as I did, everything, the whole room, just clicked. Glenn Quinn Well, let's go back to the original intent of Social Security. It is an insurance contract. Chuck Hagel God blessed me to play football. Terrell Owens

Getting talked about is one of the penalties for being pretty, while being above suspicion

is about the only compensation for being homely. Kin Hubbard People who enjoy what they are doing invariably do it well. Joe Gibbs It is playing safe that we create a world of utmost insecurity. Dag Hammarskjold A horse is a thing of beauty... none will tire of looking at him as long as he displays himself in his splendor. Xenophon If Communism goes, I've still got the U.S. House of Representatives. Robert Novak In my opinion, most of the great men of the past were only there for the beer - the wealth, prestige and grandeur that went with the power. A. J. P. Taylor It makes you realise that people are the same wherever you go. Nicholas Lea That saying, about how you always kill the thing you love, well, it works both ways. Chuck Palahniuk Web users ultimately want to get at data quickly and easily. They don't care as much about attractive sites and pretty design. Tim Berners-Lee When sperm and egg unite, something goes from inanimate to animate. It is

It's fun to do voiceover work, although you still have to act. But it doesn't

involve memorizing lines, and you don't have to dress up. Stephen Root The essence of life is finding something you really love and then making the daily experience worthwhile. Denis Waitley It's not about trying to be funny all the time. It's more of a document that hopefully is funny. David Cross If the scripts are not good, I'll tell somebody, 'This isn't good.' Dick Wolf Every dogma has its day. Anthony Burgess Writing novels preserves you in a state of innocence - a lot passes you by - simply because your attention is otherwise diverted. Anita Brookner Even the contemporary horror authors who have seriously influenced me are a disparate bunch. George Stephen All men have one entrance into life, and the like going out. Solomon Ibn Gabirol Also, if you're in a TV show that does turn out to be very successful, you then can do whatever you want to do in theater for a very long time. Treat Williams Genius begins great works; la

Cruel persecutions and intolerance are not accidents, but grow out of the very essence of

religion, namely, its absolute claims. Morris Raphael Cohen If you are afraid of being lonely, don't try to be right. Jules Renard My wife and I are a team, and it's good for my work because I'm interested in working from a stable base. Tom Sizemore Every possession and every happiness is but lent by chance for an uncertain time, and may therefore be demanded back the next hour. Arthur Schopenhauer It is even more damaging for a minister to say foolish things than to do them. Jean Francois Paul de Gondi Nearly every study shows that competition from cheap foreign labor undercuts the wages of American workers and legal immigrants. Lamar S. Smith After I convinced them that I was a harmless novelist, I actually got them to give me a tour of the harem - which is usually off limits for tourists. Dorothy Dunnett Everyone and everything that shows up in our life is a reflection of something that is happening inside of us. Alan Cohen Zero-zero is a big scor

The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that

you can do something, you can do it, as long as you really believe 100 percent. David Hockney Well, I think the United States first of all has to recognize the world for what it is. Samuel P. Huntington Liberty will not descend to a people; a people must raise themselves to liberty; it is a blessing that must be earned before it can be enjoyed. Charles Caleb Colton Many people lose their tempers merely from seeing you keep yours. Frank Moore Colby American GIs don't fight this unjust immoral and illegal war of Johnson's. Hanoi Hannah Nearly every study shows that competition from cheap foreign labor undercuts the wages of American workers and legal immigrants. Lamar S. Smith After I convinced them that I was a harmless novelist, I actually got them to give me a tour of the harem - which is usually off limits for tourists. Dorothy Dunnett Everyone and everything that shows up in our life is a reflection of something that is happening inside of us. Alan Cohe

The war... was an unnecessary condition of affairs, and might have been avoided if forebearance

and wisdom had been practiced on both sides. Robert E. Lee The first essential in a boy's career is to find out what he's fitted for, what he's most capable of doing and doing with a relish. Charles M. Schwab No man with a conscience can just bat out illustrations. He's got to put all his talent and feeling into them! Norman Rockwell If the white man wants to hold on to it, let him do so; but the Negro, so far as he is able, should develop and carry out a program of his own. Carter G. Woodson I live in a house that was built in 1480. It has a moat around it. It is like a little baby castle. Bill Wyman Slavery is but half abolished, emancipation is but half completed, while millions of freeman with votes in their hands are left without education. Robert Charles Winthrop Science is what we understand well enough to explain to a computer. Art is everything else we do. Donald Knuth Men who know themselves are no longer fools. They stand on the threshold

There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to

be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty. John Adams I still have imaginary friends who I talk to in my head. Lee Ryan I find no sweeter fat than sticks to my own bones. Walt Whitman Spring beckons! All things to the call respond; the trees are leaving and cashiers abscond. Ambrose Bierce Then stirs the feeling infinite, so felt In solitude, where we are least alone. Lord Byron If we are to have such a discipline we must have standards, and to get our standards under existing conditions we must have criticism. Irving Babbitt Funeral by funeral, theory advances. Paul Samuelson To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer. Mahatma Gandhi Men have to do some awfully mean things to keep up their respectability. George Bernard Shaw I have the heart of a child. I keep it in a jar on my shelf. Robert Bloch

Though public pronouncements of Israeli officials emphasize peace and mutuality, unilateralism actually drives Israeli actions.Douglas

Feith Some things must be good in themselves, else there could be no measure whereby to lay out good and evil. Benjamin Whichcote I think was able to do a lot of things here. Latrell Sprewell Has God forgotten all I have done for Him. Louis XIV At first my publisher had reservations about publishing it in the form you are familiar with. Orhan Pamuk The average bright young man who is drafted hates the whole business because an army always tries to eliminate the individual differences in men. Andy Rooney Today we did what we had to do. They counted on America to be passive. They counted wrong. Ronald Reagan Do you think I want to be the one lone voice against the Hollywood liberal establishment? It's not going to do me any good. James Woods Revolutions are the locomotives of history. Karl Marx We have hated the French for years. Now you have just joined the club. It makes you much more likable. Simon Cowell

One of the worst things you can do is have a limited budget and try

to do some big looking film. That's when you end up with very bad work. Roger Corman Everything in the world may be endured except continual prosperity. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe I think it kind of took being a character actor to kind of now enter into leading ladies. Patricia Clarkson Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards. Benjamin Franklin As to the mental essence, we find it in infants devoid of every mental form. Avicenna It seems to me that Islam and Christianity and Judaism all have the same god, and he's telling them all different things. Billy Connolly The wicked are always surprised to find ability in the good. Luc de Clapiers You can only paint through your experience and sub-consciousness. Barbara Smith I enjoy hats. And when one has filthy hair, that is a good accessory. Julia Roberts People can only do what they are ready to do when they are ready to do it. Judith Light

In reading, a lonely quiet concert is given to our minds; all our mental faculties

will be present in this symphonic exaltation. Stephane Mallarme Reading Stephen King's book, On Writing, was like being cornered and forced to have a long, drawn out mental enema. Mary Garden A wise man will make haste to forgive, because he knows the true value of time, and will not suffer it to pass away in unnecessary pain. Samuel Johnson Blood will tell, but often it tells too much. Don Marquis I love London. I love England. We were out in the countryside and I had the time of my life. Debra Messing In the past a leader was a boss. Today's leaders must be partners with their people... they no longer can lead solely based on positional power. Ken Blanchard He's not very fast, but maybe Elizabeth Taylor can't sing. Darrell Royal Richard doesn't really like me to kill bugs, but sometimes I can't help it. Cindy Crawford Where does discipline end? Where does cruelty begin? Somewhere between these, thousands of children inhabit a voiceless

A lot of people ask me when I do a stunt, 'Jackie, are you scared?'

Of course I'm scared. I'm not Superman. Jackie Chan How can you tell somebody whose is pursuing happiness that they're somehow not American when that was the very first promise that America made? Dan Savage To get power over is to defile. To possess is to defile. Simone Weil Tis the privilege of friendship to talk nonsense, and have her nonsense respected. Charles Lamb Let's pray that the human race never escapes from Earth to spread its iniquity elsewhere. C. S. Lewis Everything that I'm attempting to do is based on my understanding of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and what he wanted for his people. Louis Farrakhan I love playing to people and seeing them react. Madeleine Peyroux We can push Montana forward and we can do it with out raising taxes. Brian Schweitzer The artist must be in his work as God is in creation, invisible and all-powerful; one must sense him everywhere but never see him. Gustave Flaubert I thought I had swell ideas,

Don't let anything stand in the way of you claiming and manifesting the life that

you choose rather than the life you have by default. Joy Page It takes me about a week and a half to really analyze a game - play by play. Bart Starr I don't intend for this to take on a political tone. I'm just here for the drugs. Nancy Reagan We recorded several of Kenny's songs in the living room of my home. Jim Messina A sword never kills anybody; it is a tool in the killer's hand. Lucius Annaeus Seneca I saw courage both in the Vietnam War and in the struggle to stop it. I learned that patriotism includes protest, not just military service. John F. Kerry A lot of good arguments are spoiled by some fool who knows what he is talking about. Miguel de Unamuno It fills one with a sense of architectural possibility. Paul Goldberger I tried to write with someone else once before, but it was not successful. Paula Danziger Serious sport is war minus the shooting. George Orwell

Tax reform is taking the taxes off things that have been taxed in the past

and putting taxes on things that haven't been taxed before. Art Buchwald I actually knew I was going to be perfect for Def Leppard, sorry I hate to say that but I knew it. Vivian Campbell If a site is done with pleasure and a fun attitude, it's a great way to communicate with your fans. Christopher Lambert From day one our next generation system will run all our exsisting software - so that gives us a head start. Trip Hawkins It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. Unknown Now my eyes are turned from the South to the North, and I want to lead one more Expedition. This will be the last... to the North Pole. Ernest Shackleton Teaching to unsuspecting youngsters the effective use of formal methods is one of the joys of life because it is so extremely rewarding. Edsger Dijkstra War is a racket. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in liv

Put three grains of sand inside a vast cathedral, and the cathedral will be more

closely packed with sand than space is with stars. James Jeans My body has certainly wandered a good deal, but I have an uneasy suspicion that my mind has not wandered enough. Noel Coward My instincts are not comedic. Josh Lucas Idleness is an inlet to disorder, and makes way for licentiousness. People who have nothing to do are quickly tired of their own company. Jeremy Collier We've created an impression that life is risk-free, and it's not. Alastair Wood In my own work, I tend to cover a lot of time and to jump back and forward in time, and sometimes the way I do this is not very straightforward. Alice Munro I always try to find something I admire about every character I play. Ben Kingsley If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliche that must have been left behind in the Sixties, that's his problem. Love and peace are eternal. John Lennon The central question is simply put: What did the president know and when did he know it? Howard Baker

Mick Jagger and I just really liked each other a lot. We talked all night.

We had the same views on nuclear disarmament. Jerry Hall Every time I do a movie, I think it's going to be a huge hit. Billy Crudup Work is not man's punishment. It is his reward and his strength and his pleasure. George Sand We function in a pack mentality. This is our tribe. And this is how we are exploited - sold a bill of goods and a household of products. Joey Skaggs I'd rather be called King than other things I've been called. Richard Petty I like to think of sales as the ability to gracefully persuade, not manipulate, a person or persons into a win-win situation. Bo Bennett Even Napoleon had his Watergate. Yogi Berra To love is to admire with the heart; to admire is to love with the mind. Theophile Gautier I love the name of honor, more than I fear death. Julius Caesar The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools. Confucius

At heart, this job is about continuing to make great theatre for the people of

Sheffield - a city I've known and loved since childhood. Samuel West Comic art is just different. It's art on its own terms. Joe Simon There is no greater joy than that of feeling oneself a creator. The triumph of life is expressed by creation. Henri Bergson The European brand of fascism will probably present its most serious postwar threat to us via Latin America. Henry A. Wallace Life is anything that dies when you stomp on it. Dave Barry Tolerance implies no lack of commitment to one's own beliefs. Rather it condemns the oppression or persecution of others. John F. Kennedy An oppressive government is more to be feared than a tiger. Confucius Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. C. Northcote Parkinson The journey is over. Love to all. Carolyn Gold Heilbrun It is a good thing that life is not as serious as it seems to a waiter. Don Herold

We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically, if we cannot

trust, neither can we find love or joy. Walter Anderson It's a family that's loaded with grudges and passion. We come from a long line of robbers and highwaymen in Italy, you know. Killers, even. Nicolas Cage No, the religion of Jesus is a social religion. George Whitefield The least I can do is show Medgar I still care. And Martin. Charles Evers All government wars are unjust. Murray Rothbard If you cut off your arm instead of going 'spurt, spurt, spurt' wouldn't it, like, go nuts? Or would it go with the beat of your heart? Elijah Wood Police do not belong in war zones. Daniel Keys Moran The pride of dying rich raises the loudest laugh in hell. John W. Foster My father has a general rule. He says if I haven't done it in real life I shouldn't do it on-screen. Natalie Portman Tell me what you like and I'll tell you what you are. John Ruskin

I've been involved in something which was chaotic and insane. All I can say now

is that I am, and intend to stay, a single man. Sylvester Stallone I didn't want to spend my life behind a desk. John Gilpin I think the concept of the sea is very important. Alejandro Amenabar But it's mostly about pacing yourself when you do these movies. Robert Englund Repentant tears wash out the stain of guilt. Saint Augustine A mistake made by many people with great convictions is that they will let nothing stand in the way of their views, not even kindness. Bryant H. McGill There is a lot to life, and a lot more than just television to life. Bryant Gumbel Divorced men are more likely to meet their car payments than their child support obligations. Susan Faludi Every day, nay every moment, try to do some good deed. Abu Bakr Be good to others, that will protect you against evil. Abu Bakr

With the war and everything that's going on, unless you're Susan Sarandon, the best route

is to keep your mouth shut. For me it is, anyway! Robbie Williams Islam is in principle egalitarian, and has always had problems with power. Mary Douglas A Scout is never taken by surprise; he knows exactly what to do when anything unexpected happens. Robert Baden-Powell I was hot and I knew it and it went to my head. Janice Dickinson Great perils have this beauty, that they bring to light the fraternity of strangers. Victor Hugo President Bush has said that the economy is growing, that there are jobs out there. But you know, it's a long commute to China to get those jobs. Tom Daschle Oh, well, in Los Angeles everybody is an actor, or a producer, or a writer, or a director, or an agent, or... So everybody understands the hours. Julie Benz I wish to be cremated. One tenth of my ashes shall be given to my agent, as written in our contract. Groucho Marx I am sure that if you plant the trees back again, it will do nothing but good. Michael Fish The principle

If you create an act, you create a habit. If you create a habit, you

create a character. If you create a character, you create a destiny. Andre Maurois My dad was a big believer in treating people well, oftentimes even when he himself wasn't well. Neil Cavuto Love is more pleasant than marriage for the same reason that novels are more amusing than history. Nicolas Chamfort Sometimes, if you aren't sure about something, you just have to jump off the bridge and grow your wings on the way down. Danielle Steel Everything I buy is vintage and smells funny. Maybe that's why I don't have a boyfriend. Lucy Liu Resentment seems to have been given us by nature for a defense, and for a defense only! It is the safeguard of justice and the security of innocence. Adam Smith A man who is not afraid is not aggressive, a man who has no sense of fear of any kind is really a free, a peaceful man. Jiddu Krishnamurti There is only one real sin and that is to persuade oneself that the second best is anything but second best. Doris Lessin

For time and the world do not stand still. Change is the law of life.

And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future. John F. Kennedy I swear by that old expression, 'One monkey don't stop no show!' The reality is, we still have some good men out there, and we should hail those men as the kings they are. Angie Stone Thirty was so strange for me. I've really had to come to terms with the fact that I am now a walking and talking adult. C. S. Lewis The thing about coming back to the Bay Area, it's like coming home for me. Richard Serra Scalded cats fear even cold water. Thomas Fuller My father never raised his hand to any one of his children, except in self-defense. Fred Allen The computer would do anything you programmed it to do. Vint Cerf The most valuable of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it has to be done, whether you like it or not. Aldous Huxley Oh, what a day-to-day business life is. Jules Laforgue If someone gives you s

North Eurasia is one of the best examples of religious tolerance and peaceful coexistence of

Islam and Christianity. This is a rare thing in today's world, even in its most liberal parts. Nursultan Nazarbayev We would certainly welcome the recipient nation to put their inspectors on our shores, if they wanted to make that investment to help protect that shipment that is outgoing. Asa Hutchinson I know I'm never as good or bad as one single performance. I've never believed in my critics or my worshippers, and I've always been able to leave the game at the arena. Charles Barkley If Mr. Ware does not want republican laborers on his plantation, let him pay them in full for the time contracted for, and they will leave his plantation at once. Charles E. Merrill There's a lot of things that are said on the American Idol message board. I quit reading them because most of the people are very mean. Carrie Underwood My body is like breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I don't think about it, I just have it. Arnold Schwarzenegger Art is the most passiona

There's plenty for me to do. There are more albums. I'll record as long as

I can and as long as my voice works as well as it does now and for as long as people want to hear me. Tom Jones Attitude is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than what people do or say. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. Charles R. Swindoll But what is Hope? Nothing but the paint on the face of Existence; the least touch of truth rubs it off, and then we see what a hollow-cheeked harlot we have got hold of. Lord Byron It's interesting, as I said on the last tour in America, the audience actually came out, they had to have been the kind of fans who listened to my music via their parents, you know what I mean? Joe Cocker Our public school system is our country's biggest and most inefficient monopoly, yet it keeps demanding more and more money. Phyllis Schlafly The expense of a war could be paid in time; but the expense of opium, when once the habit is formed, will only increase with time. Townsen

Even people who feel perfectly comfortable investing in the stock market and owning their own

homes often have qualms about individual medical accounts or Social Security private accounts. Jacob Hacker We were alone. Where, I could not say, hardly imagine. All was black, and such a dense black that, after some minutes, my eyes had not been able to discern even the faintest glimmer. Jules Verne As for the extraordinary operations of the Holy Ghost, such as working of miracles, or speaking with divers kinds of tongues, they are long since ceased. George Whitefield Nudes are the greatest to paint. Everything you can find in a landscape or a still life or anything else is there: darkness and light, character dimension, texture. I painted heads too, of course. John Hurt So I rang up my local swimming baths. I said 'Is that the local swimming baths?' He said 'It depends where you're calling from.' Tim Vine But I found that being an artist and doing accurate work is very difficult. Alan Bean When you are offended at any man's fault, turn to yo

I'm a history buff, and right now we're sitting on one of the most dramatic

historical shifts that this planet has ever seen and we have a front row seat for it. James Daly I'm 16 now, I was 15 when it happened... and the encryption code wasn't in fact written by me, but written by the German member. There seems to be a bit of confusion about that part. Jon Johansen I know it's popular to say this because she's the woman of the moment, but Halle Berry. Not only does she have obvious audience appeal and star quality, but she's a damn good actress too. Paul Kane Make men wise, and by that very operation you make them free. Civil liberty follows as a consequence of this; no usurped power can stand against the artillery of opinion. William Godwin I simply can't build my hopes on a foundation of confusion, misery and death... I think... peace and tranquillity will return again. Anne Frank Surely a King who loves pleasure is less dangerous than one who loves glory? Nancy Mitford People want riches; they need fulfillment. Ro

You can not possibly have a broader basis for government than that which includes all

the people, with all their rights in their hands, and with an equal power to maintain their rights. William Lloyd Garrison It is in Virginia and Georgia that the war now rages and where it will continue; for at these points - Richmond and Atlanta - the enemy's main strength is concentrated. Knute Nelson There were a number of referendums in '98 that most of the things I voted for passed. That's very satisfying when you feel that most of the country is in step with your views. David Cross He wasn't a great father. He was a great musician. That's always been a touchy one, and it will be until I can find the answer, but I don't know if there is one. Julian Lennon Mathematicians may flatter themselves that they possess new ideas which mere human language is as yet unable to express. James C. Maxwell But unfortunately, in my unrelenting drive to get back on that drum stool, the major casualty in all of it was that I really forgot about me. Rick Allen

This war so far has cost us $125 billion and counting, because largely we decided

to do it on our own, with only the United Kingdom as a paying, fully participating partner. John Spratt He that speaketh against his own reason speaks against his own conscience, and therefore it is certain that no man serves God with a good conscience who serves him against his reason. Jeremy Taylor Universal orthodoxy is enriched by every new discovery of truth: what at first appeared universal, by wishing to stand still, sooner or later becomes a sect. Edgar Quinet The good thing from my perspective is that nobody puts any pressure on me to say what it's going to be. The backers accept that they don't know what they are going to get. Mike Leigh All who call on God in true faith, earnestly from the heart, will certainly be heard, and will receive what they have asked and desired. Martin Luther Time, motion and wine cause sleep. Ovid We should expect the best and the worst of mankind, as from the weather. Luc de Clapiers Always get married in the morning.

There were episodes where I would wear seven or eight outfits. It took a lot

of time to get those together. What the character wears is very essential to how I create the character. Donna Mills The righteousness of Jesus Christ is one of those great mysteries, which the angels desire to look into, and seems to be one of the first lessons that God taught men after the fall. George Whitefield The wretch who lives without freedom feels like dressing in the mud from the streets Those who have you, o Liberty, do not know. you. Those who do not have you should not speak of you, but win you. Jose Marti I am not facing the problem of emigration. I want my music to be acknowledged here first of all, in this country: after that, we shall see - perhaps the question will than become urgent. Alfred Schnittke Big business never pays a nickel in taxes, according to Ralph Nader, who represents a big consumer organization that never pays a nickel in taxes. Dave Barry Yeah, we have our differences, but we put those aside, and now we're making music. It's g

Money, again, has often been a cause of the delusion of the multitudes. Sober nations

have all at once become desperate gamblers, and risked almost their existence upon the turn of a piece of paper. Charles Mackay For unflagging interest and enjoyment, a household of children, if things go reasonably well, certainly all other forms of success and achievement lose their importance by comparison. Theodore Roosevelt Along with the lazy man... the dying man is the immoral man: the former, a subject that does not work; the latter, an object that no longer even makes itself available to be worked on by others. Michel De Certeau This is for all of you out there tonight, reaching for a dream - don't ever give up! Never ever listen to anyone, when they try to discourage you, because they do that, believe me! Mariah Carey The lecturer should give the audience full reason to believe that all his powers have been exerted for their pleasure and instruction. Michael Faraday Expedients are for the hour, but principles are for the ages. Henry Ward Beecher Peace an

A man, to be greatly good, must imagine intensely and comprehensively; he must put himself

in the place of another and of many others; the pains and pleasures of his species must become his own. Percy Bysshe Shelley The Soul of man is made an article of merchandize by his fellow man and can such a land be happy? No! Happyness does not dwell in any land that is scard by the blighting curse of Slavery. Ezra Cornell Lighting is vital. Without that they've got nothing. And, of course, color and texture. When they showed me a little piece of Finding Nemo, I said this has got to be the biggest hit. Joe Grant I am unjust, but I can strive for justice. My life's unkind, but I can vote for kindness. I, the unloving, say life should be lovely. I, that am blind, cry out against my blindness. Vachel Lindsay The reason a lot of people do not recognize opportunity is because it usually goes around wearing overalls looking like hard work. Thomas A. Edison Perfection is immutable. But for things imperfect, change is the way to perfect them. Owen Feltham When it com

Men, we don't need you to be a knight in shining armor. We just need

you to be a little bit brave, just a little bit. And some of them are, and that's what he does. Virginia Madsen When I think of the person that I thought was Bill Clinton, I think he had genuine remorse. When I think of the person that I now see is 100 percent politician, I think he's sorry he got caught. Monica Lewinsky There we times when everybody in the house has the flu. You're cleaning up vomit and it's 2 in the morning, and you're wishing there was somebody else there to help you. Meg Tilly It's something I've always loved doing. I'm not one of the artists who comes in and just does my bit. I'm there every second of every day. That's my hands-on situation. Keith Urban Why do you hasten to remove anything which hurts your eye, while if something affects your soul you postpone the cure until next year? Horace A woman's chastity consists, like an onion, of a series of coats. Nathaniel Hawthorne Anything on paper is obsol

In January of 1995, my family and I moved to Seattle. Pearl Jam did the

first of their live radio broadcasts, Monkey Wrench Radio, along with many other Seattle musicians. Jack Irons I think I'm in a really nice position, where I'm sure I could do another show if I wanted to do one, but right now the main thing in my mind is writing songs. Chris Isaak The three hardest tasks in the world are neither physical feats nor intellectual achievements, but moral acts: to return love for hate, to include the excluded, and to say, 'I was wrong'. Sydney J. Harris But, in the name of the experimental method and out of our poor knowledge, are we really entitled to claim that everything happens by chance, to the exclusion of all other possibilities? Albert Claude I was hired to do this one great script called 'Cap'n Ricky' and that project is up in the air at the moment. David Wain To a person in love, the value of the individual is intuitively known. Love needs no logic for its mission. Charles Lindbergh The worldwide, agel

In a way then, the Divine Principle, this new revelation, is the documentary of my

life. It is my own life experience. The Divine Principle is in me, and I am in the Divine Principle. Sun Myung Moon People can't imagine an enemy that would cut someone's head off before a video camera and spread it out across the world. But that has happened with the kind of enemy we are now facing. Kay Bailey Hutchison If you can get an out on one pitch, take it. Let the strikeouts come on the outstanding pitches. Winning is the big thing. If you throw a lot of pitches, before you know it, your arm is gone. Dwight Gooden The true knowledge or science which exists nowhere but in the mind itself, has no other entity at all besides intelligibility; and therefore whatsoever is clearly intelligible, is absolutely true. Ralph Cudworth Reasoning at every step he treads, Man yet mistakes his way, Whilst meaner things, whom instinct leads, Are rarely known to stray. William Cowper Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there. John Ray

I have never, ever, had an acting partnership that was a safe, as full, and

as exciting as the one I had with Tony. I didn't want to go through life without having a chance to taste it again. Genie Francis Books are standing counselors and preachers, always at hand, and always disinterested; having this advantage over oral instructors, that they are ready to repeat their lesson as often as we please. Louis Nizer When the new ownership came in, they made some decisions I wasn't pleased with. And when they changed the whole aspect of it, I just totally lost interest. Alonzo Mourning An office occupation is another example as not only douse it disrupt the activities of the organization it also can raise the media profile of the campaign. Ben Edwards A fool's brain digests philosophy into folly, science into superstition, and art into pedantry. Hence University education. George Bernard Shaw There's a reason I moved to NYC, and if I listed all the musicians on my list you'd grow weary. Trevor Dunn My wife and I try not to get

If someone wants to give you, like, $100 million, it's hard to say no. But

I don't want to accept that kind of money right now. I'd feel burdened by it. Michelle Wie The best thing is being able to perform in front of people and to express my feelings, whatever they may be at the time. Just to be able to make the world a happier place to be. Tanya Tucker When time and space and change converge, we find place. We arrive in Place when we resolve things. Place is peace of mind and understanding. Place is knowledge of self. Place is resolution. Abdullah Ibrahim I wish you well and I hope it will be a huge hit, because that would be very good for me. And if, God forbid, it's a terrible flop, well that would be very good for me. Jonathan Harris Because A Walk To Remember had come out and it had made money and I got a lot of congratulations at that time as it happens out there. Shane West Let's just win it and go home. Barry Sanders Love never reasons, but profusely gives; it gives like a thoughtless prodigal its all, and then tremb

I would suggest that barbarism be considered as a permanent and universal human characteristic which

becomes more or less pronounced according to the play of circumstances. Simone Weil Brick and mortar businesses - and the communities that depend on them - cannot continue to bear an unfair sales tax burden from which their on-line competitors are effectively exempt. Bill Delahunt It is an interesting fact that during my tour I was never allowed access to computers, radios, or anything else that I might damage through curiosity, or perhaps something more sinister. Robert B. Laughlin When the show started out, it was like all of a sudden we had to do 35 episodes and we had just a month and a half to write them, and it took me a while to realize that I was in charge. Mike Judge When we hide our failings from others, we seek to hide them from ourselves, and it is in the latter attempt that we are most successful. Pierre Nicole Words are but wind; and learning is nothing but words; ergo, learning is nothing but wind. Jonathan Swift A military coup needs a sacrifice and co

I've had 60 years of ups and downs, and all of the downs that I've

had, I'm happy that I've had them because it's taught me to appreciate all the ups. Patti LaBelle Music is an art that expresses the inexpressible. It rises far above what words can mean or the intelligence define. Its domain is the imponderable and impalpable land of the unconscious. Charles Munch I don't think I would have been a writer if I hadn't been a mother. I wanted to construct something that contained some of these feelings that I had, some of these discoveries or revelations. Carol Shields I mean, one shot you treat like you have forty little matches instead of one forty shot match. It makes all the difference in the world. It's easier to just forget about a not so good shot. Nancy Johnson It was the Law of the Sea, they said. Civilization ends at the waterline. Beyond that, we all enter the food chain, and not always right at the top. Hunter S. Thompson An ambassador is not simply an agent; he is also a spectacle. Walter Bagehot All

When I got a telly we had no aerial, but I discovered that if I

or one of the children stood by it you could get a picture. So I had to make a statue that could stand by the telly. Beryl Bainbridge I loved Japan. I used to read a lot about it when I was a child. And I always wanted to go. And it was delightful. I absolutely loved it. What a smashing place. Billy Connolly Well, it is certainly not by choice at this time you don't see or hear about me. This business is very unpredictable. A lot of it is luck and being in the right place at the right time. Erin Moran In sport there is never any moment that is the same as the other. I have been in Formula One for 12 years, and out of that I had one year with the perfect car. Michael Schumacher Indifference may not wreck a man's life at any one turn, but it will destroy him with a kind of dry-rot in the long run. Bliss Carman Don't accept the old order. Get rid of it. John Lydon The premise of this foundation is one life on this planet is no more valuable than the next. Me

And a third thing is the understanding of the Church as a community, a communion

which is just a hierarchy but the people of God, whose servants are the priests and bishops. Hans Kung Marching with over a million women in support of our reproductive rights was one of the most empowering things I have done, both as a woman and as a Member of Congress. Sheila Jackson Lee I'd worked in Clockwork Orange with Stanley Kubrick and since Stanley was such a prestigious director this opened all sorts of doors for me - one of them being Star Wars. David Prowse Lovers may be - and indeed generally are - enemies, but they never can be friends, because there must always be a spice of jealousy and a something of Self in all their speculations. Lord Byron Vampires are sexy to a woman perhaps because the fantasy is similar to that of the man on the white horse sweeping her off to paradise. Frank Langella Friendships born on the field of athletic strife are the real gold of competition. Awards become corroded, friends gather no dust. Jesse Owens The greatest he

To me, a feminist belongs in the same category as a humanist or an advocate

for human rights. I don't see why someone who's a feminist should be thought of differently. Suzanne Vega I made a conscious decision that I was not going to have children. I didn't want others raising them, and looking after them myself would get in the way of being a musician and writer. Stevie Nicks Having now reached a point where danger might be reasonably apprehended from strolling war parties of Indians, spies were kept in advance and strict diligence observed in the duty of sentinels. William Henry Ashley Never be discouraged. If I were sunk in the lowest pits of Nova Scotia, with the Rocky Mountains piled on me, I would hang on, exercise faith, and keep up good courage, and I would come out on top. Joseph Smith, Jr. It's not a master plan to do every remake and every recreation of icons. It's just what I've been hired to do. Steve Carell The key, of course, is to stay away from the losing years. Vince McMahon I love when people get son

Also, if we take back our schools and concentrate on improving them so our children

get a better education, they will be better trained to compete for a job locally. Vincent Frank A comfortable old age is the reward of a well-spent youth. Instead of its bringing sad and melancholy prospects of decay, it would give us hopes of eternal youth in a better world. Maurice Chevalier Harrison Ford was pretty content as a carpenter who thought it would be nice to work on TV and ended up being the biggest film star in the history of cinema. Dirk Benedict The patient's autonomy always, always should be respected, even if it is absolutely contrary - the decision is contrary to best medical advice and what the physician wants. Jack Kevorkian The beginnings of the hacker culture as we know it today can be conveniently dated to 1961, the year MIT acquired the first PDP-1. Eric S. Raymond It is better to fail in a cause that will ultimately succeed than to succeed in a cause that will ultimately fail. Peter Marshall There are not enough Indians in the world to d

In order that people may be happy in their work, these three things are needed:

They must be fit for it. They must not do too much of it. And they must have a sense of success in it. John Ruskin We have found that morals are not, like bacon, to be cured by hanging; nor, like wine, to be improved by sea voyages; nor, like honey, to be preserved in cells. William Taylor Completeness? Happiness? These words don't come close to describing my emotions. There truly is nothing I can say to capture what motherhood means to me, particularly given my medical history. Anita Baker Some people wish above all to conform to the rules, I wish only to render what I can hear. There is no theory. You have only to listen. Pleasure is the law. Claude Debussy Where lipstick is concerned, the important thing is not color, but to accept God's final word on where your lips end. Jerry Seinfeld Human and moral factors must always be considered. They must never be missing from policies and from public discussion. Herman Kahn Well, the very best operas are the ones w

While one party may possess the levers of power, one party does not possess a

monopoly on good ideas. Good lawmaking, after all, is about the ability to craft effective solutions. Bill Owens The offshore ocean area under U.S. jurisdiction is larger than our land mass, and teems with plant and animal life, mineral resources, commerce, trade, and energy sources. Tom Allen For if there is a sin against life, it consists perhaps not so much in despairing of life as in hoping for another life and in eluding the implacable grandeur of this life. Albert Camus Poverty is multidimensional. It extends beyond money incomes to education, health care, political participation and advancement of one's own culture and social organisation. Atal Bihari Vajpayee Science may eventually explain the world of How. The ultimate world of Why may remain for contemplation, philosophy, religion. Liberty Hyde Bailey Show me a man who is a good loser and I'll show you a man who is playing golf with his boss. James Patrick Murray I squeeze oranges every morning to ma

Do not wait; the time will never be 'just right.' Start where you stand, and

work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along. George Herbert Thank God I never got in a fight. All of the jock dudes hated me, but all of their girlfriends thought I was nice so they wouldn't touch me. It was infuriating to them. Mark Hoppus Have not prisons - which kill all will and force of character in man, which enclose within their walls more vices than are met with on any other spot of the globe - always been universities of crime? Peter Kropotkin I was very pleased, obviously, to have outsold such great writers. But I'm not insane - I do realize that I am a popular writer who people buy to take on vacation. Maeve Binchy The most splendid achievement of all is the constant striving to surpass yourself and to be worthy of your own approval. Denis Waitley There are two freedoms - the false, where a man is free to do what he likes; the true, where he is free to do what he ought. Charles Kingsley No me

When I go to a movie, I'm always thrilled if I've seen an actor do

something and I didn't realize until the end of the movie that that was that person. I love that. Guy Pearce I also love the makers of South Park, because they're political, strong, and they're making all of these comments that would get you shot for if you did it in a drama. Michelle Rodriguez Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe. Gail Devers The Treatise tries to analyze not only modern Western families, but also those in other cultures and the changes in family structure during the past several centuries. Gary Becker In all human affairs there are efforts, and there are results, and the strength of the effort is the measure of the result. James Allen The greatest and noblest pleasure which we have in this world is to discover new truths, and the next is to shake off old prejudices. Frederick the

If a man like Malcolm X could change and repudiate racism, if I myself and

other former Muslims can change, if young whites can change, then there is hope for America. Eldridge Cleaver For us to maintain our way of living, we must tell lies to each other and especially to ourselves. The lies are necessary because, without them, many deplorable acts would become impossibilities. Derrick Jensen Maybe you are the 'cool' generation If coolness means a capacity to stay calm and use your head in the service of ends passionately believed in, then it has my admiration. Kingman Brewster, Jr. I had some of the students in my finance class actually do some empirical work on capital structures, to see if we could find any obvious patterns in the data, but we couldn't see any. Merton Miller There must be room for the imagination to exercise its powers; we must conceive and apprehend a thousand things which we do not actually witness. William Godwin I would never have become music director of the Chicago Symphony, which would have been an extreme

Pope John Paul II not only was a powerful spiritual leader for Catholics but also

a world leader of extraordinary consequence during the last quarter-century. Mike Ferguson The world is in a constant conspiracy against the brave. It's the age-old struggle: the roar of the crowd on the one side, and the voice of your conscience on the other. Douglas MacArthur I'm supposed to be making comics, so I had to do it the best way I knew how, which is what those guys at the beginning of the Twentieth Century were doing. Art Spiegelman The black market was a way of getting around government controls. It was a way of enabling the free market to work. It was a way of opening up, enabling people. Milton Friedman There is nothing funny about Halloween. This sarcastic festival reflects, rather, an infernal demand for revenge by children on the adult world. Jean Baudrillard To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time. Leonard Bernstein For changes to be of any true value, they've got to be lasting and consistent.

Search for the truth. I tell you things and I always ask you to verify

what I say. I told you yesterday that there was an attack and a retreat at Saddam's airport. Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf I think the '60s were an extraordinary time. I feel bad for the kids today who missed this wonderful confluence, which was simultaneously a confluence of the global and the mythological. Peter Coyote The heart of marriage is memories; and if the two of you happen to have the same ones and can savor your reruns, then your marriage is a gift from the gods. Bill Cosby Naming a transition team varies with the intentions of the candidate; some candidates have been careful to name a transition team as much as a year in advance. Richard V. Allen Follow your dreams, work hard, practice and persevere. Make sure you eat a variety of foods, get plenty of exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Sasha Cohen He lives to build, not boast, a generous race; No tenth transmitter of a foolish face. Richard Savage Now nobody get nervous, you ain't got nothin

One either has to believe in a God who's terribly prejudiced, or disbelieve the teachings

of such exclusionary theologies. Religions have taught us that 'we are better than they.' Neale Donald Walsch As soon as I began, it seemed impossible to write fast enough - I wrote faster than I would write a letter - two thousand to three thousand words in a morning, and I cannot help it. Helen Hunt Jackson When I'm shooting, really the audience I'm thinking the hardest about is that first test screening audience who I want to like the film and that first opening weekend audience. Jay Roach If the world were a bar, America would currently be the angry drunk waving around a loaded gun. Yeah, the other people in the bar may be afraid of him, but they sure as hell don't respect him. Wil Wheaton Injustice boils in men's hearts as does steel in its cauldron, ready to pour forth, white hot, in the fullness of time. Mother Jones Nowadays, I really like playing in studios. Derek Bailey The rule is, jam tomorrow and jam yesterday - but never jam today

It is necessary to take an active part in politics to observe how often the

welfare of the party organization is put before the issues, even before the welfare of the commonwealth. Charles Edison The great unity which true science seeks is found only by beginning with our knowledge of God, and coming down from Him along the stream of causation to every fact and event that affects us. Howard Crosby Well, they're Southern people, and if they know you are working at home they think nothing of walking right in for coffee. But they wouldn't dream of interrupting you at golf. Harper Lee When friendship disappears then there is a space left open to that awful loneliness of the outside world which is like the cold space between the planets. It is an air in which men perish utterly. Hilaire Belloc The discipline you learn and character you build from setting and achieving a goal can be more valuable than the achievement of the goal itself. Bo Bennett Look at the forces against me. They don't want me out. They're afraid I'll cause trou

This happiness consisted of nothing else but the harmony of the few things around me

with my own existence, a feeling of contentment and well-being that needed no changes and no intensification. Herman Hesse I have never met a happy atheist. I believe in separation of church and state, but I think we have gone so far over in the other direction of separating church and state. Dixie Carter But the perception of life as an organic unity is a slow achievement, and depends for its growth on a people's entry into the main current of world-events. Muhammad Iqbal Experience taught me that working families are often just one pay check away from economic disaster. And it showed me first-hand the importance of every family having access to good health care. Dave Obey There are goods so opposed that we cannot seize both, but, by too much prudence, may pass between them at too great a distance to reach either. Samuel Johnson I didn't tour Europe, because I didn't have any label support. Lita Ford A Cannibal is a person who walks into a restaurant and

By religion, then, I understand a propitiation or conciliation of powers superior to man which

are believed to direct and control the course of nature and of human life. James G. Frazer Forty pictures I was in, and all I remember is 'What kind of bra will you be wearing today, honey?' That was always the area of big decision - from the neck to the navel. Donna Reed There is no such thing as an impartial jury because there are no impartial people. There are people that argue on the web for hours about who their favorite character on 'Friends' is. Jon Stewart I want to take roles that challenge me and I want to like the script and obviously feel connected with the director because the director to me is so important. Amy Smart As virtuous men pass mildly away, and whisper to their souls to go, whilst some of their sad friends do say, the breath goes now, and some say no. John Donne I don't like to share my personal life... it wouldn't be personal if I shared it. George Clooney The eyes have one language everywhere. George Herbert In my d

Religion was nearly dead because there was no longer real belief in future life; but

something was struggling to take its place - service - social service - the ants creed, the bees creed. John Galsworthy Sometimes it seems that we are successful only because we have not tried hard enough for our best. We do the hard thing, and one day we succeed, and many things are made plain to us. Maude Adams I think you can have the greatest lyrics in the world and if it doesn't have the best tune in the world it will suck. I mean if the music wasn't important it would just be a poem. Julian Cope I am prejudiced in favor of him who, without impudence, can ask boldly. He has faith in humanity, and faith in himself. No one who is not accustomed to giving grandly can ask nobly and with boldness. Johann Kaspar Lavater It is a curious thing... that every creed promises a paradise which will be absolutely uninhabitable for anyone of civilized taste. Evelyn Waugh A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it. Bob Hope I w

For the past 32 years, I've done nothing outside the entertainment business. I've had some

real highs and some real lows, but I love the work so much that I never once thought of quitting. Meat Loaf If we cannot by reason, by influence, by example, by strenuous effort, and by personal sacrifice, mend the bad places of civilization, we certainly cannot do it by force. Auberon Herbert It's kind of like family. I can't say that we go out to lunch and to the movies every day with each other. Everyone's fully grown adult women with lives. Kathy Valentine Our hearts and prayers go out to the people in London and in Egypt. We're very concerned about it. We are providing our expertise to aid in the investigation in London. Alberto Gonzales Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. Theodore Roosevelt Virtue has its own reward, but no sale at the box office. Mae West You know, the fashion business is this legendary repository of young girls on their wa

Constant development is the law of life, and a man who always tries to maintain

his dogmas in order to appear consistent drives himself into a false position. Mahatma Gandhi The visa lottery system poses a national security threat. Under the program, each successful applicant is chosen at random and given the status of permanent resident based on pure luck. Bob Goodlatte I was being foolish. An atheist can't stand behind their assertion that God doesn't exist. The stupidest thing I ever could have done was to reject His Truth. Kirk Cameron Sure, President Bush can say that the U.S. government won't fund stem cell research, but believe me, Japan is applauding. Because they will just do it first and get all the patents. Kevin J. Anderson It takes time for the absent to assume their true shape in our thoughts. After death they take on a firmer outline and then cease to change. Colley Cibber The only thing that's been a worse flop than the organization of non-violence has been the organization of violence. Joan Baez I daresay anything

Watergate was unique because it allowed the public to play its democratic role in expressing

its outrage at the presidency. And as a result, for the first time in history a president resigned. Samuel Dash I still play jazz, and I've always got that trumpet very handy, but I'm coming to feel the classical venues are where my main focus is, in the realm of symphonic pops. Doc Severinsen Sometimes it works. Sometimes I feel like playing 'Hospital'. Sometimes I feel like playing 'Pablo Picasso'. I've been playing a lot lately. I do it as long as I feel like it. Jonathan Richman One of the difficulties of not knowing for so long whether we were doing a fifth season or not was that we weren't really allowed to go out shopping for work. Claudia Black We live in an age that is driven by information. Technological breakthroughs... are changing the face of war and how we prepare for war. William J. Perry It seems that every time mankind is given a lot of energy, we go out and wreck something with it. David R. Brower We were eyeball-to-ey

We have overcome the notion that mathematical truths have an existence independent and apart from

our own minds. It is even strange to us that such a notion could ever have existed. James Newman We are the only ones who really can care about the preservation Foreigners who come to excavate, maybe some of them care about preservation, but the majority care about discoveries. Zahi Hawass It is not my wish to lounge about the college and fatten on a fellowship all my days. I am always trying to look upon a college life as a medium not an end. Thomas Edward Brown Go far - too far you cannot, still the farther. The more experience finds you: and go sparing. One meal a week will serve you, and one suit, through all your travels; for you'll find it certain. John Fletcher Changes are not only possible and predictable, but to deny them is to be an accomplice to one's own unnecessary vegetation. Gail Sheehy Style used to be an interaction between the human soul and tools that were limiting. In the digital era, it will have to come from the soul alone. Jaron Lanier A

In all secrets there is a kind of guilt, however beautiful or joyful they may

be, or for what good end they may be set to serve. Secrecy means evasion, and evasion means a problem to the moral mind. Gilbert Parker If the English want a king, it is their business. If the Russians want communism, it is their business. If the Americans want our form of government, it is our business. Julius Rosenberg What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured. Kurt Vonnegut I think that age as a number is not nearly as important as health. You can be in poor health and be pretty miserable at 40 or 50. If you're in good health, you can enjoy things into your 80s. Bob Barker Again, it may be said, that to love justice and equality the people need no great effort of virtue; it is sufficient that they love themselves. Maximilien Robespierre Well, there's no question that a good script is an absolutely essential, maybe

It is curious how instinctively one protects the image of oneself from idolatry or any

other handling that could make it ridiculous, or too unlike the original to be believed any longer. Virginia Woolf The only time you really live fully is from thirty to sixty. The young are slaves to dreams; the old servants of regrets. Only the middle-aged have all their five senses in the keeping of their wits. Theodore Roosevelt More coming out about Saddam Hussein. We now know he takes Viagra and he has as many as six mistresses. No wonder Congress is reluctant to take action against this guy - he's one of their own. Jay Leno If anything goes bad, I did it. If anything goes semi-good, we did it. If anything goes really good, then you did it. That's all it takes to get people to win football games for you. Paul Bryant My experience has been in a short 77 years that in the end when you fight for a desperate cause and have good reasons to fight, you usually win. Edward Teller He who has a task to perform must know how to take sides, or he is quite unworthy of it

All my jobs have been with food in one way or another since 1948. My

parents were in the hotel business, and I just loved the warm hearted people who worked so hard with such good humor. Graham Kerr I love a lot of things, and I'm pretty much obsessive about most things I do, whether it be gardening, or architecture, or music. I'd be an obsessive hairdresser. Gates McFadden We've always lived in dark times. There has always been a range of human experience from the sublime to the brutal, and stories reflect it. It's no less brutal now; each age has its horrors. Terri Windling The Menzies Government, by its participation in the plans for the development of other nations, can see the virtue of planning for them but apparently cannot see the virtue of a plan for Australia. Lionel Murphy A politician never forgets the precarious nature of elective life. We have never established a practice of tenure in public office. Hubert H. Humphrey Well, normally we don't think all that hard about titles. Robert Forster If I had to

I think all foreigners should stop interfering in the internal affairs of Iraq. Those who

want to come and help are welcome. Those who come to interfere and destroy are not. Paul Wolfowitz When trying to remember my share in the glow of the eternal present, in the smile of God, I return to my childhood, too, for that is where the most significant discoveries turn up. Herman Hesse As long as there are musicians who have a passion for spontaneity, for creating something that's never been before, the art form of jazz will flourish. Charlie Haden The initial motivation of the experiment which led to this discovery was a subconscious feeling for the inexhaustible wealth of nature, a wealth that goes far beyond the imagination of man. Bruno Rossi Justice requires that everyone should have enough to eat. But it also requires that everyone should contribute to the production of food. Elias Canetti When I say I want to photograph someone, what it really means is that I'd like to know them. Anyone I know I photograph. Annie Leibovitz Two-thirds of the Earth&

It makes no difference how deeply seated may be the trouble, how hopeless the outlook

how muddled the tangle, how great the mistake. A sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all. Emmet Fox I did not wish to take a cabin passage, but rather to go before the mast and on the deck of the world, for there I could best see the moonlight amid the mountains. I do not wish to go below now. Henry David Thoreau Electricity can be dangerous. My nephew tried to stick a penny into a plug. Whoever said a penny doesn't go far didn't see him shoot across that floor. I told him he was grounded. Tim Allen From the age of about five to twelve I was very bad, a hideous little terror who beat people up. I was a member of the Rough Gang - we went around and terrorized all the pupils in school. Joseph Fiennes It would make life much easier if I could have total faith and not question everything all the time, but I can't do it and I won't do it. Joey Skaggs Napoleon was probably the equal at least of Washington in intellect, his superior in education. Bot

There's no question in my mind that it was C.I.A. sanctioned, and most - many

Latin American investigators have come to the same conclusion. Of course, we never heard about that in our country. John Perkins Part of the redesign of FEMA is that they have so many people on standby, whether it is a retired nurse or a doctor who will take time off to go exactly where they are needed. Ginny Brown-Waite Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way. Viktor E. Frankl He who stands aloof runs the risk of believing himself better than others and misusing his critique of society as an ideology for his private interest. Theodor Adorno There is no investment you can make which will pay you so well as the effort to scatter sunshine and good cheer through your establishment. Orison Swett Marden No poems can please for long or live that are written by water drinkers. Horace Follow the way of life, which the Holy Prophet has shown you, f

This moment exhibits infinite space, but there is a space also wherein all moments are

infinitely exhibited, and the everlasting duration of infinite space is another region and room of joys. Thomas Traherne It was in the Seventies but I still recall what was a good night for my club. Of course, the stadium has changed now but I have heard that the atmosphere is still the same. Carl Zeiss Probably the worst time in a person's life is when they have to kill a family member because they are the devil. But otherwise it's been a pretty good day. Emo Philips When drawings of the main buildings I have designed in the last five years are juxtaposed, the fact that they all involve the pursuit of certain configurations is obvious to anyone. Yoshio Taniguchi If I can't play for big money, I play for a little money. And if I can't play for a little money, I stay in bed that day. Bobby Riggs We were promised a society of philosophers. But the Blogosphere is looking more and more like a nation of ankle-biters. Steven Levy For me, life is writing and

I've just started school again, and it was a bit strange to start off with;

it took me three or four days to get used to it. My friends have been great, they've been treating me normally. Rupert Grint The only football players in my time were fellows who really loved to play football. They were not in it for the money. There wasn't much money there. They would have played football for nothing. Red Grange Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even. Muhammad Ali All new states are invested, more or less, by a class of noisy, second-rate men who are always in favor of rash and extreme measures, but Texas was absolutely overrun by such men. Sam Houston The general public has long been divided into two parts those who think science can do anything, and those who are afraid it will. Dixie Lee Ray You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm. Sidonie Gabrielle Colette I wish I'd gotten sober at a y

When the penalty for a policeman's mistake is to put a criminal back out on

the street, then we are hurting America; we are hurting our law-abiding citizens. Gary Bauer We have a powerful potential in out youth, and we must have the courage to change old ideas and practices so that we may direct their power toward good ends. Mary McLeod Bethune Public schools were designed as the great equalizers of our society - the place where all children could have access to educational opportunities to make something of themselves in adulthood. Janet Napolitano Every woman needs one man in her life who is strong and responsible. Given this security, she can proceed to do what she really wants to do-fall in love with men who are weak and irresponsible. Richard J. Needham American high school students trail teenagers from 14 European and Asian countries in reading, math and science. We're even trailing France. Suzanne Fields As in The Lime Twig dream and illusion are right at the center of Charivari. John C. Hawkes It's sad and upsetting when you s

Viewed freely, the English language is the accretion and growth of every dialect, race, and

range of time, and is both the free and compacted composition of all. Walt Whitman Things that I felt absolutely sure of but a few years ago, I do not believe now. This thought makes me see more clearly how foolish it would be to expect all men to agree with me. Jim Rohn Everyone tries to talk you out of going to college. The consensus being that people are just gonna forget about you, you know, and that's the way the business works. Larisa Oleynik Business is not just doing deals; business is having great products, doing great engineering, and providing tremendous service to customers. Finally, business is a cobweb of human relationships. Ross Perot I have now reached the happy age of 23. No, happy is not quite the right word. At this particular moment I am certainly not happy. Eva Braun Madam: If you discover any more comets, can you not wait until they are announced by the proper authorities? George Phillips Bond The second office in the government is honorable

The Oakland clubhouse is a wonderful place. A lot of these guys feel like rejects.

They were rejects and they feel - they can tell you how baseball screwed up. Michael Lewis I think you know what you're up against when you take on a piece that you know is going to involve dragging up a lot emotions - you can end up being deeply immersed in gloom. Amanda Burton I owe the public a good performance, the best I can give. We really bust our chops on 'CHiPs' but when I go home and get a weekend off, I want to spend it quietly, with my lady. Larry Wilcox It has always been my belief that a man should do his best, regardless of how much he receives for his services, or the number of people he may be serving or the class of people served. Napoleon Hill We cannot always assure the future of our friends; we have a better chance of assuring our future if we remember who our friends are. Henry Kissinger I'd rather be on a label that understands us and allows us to be a bit odd. Sean Booth Because the Illinois death penalty system is arbitrary and

I was doing acting work at Fox - bit pieces with Greg Peck in The

Gunfighter and things like that - and grew up more or less as a Fox contract player in about two years. Larry Buchanan State government has too often been used to look out for the insiders and not the citizens. This has insulated poverty from progress, and need from remedy. Ernie Fletcher With our knowledge of modern-day genetics, we realize that it was possible for God to place the potential for all people throughout history into the genes of Adam and Eve when He created them. Walter Lang There are two things that are more difficult than making an after-dinner speech: climbing a wall which is leaning toward you and kissing a girl who is leaning away from you. Winston Churchill I am concerned, rather, that there should not be more things dreamt of in my philosophy than there actually are in heaven and earth. Nelson Goodman Now I can't wait to write my next play. Scott Caan I like to rock and roll, but I'm a mushy guy, too. I want to be the guy that all the gir

The real end of prayer is not so much to get this or that single

desire granted, as to put human life into full and joyful conformity with the will of God. Charles Bent Some people are always critical of vague statements. I tend rather to be critical of precise statements; they are the only ones which can correctly be labeled 'wrong'. Raymond Smullyan We knew we'd never find someone called Rock Hard, which was our ideal name, and for a while we toyed with the idea of just creating the character but never letting him get seen. James Frank When I was growing up watching Marilyn Monroe, I learned that you can be very beautiful, very glamorous and very vulnerable and not give up your soul just because you were a movie star. Sally Kirkland As set forth by theologians, the idea of 'God' is an argument that assumes its own conclusions, and proves nothing. Johann Most Nothing is as approved as mediocrity, the majority has established it and it fixes its fangs on whatever gets beyond it either way. Blaise Pascal The grea

I extend that to the abortion issue, I extend that to the so-called gay rights

issue, I think this is a freedom principle and consistent with the analysis in the economic area as well. William Weld We really only came around to accepting and integrating the propositional dimension of identity into a concept of ourselves at the time of the American Revolution. Samuel P. Huntington I look at myself objectively and in a way I see myself as a commodity. Your name becomes somehow outside yourself. Now, when I'm at home being Mrs. Scarfe, that's when I'm most myself. Jane Asher You know there are no secrets in America. It's quite different in England, where people think of a secret as a shared relation between two people. W. H. Auden The truth is not wonderful enough to suit the newspapers; so they enlarge upon it, and invent ridiculous embellishments. Anne Sullivan I'll put my progressive credentials up against anyone's. Bart Stupak In politics, being ridiculous is more damaging than being extreme. Roy Hattersley We do not

This administration is cutting the programs that our Nation and its citizens need most, while

dissolving the safety nets created to protect the elderly and less fortunate in this wealthy Nation. Corrine Brown My efforts in Congress are guided by the belief that environmental preservation and restoration are a critical part of the legacy we leave to future generations. Sue Kelly I also taught myself how to blow glass using a propane torch from the hardware store and managed to make some elementary chemistry plumbing such as tees and small glass bulbs. Robert B. Laughlin The purpose behind terrorism is to instill fear in people - the fear that electrical power, for instance, will be taken away or the transportation system will be taken down. Vint Cerf You can't give the government the power to do good without also giving it the power to do bad - in fact, to do anything it wants. Harry Browne I have found that most of the things I want from living I must get from people. Robert Conklin Don't trust the heart, it wants your blood. Stanislaw Jerzy Lec Mor

The cell, over the billions of years of her life, has covered the earth many

times with her substance, found ways to control herself and her environment, and insure her survival. Albert Claude The book was at a reasonably high position on the New York Times... before I was in the country. I thought it would be an interesting experiment to see if my presence here would push it up or down. Kazuo Ishiguro The grandmother, the mother, the worker, the student, the intellectual, the professional, the unemployed, everybody identified with the songs because they were descriptions of life in the city. Ruben Blades Early in my business career I learned the folly of worrying about anything. I have always worked as hard as I could, but when a thing went wrong and could not be righted, I dismissed it from my mind. Julius Rosenwald In love, unlike most other passions, the recollection of what you have had and lost is always better than what you can hope for in the future. Stendhal People do ask me if I think I can make it in the States. Utada Hikaru Let'

Why is it that our memory is good enough to retain the least triviality that

happens to us, and yet not good enough to recollect how often we have told it to the same person? Francois de La Rochefoucauld Old age has got to start creeping up on me one day soon, and frankly I'm very scared. I don't want to be old. I've always felt so young. And I want to stay that way. David Niven It's a national concern, I mean how we dispose of nuclear waste in a safe way, how we deal with this incredible amount of nuclear waste we have created over the years. Tom Udall I don't know what I have said. I have answered so many questions and I am so confused I don't know one thing from another. I am telling you just as nearly as I know. Lizzie Andrew Borden Because of our social circumstances, male and female are really two cultures and their life experiences are utterly different. Kate Millett I choose bold. I choose action. I choose what's right for the people. I choose to make a difference. Bill Richardson Everyone should be respecte


I love the game, it's the greatest game on earth, that's why I can't understand

all of this talk about trying to make the game better. People talk about the high strike zone and changing this and that. Why? To speed up the game? That's the beauty of baseball. There is no time element. Eric Davis My dad also plays a little banjo and guitar, my mom plays the mandolin. Page McConnell I never set out to write prayers at all. But there was a span of time when I didn't find it easy to pray, but, when I went to write one of the things I had to write, a prayer would come. Gloria Gaither You can't get closer to the heart of national sovereignty than national security and intelligence services. Gijs de Vries A guy will promise you the world and give you nothin', and that's the blues. Otis Rush I think people often confuse success with fame and stardom. Brenda Blethyn The beautiful spring came; and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also. Harriet Ann Jacobs Live to learn, learn to live, then teach others. Dou

I'm a filmmaker. I'm always searching for the truth in everything I do. I demand

it from my writing partner and my crew, actors, and so hopefully, we're making people think. Lee Daniels Art brings a message into a room. It should make us perceive in a new way - either through color, form or narrative content - something we had not perceived before... and perhaps reveal something to you about yourself. Gloria Vanderbilt We all have choices we have to make, and with those choices come certain sacrifices. Hill Harper I'm so happy to be Tiffany Trump, happy to be in the family I'm in. Tiffany Trump The Barenboim Foundation has nothing to do with politics. Daniel Barenboim Once you go down a road, you take it through to the end. Peter Jackson I've been in enough positions to respect people with different views. Condoleezza Rice You can't get any better than TV on HBO, ABC and BBC3. Chris Lilley If you feel that there's the author and then the character, then the book is not working. People have a habit of identifying the a

I don't think men are that attracted by glamour. I think women are attracted by

glamour. I think men are attracted by a sense of friendship. Joanna Lumley I drive my family nuts because when I watch something on TV, I'm likely to watch it with a bass guitar. But I don't plug it in! Steve Capus I had always been a really peculiar child. My mom would tell you I grew up roughing it with the boys and playing with action figures and toy cars and stuff, but I also had an Easy Bake Oven... I find it amazing that in a really weird way, people are mad that they can't figure out my gender. Shamir When I'd hear something that sounded like I could follow it - most of those big band jazz tunes are blues anyway - I would hum it and play with the fiddle while I was humming. Johnny Gimble A lot of artists go in the studio and say, 'OK, whaddaya want me to do? Is it gonna be a hit? I'll do it. Is it gonna get played on the radio? I'll do it.' So they start makin' these songs, and they fall in the same tempo, same category, same this,

I was looking to do something non-fiction because I had done a strip, 'My Mom

Was a Schizophrenic.' I really enjoyed the process of doing that strip, despite its subject matter. To do it I'd had to do a lot of research and reading and I figured I'd like to do that again. Chester Brown The economic game is not supposed to be rigged like some shady ring toss on a carnival midway. Arianna Huffington Actually, I think my hands are in the best shape they've ever been in terms of what I can do. Andy Summers I never hated a man enough to give him diamonds back. Zsa Zsa Gabor We win justice quickest by rendering justice to the other party. Mahatma Gandhi The networks found themselves having to compete for an increasingly Balkanized audience. Roger Mudd Dealing with network executives is like being nibbled to death by ducks. Eric Sevareid

I went to Briar Cliff College initially, and then I transferred to Georgetown University, because

I was a Russian major, and I was one of two girls accepted that year. This was September 1969 - well, that would have been 1970 - into the School Of Languages And Linguistics in Georgetown. P. J. Soles My hair is such a statement that it's like a neon sign asking for trouble. Natasha Lyonne Style without content is bad style. Louis MacNeice The pinnacle of the fulfillment I can ever experience for my spirit and soul is to hear from the Lord, when I see Him face to face, 'Well done my good and faithful servant.' Nick Vujicic My job is to do. My job is to make women beautiful. What do I have to say? Alber Elbaz Hollywood is all made up, anyway. Especially the stories and angles that people want to pin on you. Nick Nolte That's one of the things you get when you're playing golf. You get bad backs, bad necks. Tom Watson I was raised in a very activist household so that I grew up surrounded by people who were activists. Pearl Cleage The market alw

I think it helps a lot when they tell people that Teri Hatcher likes you.

If you're Teri Hatcher's boyfriend, suddenly you're hunky I guess. I've spent 40 years being average and now I'm Teri hatcher's boyfriend and here we are. I've been really fortunate. James Denton Moreover, no one is judged from the natural man, thus not so long as he lives in the natural world, for man is then in a natural body; but everyone is judged in the spiritual man, and therefore when he comes into the spiritual world, for man is then in a spiritual body. Emanuel Swedenborg I am afraid that the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the banks can and do create and destroy money. And they who control the credit of a nation direct the policy of governments, and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people. Richard McKenna The focus of Congress is on keeping the nation secure - and it doesn't see that food security is an essential part of that responsibility. Instead of putting more food on the tables of America, they

I want my little corner of the world where I get to make games where

you're not trying to win or lose; you're not trying to get a higher score - you are having unbelievable amounts of fun as you learn about yourself and the world. That's what games can do! Warren Spector If I wake up in the middle of the night and have an idea, I want to go to my computer and be able to do it. So I hired someone at Guitar Center to come over to my house and teach me Logic music program, and I learned it over a couple months. Rachel Platten To do this job, you really have to love what you're doing. Edward Kitsis I don't get recognised until I'm on stage, and then I can walk off and forget about it. It's great. Rick Astley Whatever age you think I am, you're probably right. Vanessa Ray I love coming of age stories that have struggle. Aaron Paul In an era of global value chains, worldwide sourcing and the never-ending search for new markets, we must be careful to avoid the proliferation of regional standards. A multilateral

You have to understand: the narrative that people have about business and capitalism is that

they are fundamentally selfish, greedy, and exploitative. Of course, I don't agree with that narrative. John Mackey Sometimes, you just have to clear your head and get out to see other things. It is very important to be nourished. I love to go to museums and galleries, I like to see theatre, film, dance - anything creative. It doesn't promise you inspiration, but it nourishes your creative soul, and that's good. Marc Jacobs When I was growing up, I don't remember being told that America was created so that everyone could get rich. I remember being told it was about opportunity and the pursuit of happiness. Not happiness itself, but the pursuit. Martin Scorsese Folk music is music that everyday people can play, and it inspired a lot of people to make their own music. That trailed into making your own pop music, and that's why garage bands started springing up everywhere. Arlo Guthrie I'm a real nature lover, so whenever possible, I like to get to the

I had almost forgotten to tell you that I have already been to the Parliament

House; and yet this is of most importance. For, had I seen nothing else in England but this, I should have thought my journey thither amply rewarded. Karl Philipp Moritz Most of the time I feel stupid, insensitive, mediocre, talentless and vulnerable - like I'm about to cry any second - and wrong. I've found that when that happens, it usually means I'm writing pretty well, pretty deeply, pretty rawly. Andre Dubus III Looking forward, it might prove constructive to examine the true historical record of an issue prior to assuming the worst of anyone's motive and deconstructing and questioning anyone's Democratic bona fides. After all, we liberals got feelings. Gary Ackerman I loved that these two guys argued with each other as if movies actually mattered. Nobody I knew talked about movies that way, but Siskel and Ebert took each movie as it came and talked about whether it was a success on its own terms. Sarah Vowell The waltz can be sad and at the same ti

'No one can make you successful; the will to success comes from within.' I've

  made this my motto. I've internalized it to the point of understanding that the success of my actions and/or endeavors doesn't depend on anyone else, and that includes a possible failure. Fabrizio Moreira We owe a lot when it comes to women in terms of innovation, in terms of education, in terms of progression in life. Aldis Hodge It is literally painful to watch Rick Perry as a candidate. James Carville I was a pretty free-spirited kid. I was part of a notorious group of troublemakers who didn't do well in school but had a great time exploring Beijing from the inside out. Chloe Zhao You should definitely stay true to your own style. Megan Mullally When my dad died, my world crumbled. Lukas Forchhammer It's not like you can say, 'This is the right side and this is the wrong side,' because obviously, a happy person is never going to want to inflict pain on somebody else. So the bullies are really victims themselves and yada, yada, yada, pop psychology, but it&#