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Showing posts from March 18, 2018

Nothing else so destroys the power to stand alone as the habit of leaning upon

others. If you lean, you will never be strong or original. Stand alone or bury your ambition to be somebody in the world. Orison Swett Marden Sam Walton was a master storyteller who used illustrative stories to reinforce his cultural standards. Michael Bergdahl I get sidetracked very easily. Heather Donahue Liberty is the most precious gift we offer our citizens. Tom Ridge Freedom cannot be given... It can only be taken away. David Allan Coe I'd rather be the king of kids, than the prince of fools. Jack Black Love demands infinitely less than friendship. George Jean Nathan

The nation's government has just handed me the bill that grants us our civil rights.

I am receiving it before you, certain that I am accepting this on behalf of all Argentinean women, and I can feel my hands tremble with joy as they grasp the laurel proclaiming victory. Evita Peron I bear a charmed life. William Shakespeare Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. George Eliot It is not easy to be sure that being yourself is worth the trouble, but we do know it is our sacred duty. Florida Scott-Maxwell Entrepreneurship is the last refuge of the trouble making individual. Natalie Clifford Barney Nothing, like something, happens anywhere. Philip Larkin Corruption, the most infallible symptom of constitutional liberty. Edward Gibbon

Typically, historical black colleges and universities like Delaware State, attracted students who were raised in

an environment where going to college wasn't the next natural step after high school. Michael N. Castle I love making independent movies, and that's pretty much what I'm going to be doing for the rest of my years. Milla Jovovich Baseball gives a growing boy self poise and self reliance. Al Spalding I grew up in Europe, where the history comes from. Eddie Izzard This is your silly web browser doing that. The file is correctly named. Rasmus Lerdorf I don't care what the public wants, I'm going to give it what it needs! Christopher Dodd There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning. Peter Nivio Zarlenga

I am involved in minor league baseball. I go around the country speaking to troubled

youths, trying to help them understand that whatever path they choose, they'll need to really pay attention to it. Gerry Cooney There'll always be working people in my poems because I grew up with them, and I am a poet of memory. Philip Levine Judge not a man by his clothes, but by his wife's clothes. Thomas Dewar My father was always telling himself no one was perfect, not even my mother. Broderick Crawford The danger of the past was that men became slaves. The danger of the future is that men may become robots. Erich Fromm I also try to think of ways to articulate the joke more economically. David Cross It has to be because unemployment problems in northwest Indiana are similar to those in southeast Chicago. Richard M. Daley

I want to do everything right now! This very minute. I am

impatient, but yes I have goals. To be a real well-respected actress whom people know they can rely on to do a good job... whether they like me as a person or not! Lynda Carter In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous. Aristotle Vegetarianism is a link to perfection and peace. River Phoenix Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people. Oscar Wilde Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness. Oprah Winfrey Well-building hat three conditions. Commodity, firmness, and delight. Henry Wotton In Greece wise men speak and fools decide. George Santayana

I think we can find a formula that would be to everyone's satisfaction, which would

make it possible for Croatia to take some more steps and for Europe to accept us into its midst, and for the talks to start. Stjepan Mesic Spend some time this weekend on home improvement; improve your attitude toward your family. Bo Bennett Equal opportunity means everyone will have a fair chance at being incompetent. Laurence J. Peter The people in Japan know more about the history of jazz and the musicians than the people in the United States do. Billy Higgins I find it very offensive when the government tells me what I can and cannot watch. Censor yourself. Michael Badnarik I throw better than anybody in college and I can throw with anybody in the pros. There, that's what I think. Dan Marino We'll love you just the way you are if you're perfect. Alanis Morissette

There is something very intriguing about, for example, the sense of accomplishment that a small

child has, which you might be able to reduce to aggression and libido, but which might also have some independent existence. Peter Gay Here's to the pilot that weathered the storm. George Canning This occasion is personally very meaningful and I hope to visit Korea again if I have the chance. Cathy Freeman Yes I never go to the gym otherwise because I think it's a waste of time and the most boring thing on earth. Izabella Scorupco We both have a great loyalty to it, and I think that it's important to give it our best shot. Nicholas Lea Many foxes grow gray but few grow good. Benjamin Franklin 'Tis not enough your counsel still be true; Blunt truths more mischief than nice falsehoods do. Alexander Pope

That area environmentally is a waste. You can't do anything. I don't care if the

Sierra Club goes out there. It is fully polluted! You're not only going to work to clean up the environment, but also you will put people to work. Richard M. Daley You can learn so much from children, and you can give them so much. Nastassja Kinski I don't know if you saw the parting of the Red Sea with the chariots on the horses, I did stuff like that. Richard Farnsworth I think there is a very quiet power in things that are not on screen. Guillermo del Toro George Bush has met more foreign heads of state than I have. But a substantial number of them were dead. Jesse Jackson I made one untitled piece. Damien Hirst Sooner or later everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences. Robert Louis Stevenson

There are men whom a happy disposition, a strong desire of glory and esteem, inspire

with the same love for justice and virtue which men in general have for riches and honors... But the number of these men is so small that I only mention them in honor of humanity. Claude Adrien Helvetius The romantic embrace can only be compared with music and with prayer. Havelock Ellis Never let a day pass that you will have cause to say, I will do better tomorrow. Brigham Young If you would not step into the harlot's house, do not go by the harlot's door. Thomas Secker Revolution is not a goal in itself. Ernest Mandel A symphony is no joke. Johannes Brahms If you wish to avoid foreign collision, you had better abandon the ocean. Henry Clay

As to war, I am and always was a great enemy, at the same time

a warrior the greater part of my life and were I young again, should still be a warrior while ever this country should be invaded and I lived. Daniel Morgan We are all experts in our own little niches. Alex Trebek Black man, you are on your own. Steven Biko Time was God's first creation. Walter Lang I try to keep my head on straight and take nothing for granted. Anna Faris I love the irony. I'm perceived as being really young and yet I have the clinical condition of an old man. Michael J. Fox If you're not a risk taker, you should get the hell out of business. Ray Kroc

Often the difference between a successful person and a failure is not one has better

abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on one's ideas, to take a calculated risk - and to act. Andre Malraux The best thing is being really close. The worst thing is being really close. Joel Madden Every man must decide for himself whether he shall master his world or be mastered by it. James Cash Penney A teacher who is not dogmatic is simply a teacher who is not teaching. Gilbert K. Chesterton 'The war in Iraq - if Osama was a Christian - it's the Christmas present he never would have expected. Michael Scheuer You have to take Bible prophecy literally, just like everything else in the Bible. Tim LaHaye To be a consistent winner means preparing not just one day, one month or even one year - but for a lifetime. Bill Rodgers

Film-makers should remain true to their principles and never compromise, there is a real revival

in the British film industry but there is a danger that we will become colonial servants of Hollywood. We need to maintain our own integrity. Mike Leigh Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others. Robert Louis Stevenson Hell has been described as a pocket edition of Chicago. Ashley Montagu Tennis just a game, family is forever. Serena Williams Quit now, you'll never make it. If you disregard this advice, you'll be halfway there. David Zucker If my father had hugged me even once, I'd be an accountant right now. Ray Romano There is always an easy solution to every problem - neat, plausible, and wrong. H. L. Mencken

The values by which we are to survive are not rules for just and unjust

conduct, but are those deeper illuminations in whose light justice and injustice, good and evil, means and ends are seen in fearful sharpness of outline. Jacob Bronowski Nothing succeeds like success. Alexandre Dumas The speed of the boss is the speed of the team. Lee Iacocca I've never had a humble opinion. If you've got an opinion, why be humble about it? Joan Baez Never treat your audience as customers, always as partners. Jimmy Stewart Illusion is the first of all pleasures. Voltaire All speech, written or spoken, is a dead language, until it finds a willing and prepared hearer. Robert Louis Stevenson

I love TV. I know all the theme songs from the shows I watch. I'm

not one of those who'd rather be a movie star. I prefer TV because of the rushed way of working-on a movie set, you sit around and wait and wait to do a scene because they're adjusting the lights. Dana Hill Cured yesterday of my disease, I died last night of my physician. Matthew Prior You see the names of places roundabout? They're mine now, and I've turned them inside out. Andrew Motion Nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself. Marcus Tullius Cicero The value of music is not dazzling yourself and others with technique. Herbie Hancock Perseverance - a lowly virtue whereby mediocrity achieves an inglorious success. Ambrose Bierce Wicked is not much worse than indiscreet. John Donne

Nothing is so beautiful as spring - when weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely

and lush; Thrush's eggs look little low heavens, and thrush through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring the ear, it strikes like lightning to hear him sing. Gerard Manley Hopkins I was born in Everett; I went through grade school in Everett, high school in Seattle. Dorothy Malone Since very early in my career, I have always did my own stunt fighting. Brion James We can not play innocents abroad in a world that is not innocent. Ronald Reagan If moderation is a fault, then indifference is a crime. Jack Kerouac The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it. John Ruskin I am ready to accept all accusations, allegations, anger - but I have to succeed. Boris Trajkovski

We have to say now we think the character of the party has changed so

far it will take something very exceptional, something really out of the ordinary line to make us be convinced there's a chance of winning back the party. Shirley Williams If it's boring, then it's tiring. Jackie Cooper I really enjoy the people. I find them to be better educated and wittier. Nicholas Lea I hope to soon be in contact with the man who is searching for Noah's ark. Jim Sullivan Intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit. Mahatma Gandhi If some countries have too much history, we have too much geography. Mackenzie King Rock stars are incredibly energizing to me. James Daly

Pat Roberts and I both feel very strongly that when we get to Iran, that

we can't make the same mistakes. We have to ask the questions, the hard questions before, not afterwards, and get the right intelligence. Jay Rockefeller The doctors x-rayed my head and found nothing. Dizzy Dean One of the greatest pains to human nature is the pain of a new idea. Walter Bagehot I think of myself as a storyteller, and that is it. Tanith Lee I've always said that music is like literature. Jose Carreras Movies are like an expensive form of therapy for me. Tim Burton We've stayed really normal and down to Earth I think, and haven't let the success thing go to our head. Ashley Olsen

Come Christmas Eve, we usually go to my mom and dad's. Everybody brings one gift

and then we play that game when we all steal it from each other. Some are really cool, others are useful and some are a bit out there. Amy Grant A newspaper is a circulating library with high blood pressure. Arthur Baer Fear is the mother of morality. Friedrich Nietzsche I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man. Thomas Jefferson Eating without conversation is only stoking. Marcelene Cox I'm a perfectionist. I'm pretty much insatiable. I feel there's so many things I can improve on. Serena Williams God created man in His own image, says the Bible; philosophers reverse the process: they create God in theirs. Georg C. Lichtenberg

Of course, the kind of support that Cuba could give us was very limited when

it came to building up our army, since they didn't manufacture armaments in the quantities that we required. So we turned to Algeria and the Soviet Union for support. Daniel Ortega When anything goes, it's women who lose. Camille Paglia I am viewed as the Negro who has gone outside of the categories assigned to me. Anthony Braxton We will never forget those like my great-grandfather who fought at Vicksburg. Roy Barnes If you think too much about being re-elected, it is very difficult to be worth re-electing. Woodrow Wilson Quality is decided by the depth at which the work incorporates the alternatives within itself, and so masters them. Theodor Adorno Dodging and burning are steps to take care of mistakes God made in establishing tonal relationships. Ansel Adams

Some kids are always getting into trouble or doing stuff, and I stay away from

those types. I know I am no better than anyone else in this world. I'm just an actor, that's nothing special. But I'm not into anything bad. Just blackjack. Frankie Muniz No greater problem is presented to the human mind. Annie Jump Cannon People think I'm a miserable sod but it's only because I get asked such bloody miserable questions. Nick Cave My soul is now her day, my day her night, So I lie down, and so I rise. Karl Shapiro He who waits to do a great deal of good at once will never do anything. Samuel Johnson Today, education is perhaps the most important function of state and local governments. Bobby Scott Now, what produces a want of demand? A refusal to take from other countries the commodities which they produce. Joseph Hume

I was deeply concerned then, and have become more concerned since, that unless we can

deal with the questions of development and the questions of poverty, there's no way that we're going to have a peaceful world for our children. James Wolfensohn Every formula of every religion has in this age of reason, to submit to the acid test of reason and universal assent. Mahatma Gandhi I like the moment when I break a man's ego. Bobby Fischer My way of joking is to tell the truth. That's the funniest joke in the world. Muhammad Ali The secret to discovery is to never believe existing facts. Bryant H. McGill A quarrel between friends, when made up, adds a new tie to friendship. Saint Francis de Sales Hollywood is a place where they place you under contract instead of under observation. Walter Winchell

They didn't train me to be in the ring for five and a half hours

punching air. So, it was hard, I had to get some body contact in there somewhere, it was mostly body shots and stuff. I had no clue, really. Michelle Rodriguez To vilify a great man is the readiest way in which a little man can himself attain greatness. Edgar Allan Poe A good constitution is infinitely better than the best despot. Thomas Babington Macaulay Justice is the first virtue of those who command, and stops the complaints of those who obey. Denis Diderot Loneliness is never more cruel than when it is felt in close propinquity with someone who has ceased to communicate. Germaine Greer Lead us not into temptation. Just tell us where it is; we'll find it. Sam Levenson You can become really pigeon-holed in this industry. Morris Chestnut

Memory is very important, the memory of each photo taken, flowing at the same speed

as the event. During the work, you have to be sure that you haven't left any holes, that you've captured everything, because afterwards it will be too late. Henri Cartier-Bresson I've always had this deep and chronic sense of dissatisfaction. Lusia Strus I don't want to be 35 years old and still popping out songs in miniskirts and la-la-la. Holly Valance It's why you create characters: so you can argue with yourself. Michael Ondaatje I was always making up rhymes. But I never thought that poetry would become my life. Saul Williams Law is born from despair of human nature. Jose Ortega y Gasset The common Notions of Liberty are not from School Divines, but from Nature. Algernon Sidney

The greatest legacy is that which benefits the widest number of people for the longest

period without limit to value. No one but the Prophet Muhammad was given that role as the seal of God's message. Cat Stevens I've been a religious, spiritual person for a long time. Herbie Hancock Take the attitude of a student, never be too big to ask questions, never know too much to learn something new. Og Mandino We have all forgot more than we remember. Thomas Fuller We'll take what the other team gives us. We'll scratch where it itches. Hayden Fry If you start pandering to young people, you're going to get accused of simply giving people what they want. Brian Williams It does not take great men to do great things; it only takes consecrated men. Phillips Brooks

While Taliban fighters had an initial claim to protection under the conventions, they lost POW

status by failing to obey the standards of conduct for legal combatants: wearing uniforms, a responsible command structure, and obeying the laws of war. John Yoo It is one thing to praise discipline, and another to submit to it. Miguel de Cervantes Negotiations are a euphemism for capitulation if the shadow of power is not cast across the bargaining table. George Schultz An Englishman, being flattered, is a lamb; threatened, a lion. George Chapman I try to stay positive by focusing on how much I'll appreciate my health if I get better. Daniel Johns Sorrow is knowledge, those that know the most must mourn the deepest, the tree of knowledge is not the tree of life. Lord Byron It was terrible on dates, because I could never eat when I was on a date. Robert Barnes

Hugh Wilson made it so real and he took us and it was almost when

he was directing it, the way he would do it was funnier than the way we did it. And I just developed a regard for him that was unbelievable. Bubba Smith It is not very practical in today's world when you tour all over the place having a big band. Andy Summers Anybody can direct, but there are only eleven good writers. Mel Brooks Invest in the human soul. Who knows, it might be a diamond in the rough. Mary McLeod Bethune If God had wanted us to be concerned for the plight of the toads, he would have made them cute and furry. Dave Barry Rarely has reality needed so much to be imagined. Chris Marker But it's just been recently that Nashville has started to feel like home. Suzy Bogguss

Two prisoners whose cells adjoin communicate with each other by knocking on the wall. The

wall is the thing which separates them but is also their means of communication. It is the same with us and God. Every separation is a link. Simone Weil I received an honorary doctorate for my work. Maybe one of these works is considered the equivalent of a Ph.D. Iris Chang Liberty for wolves is death to the lambs. Isaiah Berlin The sun is new each day. Heraclitus We are all full of weakness and errors; let us mutually pardon each other our follies - it is the first law of nature. Voltaire Everyone is a reactionary about subjects he understands. Robert Conquest I don't want to do the same thing over and over again. Dylan Moran

I could do exploration in this particular career field, and it was a goal that,

even if I didn't reach it, it was so high it seemed almost impossible, but even if I didn't reach it, I would still have a good time and a very satisfying career. Duane G. Carey I think the IMF helped to detonate the Indonesian crisis. Jeffrey Sachs I was very introverted. I had glasses and was kind of weird. A lot of actors are pretty weird people. Jennifer Sky The folly which we might have ourselves committed is the one which we are least ready to pardon in another. Joseph Roux The nose of a mob is its imagination. By this, at any time, it can be quietly led. Edgar Allan Poe Yes, beef is what was for dinner last night. Tonight it will be my dinner, and it will continue to be. Christopher Bond Sorrowful and great is the artist's destiny. Franz Liszt

We also learn that this country and the Western world have no monopoly of goodness

and truth and scholarship, we begin to appreciate the ingredients that are indispensable to making a better world. In a life of learning that is, perhaps, the greatest lesson of all. John Hope Franklin Life is a progress from want to want, not from enjoyment to enjoyment. Samuel Johnson I didn't get at first put into a rehab facility; I got put in a adolescent psychiatric unit for my detox. Jack Osbourne Memory is not wisdom; idiots can by rote repeat volumes. Yet what is wisdom without memory? Martin Farquhar Tupper Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound. James Allen Morality and expediency coincide more than the cynics allow. Roy Hattersley He stands erect by bending over the fallen. He rises by lifting others. Douglas Horton

WIth football you can have up to 28 guys you consider starters, and if they

can pick up the slack when some aren't playing so well, you don't have to turn those two game losing streaks into six-game losing streaks. Tom Brady Not in the shouts and plaudits of the throng, but in ourselves, are triumph and defeat. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow The vision of a champion is bent over, drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion, when nobody else is looking. Mia Hamm The toughest workout can never match the pain of being out of work. George Montgomery The final test of a gentleman is his respect for those who can be of no possible service to him. William Lyon Phelps Honesty is a good thing, but it is not profitable to its possessor unless it is kept under control. Don Marquis Man was created a little lower than the angels and has been getting a little lower ever since. Josh Billings

The market tends to pay as a wage what an individual laborer is worth. But

the case last studied suggests the question how accurately the law operates in practice. May it not be an honest law, but be so vitiated in its working as to give a dishonest result? John Bates Clark But this show reminds me that there are other aspects to me besides the fact that I'm a funny chick. Kristen Johnston Whenever I go on a ride, I'm always thinking of what's wrong with the thing and how it can be improved. Walt Disney To Paradise, the Arabs say, Satan could never find the way Until the peacock led him in. Charles Godfrey Leland I only write music for myself, I don't try and appeal to anyone else. Bryan Adams My play is the ultimate expression of my feeling of the twilight of Western civilization. Richard Foreman I like writing because you can make things happen and turn out the way they never do in real life. Rob Reiner

It's like a novelist writing far out things. If it makes a point and makes

sense, then people like to read that. But if it's off in left field and goes over the edge, you lose it. The same with musical talent, I think. Johnny Cash I remember. How many minutes do I have left President? About one, one minute. Hugo Chavez I have always hated that damn James Bond. I'd like to kill him. Sean Connery A terrorist is someone who has a bomb, but doesn't have an air force. William Blum Every man who is high up likes to think that he has done it all himself, and the wife smiles and lets it go at that. James M. Barrie England is so defined, the class system, your education. I think what was unique about the Canterbury scene. Kevin Ayers Most works of art, like most wines, ought to be consumed in the district of their fabrication. Simone Weil

In order to know the true situation of a Planet at any particular time, the

small set of balls are to be put each on its respective axis; then the winch to be turned round until each index points to the given time. David Rittenhouse Genius is essentially creative; it bears the stamp of the individual who possesses it. Madame de Stael Our financial services and insurance cluster is one of Delaware's key economic drivers in the state. Ruth Ann Minner I have not had a drink for four years, which for me is a long time. Kelly McGillis The air of England has long been too pure for a slave, and every man is free who breathes it. James Mansfield Well, my favorite color I guess I would say yellow. Fran Drescher Writing free verse is like playing tennis with the net down. Robert Frost

It's the first time I've ever done anything like that. It took longer than I

expected. I've gotten a lot of E-mail since I got back, saying they thought I did a good job and presented the case well. Jim Barksdale Print is the sharpest and the strongest weapon of our party. Joseph Stalin To my mind the old masters are not art; their value is in their scarcity. Thomas A. Edison Fritz Lang was one of my dearest, dearest friends. I loved working with him. Sylvia Sidney I never kept up with the fashions. I believed in wearing what I thought looked good on me. Bettie Page Perfect Valor is to do, without a witness, all that we could do before the whole world. Francois de La Rochefoucauld To cure the British disease with socialism was like trying to cure leukaemia with leeches. Margaret Thatcher

Organizations like the ACLU fought and won the good fight back in the 1960's, but

it's clear that nowadays they've run out of useful things to do since they now spend most of their time defending the scum of the Earth from getting what they rightly deserve. Craig Bruce As far as my relationship with President Putin is concerned, it's fine. Gerhard Schroder Our whole economy is based on planned obsolescence. Brooks Stevens Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair; the rest is in the hands of God. George Washington People ask, how do you cope, and all I can say is that you do. Alan Bates To enable men to exercise that power is the object of protection. Henry Charles Carey Live dangerously and you live right. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Anybody who has stood on the prairie in North Dakota has felt the force of

the wind and knows that our state has an inexhaustible supply of wind power. The potential here to create jobs and draw millions of dollars in new investment to North Dakota is enormous. Kent Conrad Great art is as irrational as great music. It is mad with its own loveliness. George Jean Nathan Facts are the air of scientists. Without them you can never fly. Linus Pauling All of our code is open source, so it can be used for other projects. Miguel de Icaza Men are moved by two levers only: fear and self interest. Napoleon Bonaparte People have to be educated and they have to stick to it. If people lose that respect, an awful lot is lost. Stephen Breyer That action is best which procures the greatest happiness for the greatest numbers. Francis Hutcheson

Moreover, from reforming the tax code to our immigration system, to commonsense legal reform, President

Bush put America on notice that he will continue fighting to make the country, and the world, a better place for future generations. Jim Sensenbrenner Dressing up. People just don't do it anymore. We have to change that. John Galliano America is false to the past, false to the present, and solemnly binds herself to be false to the future. Frederick Douglass The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants. Johnny Depp Global equations undergo changes, this is their nature. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad I think America becomes more disgruntled by going to the movies and having an endlessly good time at them. Fiona Shaw The nature of show business is people within the business feel that if someone else fails, they move up a notch. Tom Arnold

The most important scientific revolutions all include, as their only common feature, the dethronement of

human arrogance from one pedestal after another of previous convictions about our centrality in the cosmos. Stephen Jay Gould I love doing stuff with Todd Barry and Jon Benjamin. We give the stage to good bands and funny people. David Cross The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true. J. Robert Oppenheimer Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present toward the future. Denis Waitley I've always resisted the idea of becoming a David Hasselhoff, and I hope I'm still resisting it. Anthony Head No man can in any measure resemble the scripture saints. Charles Simeon I took acting and elocution lessons, to get rid of my Sicilian accent. Maria Grazia Cucinotta

My mind withdrew its thoughts from experience, extracting itself from the contradictory throng of sensuous

images, that it might find out what that light was wherein it was bathed... And thus, with the flash of one hurried glance, it attained to the vision of That Which Is. Saint Augustine I'm really an actor first. I'd love to do more straight plays. Shuler Hensley The more you'll dress up the more fun you'll have. Brian Molko Every author, however modest, keeps a most outrageous vanity chained like a madman in the padded cell of his breast. Logan Pearsall Smith The pleasure of all reading is doubled when one lives with another who shares the same books. Katherine Mansfield The rules of navigation never navigated a ship. The rules of architecture never built a house. Thomas Reid If you have this reputation you can sit back and endure it, or you can try to do things with it. Rem Koolhaas

Scientific views end in awe and mystery, lost at the edge in uncertainty, but they

appear to be so deep and so impressive that the theory that it is all arranged as a stage for God to watch man's struggle for good and evil seems inadequate. Richard P. Feynman I would love to stay at SNL forever. But you can't stay in the same place. People think you're a loser. Norm MacDonald I live in New York and I was only there for 2 weeks all last year. Patricia Velasquez All things are subject to decay and when fate summons, monarchs must obey. John Dryden I'm not into older guys. To tell you the truth, Richard Gere is not the sexiest man alive, in my book. Winona Ryder In a disordered mind, as in a disordered body, soundness of health is impossible. Marcus Tullius Cicero Failure is the key to success; each mistake teaches us something. Morihei Ueshiba

In a jazz atmosphere, the audience members were so quiet and respectful of the musicians

that you felt you were almost part of a meeting at a church or a temple, where everyone was completely in tune with the sermon and what the whole event was about. David Amram He that loves not his wife and children feeds a lioness at home, and broods a nest of sorrows. Jeremy Taylor When a person is down in the world, an ounce of help is better than a pound of preaching. Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton When I'm singing I try not be a singer with a capital S. I just try to get it out so I feel comfortable with it. Robert Wyatt If you rest, you rust. Helen Hayes It is not good to see people who have been pretending strength all their lives lose it even for a minute. Lillian Hellman Minds are like parachutes - they only function when open. Thomas Dewar

You don't really get to pick and chose what you would like to be doing.

But I've been very fortunate, and I think water seeks its own level. You do gravitate towards things that you would get off on. Bill Paxton Every nation has its war party... It is commercial, imperialistic, ruthless. It tolerates no opposition. Robert M. La Follette The British have a remarkable talent for keeping calm, even when there is no crisis. Franklin P. Jones Mullets are still going strong in the south and places like St Louis or the Carolinas. Trevor Dunn The discipline of writing something down is the first step toward making it happen. Lee Iacocca And I had a lot to play, which is what you want as an actor. Ted Shackelford Perhaps one has to be very old before one learns to be amused rather than shocked. Robert Browning

People might say I'm difficult, but did you ever hear anyone describe a label as

'difficult'? By nature, artists should challenge. When they call you difficult, it is a reflection of the imbalance of power. Michelle Shocked The hierarchy of class in London was rigid. It was like a religion. It still is to a certain extent. Ben Kingsley Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present. Bil Keane Money is a handmaiden, if thou knowest how to use it; a mistress, if thou knowest not. Horace Extraordinary how potent cheap music is. Noel Coward All political power is a trust. Charles James Fox Now I don't know half of the young people in the industry. It's too spread out, too diffuse. Cesar Romero

Being stuck is a position few of us like. We want something new but cannot

let go of the old - old ideas, beliefs, habits, even thoughts. We are out of contact with our own genius. Sometimes we know we are stuck; sometimes we don't. In both cases we have to DO something. Rush Limbaugh It is neither the statesman nor the friend who is asking your help and assistance, but simply the man. Pierre Laval Winning doesn't always mean being first. Winning means you're doing better than you've ever done before. Bonnie Blair In my position you have to read when you want to write and to talk when you would like to read. Catherine the Great The mother art is architecture. Without an architecture of our own we have no soul of our own civilization. Frank Lloyd Wright Sports are not for everyone. Dante Hall You must not forget that you have been given worldly means to use and employ against human arrogance and wrong. Knute Nelson

Plastic surgery and breast implants are fine for people who want that, if it makes

them feel better about who they are. But, it makes these people, actors especially, fantasy figures for a fantasy world. Acting is about being real being honest. Kate Winslet Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow With those attacks, the terrorists and their supporters declared war on the United States. And war is what they got. George W. Bush My girlfriend has crabs, I bought her fishnet stockings. Jay London The government can only be brought down because it alienates several parties in the House. Stephen Harper Let's say there are 500 sons and daughters like you in each state. Then we could control the government. Sun Myung Moon I tell my agent that I want to read everything. Jena Malone

The dove act? I'm still working on it. I don't think it's perfect yet. I

got my first pair of doves when I was 14 years old. That was the beginning of the formation of that act. So it's been 24 years now that I've been working on it. Lance Burton I've been playing since I was eight years old. Brian McBride Say not always what you know, but always know what you say. Claudius Peace of mind comes from not wanting to change others. Gerald Jampolsky It was suggested that I take a recording test. I passed, was liked and, well, you know the rest of the story. Johnny Kidd It was a long period of time where I tried to figure out what worked, what didn't work. Josh Lucas We consider Monteverdi the first composer of opera. There was someone before, but everything started with Monteverdi. Cecilia Bartoli

I've chosen my wedding ring large and heavy to continue forever. But exactly because of

that all the time that Dave and I have an argument I feel it like handcuffs, and on anger time I throw it in a basket. Poor Dave, he bought me three wedding rings already! Carmen Miranda The world is indebted for all triumphs which have been gained by reason and humanity over error and oppression. Thomas Jefferson You always admire what you really don't understand. Blaise Pascal I don't think the schools are getting as much money as they should. Matt Gonzalez No one's gonna give a damn in July if you lost a game in March. Earl Weaver Live never to be ashamed if anything you say or do is published around the world, even if what is said is not true. Richard Bach I go into my library and all history unrolls before me. Alexander Smith

All I care is that my family, and my loved ones, understand me. Or that

they understand me to a degree - I don't understand me very much. And I don't need the world to understand me. That is the most egocentric thing. Andrea Corr It is a sin to be poor. Charles Fillmore Threescore years and ten is enough; if a man can't suffer all the misery he wants in that time, he must be numb. Josh Billings It is terrible to speak well and be wrong. Sophocles Why did I spend all these years playing boring Europeans? I was made for action movies. Asia Argento As a matter of fact, you have deficiencies in all religions, but you have truth in all religions. Hans Kung To be perfectly honest, drama is a lot simpler than comedy. Nikki Cox

There's also a sense of freedom. I was so obsessed by this problem that I

was thinking about if all the time - when I woke up in the morning, when I went to sleep at night, and that went on for eight years. Andrew Wiles I'm more akin to football than I think anything else because that's what I played in high school. Bobby Sherman We don't point a pistol at our own forehead. That is not the way to conduct negotiations. Benjamin Netanyahu There's a lot of Latinos right now, a lot of filmmakers and writers that are Latin too. Benicio Del Toro The government I led gave ordinary people peace, security, dignity, and opportunity to progress. Benazir Bhutto If you only do it for money, that's only what you get. Stephen Bennett Hindsight is always twenty-twenty. Billy Wilder

Intuition and concepts constitute... the elements of all our knowledge, so that neither concepts without

an intuition in some way corresponding to them, nor intuition without concepts, can yield knowledge. Immanuel Kant I accepted a change in my life. I didn't choose that change and those are the best changes to make. Michelle Shocked Well, I first started going to Europe in the late '70s. Luther Allison Jesus isn't a logo, I'm not promoting some company, some brand. I'm just professing my faith. Stephen Baldwin Politics are usually the executive expression of human immaturity. Vera Brittain Being spokesman for a generation is the worst job I ever had. Billy Bragg If you will take her, you may take her, but if you go from aboard, you shall never come aboard again. William Kidd

We would be doing the children of South Asia a great disservice if we allowed

ourselves to believe that the need of children to belong to a loving, permanent family was washed away by the waves of the tsunami. Mary Landrieu He can who thinks he can, and he can't who thinks he can't. This is an inexorable, indisputable law. Pablo Picasso If I can make people laugh it's like being a good lover. Spalding Gray One can find so many pains when the rain is falling. John Steinbeck Writing is hard work and bad for the health. E. B. White Dreams are the seeds of change. Nothing ever grows without a seed, and nothing ever changes without a dream. Debby Boone One does not devote one's life in art to shock an audience. Richard Foreman

All biologic phenomena act to adjust: there are no biologic actions other than adjustments. Adjustment

is another name for Equilibrium. Equilibrium is the Universal, or that which has nothing external to derange it. Charles Fort Virtue alone has majesty in death. Edward Young The best way to sell yourself to others is first to sell the others to yourself. Napoleon Hill Finally, in conclusion, let me say just this. Peter Sellers A free and stable Iraq will be a shining light against the shadow of Islamic extremism. Jim DeMint See, there were certain rules I'd always used, and people like Trane, they would break those rules. Herbie Hancock History can never be covered up. Zhu Rongji

We must find new lands from which we can easily obtain raw materials and at

the same time exploit the cheap slave labor that is available from the natives of the colonies. The colonies would also provide a dumping ground for the surplus goods produced in our factories. Cecil Rhodes I haven't a great jazz band, and I don't want one. Glenn Miller The greatest problem in the world today is intolerance. Everyone is so intolerant of each other. Princess Diana I cannot believe in a God who wants to be praised all the time. Friedrich Nietzsche A great ballplayer is a player who will take a chance. Branch Rickey Humor has been the balm of my life, but it's been reserved for those close to me, not part of the public Lana. Lana Turner All my songs are where I am. Adam Duritz

But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain -

that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist. Lysander Spooner He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that. John Stuart Mill Be thankful we're not getting all the government we're paying for. Will Rogers I am a humanist not a feminist. There's a big difference. Lydia Lunch Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success. Napoleon Hill There are certain moments when we might wish the future were built by men of the past. Jean Rostand In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act. Unknown

Love bravely, live bravely, be courageous, there's really nothing to lose. There's no wrong you

can't make right again, so be kinder to yourself, you know, have fun, take chances. There's no bounds. Jewel I am not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens. Woody Allen What men value in this world is not rights but privileges. H. L. Mencken He who believes in nobody knows that he himself is not to be trusted. Red Auerbach You need three or five hands to play Ligeti. Alfred Brendel A few observation and much reasoning lead to error; many observations and a little reasoning to truth. Alexis Carrel Nothing and no one can destroy the Chinese people. They are relentless survivors. Pearl S. Buck

In Hitchcock's eyes the movement was dramatic, not the acting. When he wanted the audience

to be moved, he moved the camera. He was a subtle human being, and he was also the best director I have ever worked with. Bruce Dern There is no such thing as absolute value in this world. You can only estimate what a thing is worth to you. Charles Dudley Warner The guy that made me wanna make movies... and this is off the wall-is a guy named Michael Pal, the British director. George A. Romero I believe in a lively disrespect for most forms of authority. Rita Mae Brown All we know is still infinitely less than all that remains unknown. William Harvey You can't stop rock-n-roll! Dee Snider Enthusiasm is the inspiration of everything great. Without it no man is to be feared, and with it none despised. Christian Nestell Bovee

I try to imagine how we would live if we didn't know we were going

to die. Would we live our lives differently? Less careful, maybe? Less scared? These are beautiful things to think about and build a song around. Beth Gibbons Complainant received immediate lacerations of the credibility. Jimmy Breslin But presidents matter. That's one of the biggest lessons I learned being in the White House. Sidney Blumenthal Number one I think we should impose a fee or a tax on the transportation of trash per mile. Ed Rendell For some reason, the concept of writing with swing chords was intimidating. Suzy Bogguss Anything you build on a large scale or with intense passion invites chaos. Francis Ford Coppola Again, talent is the real import of being in the business. Bobby Sherman

Psychoanalysis. Almost went three times - almost. Then I decided what was peculiar about me

was probably what made me successful. I've seen some very talented actors go into analysis and really lose it. Bette Davis Absences are a good influence in love and keep it bright and delicate. Robert Louis Stevenson Who picks your clothes - Stevie Wonder? Don Rickles Anger makes dull men witty, but it keeps them poor. Francis Bacon We don't want to push our ideas on to customers, we simply want to make what they want. Laura Ashley In a balanced organization, working towards a common objective, there is success. Arthur Helps I hate a man who always says 'yes' to me. When I say 'no' I like a man who also says 'no.' Samuel Goldwyn

I've been to a number of places and seen for myself the caliber of people

who are in the Navy today - in all the services for that matter. This is an altogether different bunch. These people of today are really bright, young, good people. Ernest Borgnine We do many things at the federal level that would be considered dishonest and illegal if done in the private sector. Donald T. Regan Intuition comes very close to clairvoyance; it appears to be the extrasensory perception of reality. Alexis Carrel He whose head is in heaven need not fear to put his feet into the grave. Matthew Henry He slides into second with a stand up double. Jerry Coleman True courage is a result of reasoning. A brave mind is always impregnable. Jeremy Collier The odds are not in your favor the older you get, especially if you're a woman in this business. Patricia Clarkson

Pray a little more, work a little harder, save, wait, be patient and, most of

all, live within our means. That's the American way. It's not spending ourselves into prosperity or taxing ourselves into prosperity. Mike Huckabee I think of a hero as someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his freedom. Bob Dylan Now they're getting so politically correct you can't even stick your tongue out at somebody. Richard Petty I'm pretty social so it's hard for me to find solitude, but I need to have solitude to write. Catie Curtis It just makes everything more pleasurable when you've got someone that emotionally is there to rely on. Daniel Johns Play reaches the habits most needed for intellectual growth. Bruno Bettelheim You can't recover memories of a missing event. That's a fallacy. Betty Hill

When goods are exchanged between countries, they must be paid for by commodities or gold.

They cannot be paid for by the notes, certificates, and checks of the purchaser's country, since these are of value only in the country of issue. Carroll Quigley Maybe it's my 15 minutes of fame, maybe it's longer. Jane Harman Ilike ideas writers have that I might not have written. Writers are there for a reason... to write for me. Tim Roth We have long passed the Victorian Era when asterisks were followed after a certain interval by a baby. W. Somerset Maugham I've made a decision and now I must face the consequences. J. Michael Straczynski There are three social classes in America: upper middle class, middle class, and lower middle class. Judith Martin Necessity is the mother of taking chances. Mark Twain

The most difficult thing in the world is to reveal yourself, to express what you

have to. As an artist, I feel that we must try many things - but above all we must dare to fail. You must be willing to risk everything to really express it all. John Cassavetes Spare no expense to save money on this one. Samuel Goldwyn The only way to amuse some people is to slip and fall on an icy pavement. E. W. Howe What, sir, would the people of the earth be without woman? They would be scarce, sir, almighty scarce. Mark Twain Everybody has a heart. Except some people. Bette Davis The happy man is not he who seems thus to others, but who seems thus to himself. Publilius Syrus The infinite in mathematics is alway unruly unless it is properly treated. James Newman

We literally had all 10 teams alive for a playoff position in the final week

of the season. That outstanding balance and those close races created a major surge in attendance in the last month of the season. Lamar Hunt To live life well is to express life poorly; if one expresses life too well, one is living it no longer. Gaston Bachelard I understood once I held a baby in my arms, why some people have the need to keep having them. Spalding Gray I tried to oppose the academic to the marketplace. Ad Reinhardt I understand that, but this disc shows the type of music that I've always liked and wanted to make. Richard Marx Buy old masters. They fetch a better price than old mistresses. Max Aitken A great many people mistake opinions for thought. Herbert V. Prochnow

Let's put it this way: art house theaters are vanishing. They have almost disappeared completely,

and that means there's a shift in what audiences want to see. And they have to be aware of that and be realistic. It's as simple as that. Werner Herzog Democracy is when the indigent, and not the men of property, are the rulers. Aristotle Analyzing what you haven't got as well as what you have is a necessary ingredient of a career. Orison Swett Marden A leader is someone who helps improve the lives of other people or improve the system they live under. Sam Houston I have always enjoyed different kinds of music. Billy Sherwood Great artists suffer for the people. Marvin Gaye People in Hollywood don't have that much sex, or at least I don't. Rosario Dawson

The whole thing about making films in an organic film on location is that it's

not all about characters, relationships and themes, it's also about place and the poetry of place. It's about the spirit of what you find, the accidents of what you stumble across. Mike Leigh Certainly, when I walk into an audition, a lot of people already know who I am. Nicholas Lea There is one word in America that says it all, and that one word is, 'You never know.' Joaquin Andujar I think a poet is anybody who wouldn't call himself a poet. Bob Dylan It's easy to work for somebody else; all you have to do is show up. John Wanamaker I turned everybody on so, psychologically, I guess I was pushing the boundaries creativity. Jim Capaldi A man may be in as just possession of truth as of a city, and yet be forced to surrender. Thomas Browne

I think we've shot scenes from every angle directors can think of to make it

look like different villages. I've directed a couple shows on that set and believe me, it's impossible not to duplicate some camera angles. Vic Morrow The function of vice is to keep virtue within reasonable bounds. Samuel Butler From that time on, I always had the studios on my neck. Karen Morley You find out your mistakes from an audience that pays admission. Edgar Bergen Ofttimes the test of courage becomes rather to live than to die. Vittorio Alfieri Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses. George Washington Carver I'm not known for my intellectual range and tricks have been played on me. William Sanderson

And the whole world, the whole world that believes in freedom, whether you're talking about

personal freedom, economic freedom, religious freedom, they look to the United States for leadership; and you're part of that leadership. Don Nickles In my experience, if you have to keep the lavatory door shut by extending your left leg, it's modern architecture. Nancy Banks Smith Iron sharpens iron; scholar, the scholar. William Drummond Money cannot buy happiness. Frida Lyngstad Love cures people - both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it. Karl A. Menninger The essential ingredient of politics is timing. Pierre Trudeau In love there are no vacations. No such thing. Love has to be lived fully with its boredom and all that. Marguerite Duras

What people really should be able to be confident in is that the standards of

music- making that classically trained musicians present is elite, it is the best and all of us as artists should be committed to that. Lesley Garrett I was paid to be cheeky and people clapped me for it. George Cole When millions applaud you seriously ask yourself what harm you have done; and when they disapprove you, what good. Charles Caleb Colton One does not become a guru by accident. James Fenton The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong is to let him have his own way. Josh Billings If you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work. Khalil Gibran I try to be a truthful artist and I try to show a level of courage. I enjoy that. I'm a messenger. Jeff Koons

Nowadays they have 12 directors and 15 producers and 30 writers. And all the writers

want their lines said a certain way-which isn't necessarily funny. I mean the lines aren't necessarily so funny to begin with. Tim Conway There's always something fishy about the French. Noel Coward If elected, I will win. Pat Paulsen The knowledge of yourself will preserve you from vanity. Miguel de Cervantes Who bothers to cook TV dinners? I suck them frozen. Woody Allen Jah is love, or God, whichever way you might accept it. Dennis Brown Reactive arthritis is something I've been dealing with for nearly a year. Daniel Johns

The horrors of the Second World War, the chilling winds of the Cold War and

the crushing weight of the Iron Curtain are little more than fading memories. Ideals that once commanded great loyalty are now taken for granted. Jan Peter Balkenende Death is a very important part of life. GG Allin Look to the past and remember no empire rises that sooner or later won't fall. Al Stewart Leadership in telecommunications is also essential, since we are now in the age of e-commerce. Michael Oxley Once you start asking questions, innocence is gone. Mary Astor I think there's a knowingness in my face. Rebecca De Mornay Warren Beatty has always acted like a Movie Star even when no one knew who he was. Dwayne Hickman

All respect for the office of the presidency aside, I assumed that the obvious and

unadulterated decline of freedom and constitutional sovereignty, not to mention the efforts to curb the power of judicial review, spoke for itself. Ruth Bader Ginsburg Light troubles speak; the weighty are struck dumb. Lucius Annaeus Seneca While three men hold together, the kingdoms are less by three. Algernon Charles Swinburne I was a nothing kid. Not particularly good. Not particularly bad. Dusty Springfield A positive attitude is something everyone can work on, and everyone can learn how to employ it. Joan Lunden I slip from workaholic to bum real easy. Matthew Broderick The ocean is a mighty harmonist. William Wordsworth

And my mother caught wind of this. She never had really tried to guide my

career or really had any say in my life as an adult, but this was the one time she said she would never speak to me again if I quit acting. Mark Ruffalo I accepted an offer to do a concert for the reopening of the Mall of Memphis. Johnny Rivers Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary to a worthwhile achievement. Henry Ford As a rule, men worry more about what they can't see than about what they can. Julius Caesar I love opera, I love writing for the voice, I love telling stories with music. Anthony Davis You show people what you're willing to fight for when you fight your friends. Hillary Clinton Michael Ralph brilliantly plays the street prophet, a West Indian who foreshadows the Harlem riot. Debbie Allen

I think one has to say it's not just simply a matter of capturing people

and holding them accountable, but removing the sanctuaries, removing the support systems, ending states who sponsor terrorism. And that's why it has to be a broad and sustained campaign. Paul Wolfowitz The prudent person may direct a state, but it is the enthusiast who regenerates or ruins it. Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton The World Bank is now the biggest culprit in the debt crisis. Susan George Friendship, of itself a holy tie, is made more sacred by adversity. Charles Caleb Colton Though men may be deep, mentally they are slow. Camille Paglia I do wash my hands in innocency, before God and the face of you, good Christian people this day. Jane Grey None of us are really dumb and none of us are really smart. We're in the middle. Daniel Johns

Democratic leaders, whose power is ultimately dependent on popular support, are held accountable for failing

to improve the lives of their citizens. Therefore, they have a powerful incentive to keep their societies peaceful and prosperous. Natan Sharansky The definition of a good mathematical problem is the mathematics it generates rather than the problem itself. Andrew Wiles This isn't life in the fast lane, it's life in the oncoming traffic. Terry Pratchett In 2003, the value of Airbus's orders was more than twice as much as Boeing's. Norm Dicks I have a lot of chameleon qualities, I get very absorbed in my surroundings. River Phoenix Too much is demanded by the critic, attempted by the poet. John Crowe Ransom I don't want to do business with those who don't make a profit, because they can't give the best service. Richard Bach

The 1980s will seem like a walk in the park when compared to new global

challenges, where annual productivity increases of 6% may not be enough. A combination of software, brains, and running harder will be needed to bring that percentage up to 8% or 9%. Jack Welch If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there. Lewis Carroll Violence and arms can never resolve the problems of men. Pope John Paul II The worst thing is the day you realize you want to win more than the players do. Gene Mauch When we arrived in Japan in 1988, we were not prepared for the overwhelming support shown to us. Dennis Banks Minor things can become moments of great revelation when encountered for the first time. Margot Fonteyn In my house I'm the boss, my wife is just the decision maker. Woody Allen

My heart burnt within me with indignation and grief; we could think of nothing else.

All night long we had only snatches of sleep, waking up perpetually to the sense of a great shock and grief. Every one is feeling the same. I never knew so universal a feeling. Elizabeth Gaskell The power of one, if fearless and focused, is formidable, but the power of many working together is better. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo This circuit is interesting because it has inclines and declines. Not just up, but down as well. Murray Walker An enemy generally says and believes what he wishes. Thomas Jefferson I don't know what the future may hold, but I know who holds the future. Ralph Abernathy Our high respect for a well read person is praise enough for literature. T. S. Eliot I think if the writing comes too easily, it shows - it's usually hard to read. Tracy Kidder

You'd go to a Pakistani party and the men and women would go in at

the front door and the women would go to the right and the men would go to the left, and that was the last that we'd see of them until we were coming home. Peter Scott Of mankind we may say in general they are fickle, hypocritical, and greedy of gain. Niccolo Machiavelli I weigh the man, not his title; 'tis not the king's stamp can make the metal better. William Wycherley It is better to learn late than never. Publilius Syrus Right now, more people enjoy movies, music, television and movies than they do video games. J Allard I do most of my work sitting down; that's where I shine. Robert Benchley The will to survive is not as important as the will to prevail... the answer to criminal aggression is retaliation. Jeff Cooper

I also do not like the idea of soft money, these issue ads - people

don't know where the money is coming from, millions and millions of dollars outside of the control of a candidate - there's no accountability. Scott McCallum In order to remain true to oneself one ought to renounce one's party three times a day. Jean Rostand What is it like when you see me in all these films and then you meet me? Were you intimidated? Eva Marie Saint It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind that determines which way we will go. Jim Rohn You get what you concentrate upon. There is no other main rule. Jane Roberts Water is the driving force of all nature. Leonardo da Vinci You are absolutely free to describe me as a turtle or something. Paul Giamatti

I hope they're going to learn, and as a result of our response, that it

isn't going to work. They're not going to change our life, they're not going to have us throw out our Constitution, and they're not going to chase us out of the Middle East. Paul Bremer Words do two major things: They provide food for the mind and create light for understanding and awareness. Jim Rohn You can cage the singer but not the song. Harry Belafonte I like a man who can run faster than I can. Jane Russell I was never really obsessed with the whole guy thing to begin with. Beverley Mitchell According to the percentage people, you would be perfectly comfortable. Bobby Bragan Nature provides exceptions to every rule. Margaret Fuller

Those who govern, having much business on their hands, do not generally like to take

the trouble of considering and carrying into execution new projects. The best public measures are therefore seldom adopted from previous wisdom, but forced by the occasion. Benjamin Franklin Windows are as essential to office prestige as Christmas is to retailing. Enid Nemy In the time one is given, the steward must make the most of the talents one is given by the Lord. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo Violence commands both literature and life, and violence is always crude and distorted. Ellen Glasgow I have grown up in the bright light of America. John Edwards There are names I do not want mentioned in my home. Elisabeth Schwarzkopf I'd played in about four or five bands before we started up, only a couple of which did club dates. Daisy Berkowitz

The business manager was doing fine back in his office while they were out on

the line, hungry. And, so they started to see a lot of that and there was, that maybe the leadership had its own cause. More so than the miners, you know, it was like a power struggle. Richard Grimes No one worth possessing can be quite possessed. Sara Teasdale The value of a dollar is social, as it is created by society. Ralph Waldo Emerson The ability to make love frivolously is the chief characteristic which distinguishes human beings from beasts. Heywood Broun I can cry at the drop of the pin. But comedy is hard for me; it's the timing. Moira Kelly Courage is simply the willingness to be afraid and act anyway. Robert Anthony I had turned my anxiety into my profession. Francois Jacob

Ethanol has reduced our nation's dependence on imported energy, created thousands of jobs, reduced air

pollution, and increased energy security. And renewable fuels cost less at the pump. It is a growth fuel that fuels opportunities for millions of Americans. Lane Evans Knowledge of other people's beliefs and ways of thinking must be used to build bridges, not to create conflicts. Kjell Magne Bondevik But now they have it down to a real science where it's about an hour. Michael Dorn Let people have an education and you can't stop them. La Monte Young Sometimes the hardest thing to do is just to stay human. Michael Franti I became a very angry person and it was all due to alcoholism. Christopher Atkins My whole philosophy is to broadcast the way a fan would broadcast. Harry Caray

Such a prostitution of judicial power can never occur again under the shadow of the

British law, for no jury within the wide circle of the empire would submit to such an infraction of their privilege, even if a judge could be found daring enough to attempt it. Joseph Howe To be an ideal guest, stay at home. E. W. Howe Cents are the most universally used interval measure. Alexander John Ellis Sounds like the blues are composed of feeling, finesse, and fear. Billy Gibbons I see my face in the mirror and go, 'I'm a Halloween costume? That's what they think of me?' Drew Carey Tolerance is another word for indifference. W. Somerset Maugham I started trying to write when I was in second or third grade. Margaret Haddix

Every time I went into the studio some engineer tried to impress me with how

they're going to capture my sound with all kinds of tricks. But they limited the sound and never allowed me to play how I felt. Dick Dale History is a set of lies agreed upon. Napoleon Bonaparte I haven't understood a bar of music in my life, but I have felt it. Igor Stravinsky He may have hair upon his chest but, sister, so has Lassie. Cole Porter In argument, truth always prevails finally; in politics, falsehood always. Walter Savage Landor A woman can be anything the man who loves her would have her be. James M. Barrie Too poor for a bribe, and too proud to importune, he had not the method of making a fortune. Thomas Gray

A desire arises in the mind. It is satisfied immediately another comes. In the interval

which separates two desires a perfect calm reigns in the mind. It is at this moment freed from all thought, love or hate. Complete peace equally reigns between two mental waves. Swami Sivananda It's up to Kim Jong Il to make that decision, and we can't make that for him. Mitchell Reiss Love is never wrong. Melissa Etheridge The more sand has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it. Niccolo Machiavelli Nature's laws must be obeyed, and the period of decline begins, and goes on with accelerated rapidity. Warren De la Rue Let us all take more responsibility, not only for ourselves and our families but for our communities and our country. William J. Clinton An election is a moral horror, as bad as a battle except for the blood; a mud bath for every soul concerned in it. George Bernard Shaw

I know no subject more elevating, more amazing, more ready to the poetical enthusiasm, the

philosophical reflection, and the moral sentiment than the works of nature. Where can we meet such variety, such beauty, such magnificence? James Thomson Silence is not only golden, it is seldom misquoted. Bob Monkhouse If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we aren't really living. Gail Sheehy Naturally we are aware of the strength of our economy and naturally we don't want to downplay it. Gerhard Schroder I have plenty of political views and plenty of social and personal prejudices. I do not, however, value them. Howard Barker Don't necessarily avoid sharp edges. Occasionally they are necessary to leadership. Donald Rumsfeld The principal barrier to a general acceptance of the monist position is that it is counterintuitive. Michael Shermer

I'd like to encourage people to please keep reading-and most importantly, to please keep trying

new writers. The only way we can bring fresh new material into the field is if people go out and buy it. Terri Windling Scientific theory is a contrived foothold in the chaos of living phenomena. Wilhelm Reich I'm taking my rats. Those are my friends for the tour. Thelma and Louise. They're so cute. Pink Correct one fault at a time. Concentrate on the one fault you want to overcome. Sam Snead Do you think it's possible to discuss politics without preaching? Steven Brust When you are real in your music, people know it and they feel your authenticity. Wynonna Judd Great men are like eagles, and build their nest on some lofty solitude. Arthur Schopenhauer

All of us have read the stories about young people in Hollywood and all the

challenges they have to confront there, and I think that artistically, I really didn't understand the commercial side of the film business, so I went back to a purely artistic setting. Marisa Tomei Love is 2 minutes and 52 seconds of squelching noises. John Lydon As a woman, I find it very embarrassing to be in a meeting and realize I'm the only one in the room with balls. Rita Mae Brown Life is growth. If we stop growing, technically and spiritually, we are as good as dead. Morihei Ueshiba Paradise is open to all kind hearts. Pierre Jean de Beranger Put the uncommon effort into the common task... make it large by doing it in a great way. Orison Swett Marden I loved to get all dusty and ride horses and plant potatoes and cotton. Dorothy Malone

Discipline is based on pride, on meticulous attention to details, and on mutual respect and

confidence. Discipline must be a habit so ingrained that it is stronger than the excitement of the goal or the fear of failure. Gary Ryan Blair The greatest ability in business is to get along with others and to influence their actions. John Hancock Science is a perception of the world around us. Science is a place where what you find in nature pleases you. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar The cry of equality pulls everyone down. Iris Murdoch The idea is a straightforward one. We provide an account for every newborn in America, a $500 account. Harold Ford, Jr. It meant as much to me as winning the Oscar. Judy Holliday I've got more important things to think about. I've got a yogurt to finish by today, the expiry date is today. Gordon Strachan

The main reason for the failure of the modern medical science is that it is

dealing with results and not causes. Nothing more than the patching up of those attacked and the burying of those who are slain, without a thought being given to the real strong hold. Edward Bach Maybe we ought to have a world in which things are divided between people kind of fairly. Herbert Simon The reality is that international institutions like the UN can only be as effective as its members allow it to be. Atal Bihari Vajpayee Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. Buddha He is winding the watch of his wit; by and by it will strike. William Shakespeare A prohibitionist is the sort of man one couldn't care to drink with, even if he drank. H. L. Mencken Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning. Winston Churchill

There's no secret about my ambition, I do not want to go into the House

of Commons. My only real political interest is in London and if one day I'm in a position to run for mayor, then terrific. Trevor Phillips Whether or not God is dead: it is impossible to keep silent about him who was there for so long. Elias Canetti The thirst to know and understand, a large and liberal discontent. William Watson The real sadness of fifty is not that you change so much but that you change so little. Max Lerner If I was Judge Del Rosario, I would say Ili, of all people, you know better. Duane Chapman It is best to do things systematically, since we are only human, and disorder is our worst enemy. Hesiod I definitely feel like my blog is going edgy to broad and boring. Joichi Ito

The day will come, however, when they will truly know the Unification Church and me.

The day will come when the truth will be known and the message of love will be taught. On that day, their regret will be deep. Sun Myung Moon Failures are expected by losers, ignored by winners. Joe Gibbs I think different people have different problems and different relations to the exhibition of their work. Richard Serra One of the unsung freedoms that go with a free press is the freedom not to read it. Ferdinand Mount I guess I harboured hopes that things would happen more quickly, but I'm not disappointed. Jerry Greenfield Generation X is dead. It has come to mean anyone aged 13 to 55 years old. William Gibson This Englishwoman is so refined, She has no bosom and no behind. Stevie Smith

Everybody has a right to like or dislike anything or anyone. From a flower to

a flavor to a book or a composition but it is very sad that in our country we actually fight over such things in an unseemly manner. Ravi Shankar I love New York. But the energy is so intense. John Galliano Satisfying every vision that fans have is probably impossible. John Harrison Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design. Charles Eames The whole of our national sport is not doing very well. Ted Dexter Most quarrels amplify a misunderstanding. Andre Gide Within reasonable limits, a professional player should keep busy at music. Teddy Wilson

After the spiritual powers, there is no thing in the world more unconquerable than the

spirit of nationality. The spirit of nationality in Ireland will persist even though the mightiest of material powers be its neighbor. George William Russell The first monster you have to scare the audience with is yourself. Wes Craven I'm glad I'm not bisexual. I couldn't stand being rejected by men as well as women. Bernard Manning Genius is a promontory jutting out into the infinite. Victor Hugo Being first lady is the hardest unpaid job in the world. Pat Nixon Each marriage has to be judged separately, and we never know what's going on in another person's marriage. Mary Wesley The best theology is rather a divine life than a divine knowledge. Jeremy Taylor

It is not unprofessional to give free legal advice, but advertising that the first visit

will be free is a bit like a fox telling chickens he will not bite them until they cross the threshold of the hen house. Warren E. Burger Nothing happens to any man that he is not formed by nature to bear. Marcus Aurelius You don't worry about being liked. You have to be yourself. Vince Vaughn Home life is no more natural to us than a cage is natural to a cockatoo. George Bernard Shaw Do not deceive or be faithless even with your enemy. Abu Bakr The great discoveries are usually obvious. Phil Crosby I've had aunts and uncles who not only haven't read my books but could hardly believe that I was a writer. Robert Cormier

If I had to put a name to it, I would wish that all my

books were entertainments. I think the first thing you've got to do is grab the reader by the ear, and make him sit down and listen. Make him laugh, make him feel. We all want to be entertained at a very high level. John le Carre It's a lot more fun for actors to cry and rant and rave, or have a drug problem or a drinking problem. Jerry Orbach The way I look at a solo project is, I create what I want with whoever I want. Sebastian Bach War makes strange giant creatures out of us little routine men who inhabit the earth. Ernie Pyle The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest minds of past centuries. Rene Descartes Love the giver more than the gift. Brigham Young The worker of the world has nothing to lose, but their chains, workers of the world unite. Karl Marx

To supply people for ages in camps makes no sense... you have to rebuild that

cabana that they rent out to tourists on the weekend. They need help getting their fields repaired and their boats repaired. Sam Worthington I really have the American dream licked. Ted Nugent The strength of criticism lies in the weakness of the thing criticized. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Between friends differences in taste or opinion are irritating in direct proportion to their triviality. W. H. Auden Oh, did I tell you I have a cookbook? I have a cookbook deal. Ted Allen For a writer, published works are like fallen flowers, but the expected new work is like a calyx waiting to blossom. Cao Yu Either the law exists, or it does not. Andre Norton

When I began writing science fiction in the middle '60s, it seemed very easy to

find ideas that took decades to percolate into the cultural consciousness; now the lead time seems more like eighteen months. Vernor Vinge These issues are so important. I just felt the best thing to do right now is contribute and go forward. Bill Luther You've gotta be original, because if you're like someone else, what do they need you for? Bernadette Peters Wine is a turncoat; first a friend and then an enemy. Henry Fielding I want all hellions to quit puffing that hell fume in God's clean air. Carry Nation The bedfellows politics made are never strange. It only seems that way to those who have not watched the courtship. Marcel Achard We must never bend too much. Yitzhak Shamir

The only thing that's changed is the competitiveness of the series. It's only become harder

to win in our series as the years have gone by. Competition breeds good things, and that's what's happened here. Al Unser I focus on spiritual wealth now, and I'm busier, more enthusiastic, and more joyful than I have ever been. John Templeton The contemporary form of true greatness lies in a civilization founded on the spirituality of work. Simone Weil What is happening within Christianity is that it doesn't know it needs to promote itself. Stephen Baldwin I'm the heir apparent to the heir presumptive. Princess Margaret Beethoven and Beatles, Mozart and Michael Jackson, Paganini and Prince - I like them all. Vanessa Mae For a writer, life is always too short to write. I will just try my best during what remains of my life. Cao Yu

There are high spots in all of our lives and most of them have come

about through encouragement from someone else. I don't care how great, how famous or successful a man or woman may be, each hungers for applause. George Matthew Adams Whosoever desires constant success must change his conduct with the times. Niccolo Machiavelli Take the tone of the company you are in. Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield The proper method for hastening the decay of error is by teaching every man to think for himself. William Godwin The farce is finished. I go to seek a vast perhaps. Francois Rabelais Revenge is an act of passion; vengeance of justice. Injuries are revenged; crimes are avenged. Samuel Johnson My agent said, 'You aren't good enough for movies.' I said, 'You're fired.' Sally Field

Everything one does in life, even love, occurs in an express train racing toward death.

To smoke opium is to get out of the train while it is still moving. It is to concern oneself with something other than life or death. Jean Cocteau But the fact is, nobody gets off drugs unless they really want to, and I really wanted to. Ally Sheedy I didn't write those songs, but I can relate to every one of them... I have. Joss Stone By the new year of 1994, it had grown up into Inform 4 and could produce games twice as large. Graham Nelson We are not even close to finishing the basic dream of what the PC can be. Bill Gates Boredom is the root of all evil - the despairing refusal to be oneself. Soren Kierkegaard I prefer to write music for family films. I like people. Alex North

I never answer if someone knocks on my door and only the band and my

manager have my phone number. In any case my phone doesn't ring so I never notice it. I occasionally just walk past and pick it up to see if anyone's there. Robert Smith I think I am a much better actor than I have allowed myself to be. Milan Kundera Later in the fifties I got involved in kinetic studies using my long forgotten math background. William Standish Knowles Dragon's Lair 3D is about as close as you can come to controlling an animated feature film. Don Bluth Croatia did not want Europe to be divided as to the start of Croatia's EU entry talks. Stjepan Mesic Have you ever seen a pedant with a warm heart? Johann Kaspar Lavater I am about to take my last voyage, a great leap in the dark. Thomas Hobbes

Keep on beginning and failing. Each time you fail, start all over gain, and you

will grow stronger until have accomplished a purpose - not the one you began with perhaps, but one you'll be glad to remember. Ben Stein We aren't going to agree on everything and there will be other areas where we will be working together. Bill Scott I prefer to work alone and do everything alone, even today. Ray Harryhausen The Lord grant we may all be tillers of the soil. Nikolai Gogol Experimenting with different sounds is great, but when it comes down to it, you're still playing a guitar. Daisy Berkowitz I'm looking for the unexpected. I'm looking for things I've never seen before. Robert Mapplethorpe With devotion's visage and pious action we do sugar o'er the devil himself. Thomas Fuller

I do give a great deal of forethought and zone in on character and all

sorts of things like that. Never before have I just stuffed something away in the back cupboard of my brain because it was just such a crazy concept. Greg Kinnear It is a fact that governments tend to put in place policies and strategies in response to current scenarios. Julie Bishop No person is important enough to make me angry. Thomas Carlyle The way that I got involved with microtonal music was, frankly, through jazz. John Eaton Regrets and recriminations only hurt your soul. Armand Hammer There are two essential epochs in any enterprise - to begin, and to get done. Liberty Hyde Bailey Those who love to be feared fear to be loved. Saint Francis de Sales

I'm not very good at relaxing. Reading's the main thing. On the bus, on the

tube, on the loo. Literally all the time. I mean, I don't think there's a moment of the day when I wouldn't be if I was left alone. Samuel West After the chaos and carnage of September 11th, it is not enough to serve our enemies with legal papers. George W. Bush Haste is of the Devil. St. Jerome In the Chili Peppers I'm a part of that world in a pretty big world and that's just the way it is. John Frusciante To attract men, I wear a perfume called 'New Car Interior.' Rita Rudner The president of the United States actually has to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. John Edwards Joan organizes our social life, and on weekends I follow her around. Robert B. Parker

I'm happy, I would say that I'm one of the happiest people I know but

I've certainly had periods of profound sadness, depression and heartache and those are the kind of things that are interesting to me to write about. Richard Marx I keep all my clothes on in House on Haunted Hill, Mary Jane's Last Dance, and The Way of the Gun. Taye Diggs If you play acoustic guitar you're the depressed, sensitive guy. Elliott Smith No enemy is worse than bad advice. Sophocles Don't be 'consistent', but be simply true. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. I myself never feel that I'm sexy. If people call me cute, I am happier. Coco Lee I grew up studying ballet; I grew up honing my craft. Janice Dickinson

And I thought I would just share with you what science says today about silicone

breast implants. If you have them, you're healthier than if you don't. In fact, there's no science that shows that silicone breast implants are detrimental and, in fact, they make you healthier. Tom Coburn This nation is being divided into black and white, and the present system encourages this. Pauline Hanson What makes men indifferent to their wives is that they can see them when they please. Ovid The United States is a giant island of freedom, achievement, wealth and prosperity in a world hostile to our values. Phyllis Schlafly Ah, who can tell how hard it is to climb the steep where Fame's proud temple shines afar? James Beattie I got players with bad watches - they can't tell midnight from noon. Casey Stengel Nothing that is God's is obtainable by money. Tertullian


I love the game, it's the greatest game on earth, that's why I can't understand

all of this talk about trying to make the game better. People talk about the high strike zone and changing this and that. Why? To speed up the game? That's the beauty of baseball. There is no time element. Eric Davis My dad also plays a little banjo and guitar, my mom plays the mandolin. Page McConnell I never set out to write prayers at all. But there was a span of time when I didn't find it easy to pray, but, when I went to write one of the things I had to write, a prayer would come. Gloria Gaither You can't get closer to the heart of national sovereignty than national security and intelligence services. Gijs de Vries A guy will promise you the world and give you nothin', and that's the blues. Otis Rush I think people often confuse success with fame and stardom. Brenda Blethyn The beautiful spring came; and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also. Harriet Ann Jacobs Live to learn, learn to live, then teach others. Dou

Comedies are just never that expensive quite frankly. They really aren't. We aren't doing green

screen shooting, so even Hangover II in Bangkok might seem like it's expensive, you're flying over and back, but they're just not that expensive to make when you do it the way we do it which is very focused and I've done it before. Todd Phillips In 2010, my two Harvard mathematician colleagues and I dismantled kin-selection theory, which was the reigning theory of the origin of altruism at the time. E. O. Wilson This nation is like a spring freshet; it overruns its banks and destroys all who are in its path. Sitting Bull I'm the most low-maintenance person on the road. Lee Ann Womack I have to convince myself I know what I'm doing. Joe Namath I was an expert horseman. Harry Carey, Jr. Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land. Aldo Leopold I have spoken to a whole group of millionaires, head executives at Microsoft. Boy did I chew those guys out. Jack LaLanne Violence was almost an aphrodisiac for me. Woody Harrelson Any

Much of the impotence of American churches is tied to a profound ignorance and apathy

about justification. Our people live in a fog of guilt. Or just as bad, they think being a better person is all God requires. Kevin DeYoung I pay attention to how every makeup artist does everything. Gigi Hadid I had a brilliant trip to Mexico with my friend Ellie during my gap year. We thought we were being really cool and going off the beaten track while all our friends went to Thailand and Australia. The first beachside bar we walked into - there were two girls from my sixth form in there. Emily Berrington There is a qualitative difference between being a minority and being a majority. Majorities are stronger under psychological pressure because numbers count. But only if they are aware of it. Peter Abrahams I've realized that the most important thing I can do to look good is just treat myself well, whether it's getting a nice, long massage or just lying low and not going out every single night. Kim Cattrall Living organisms are created by chemistry. We are hu

It is not a dream that someday, nations will be able to settle their difficulties

without war, just as individuals now settle their personal feuds without resorting to arguments of physical strength or sharp steel. For, then, humanity will have created international jurisdiction and a power to enforce its laws. Ellen Key I carried on acting during school holidays and was all set to go to drama school when I was offered my first professional job appearing in 'King David' with Richard Gere. Gina Bellman I work in fantasy all day, so when I go home, I want to touch reality. Johnny Galecki Tea makes everything better. Bindi Irwin In television, the writer-creator-showrunner is embraced as the creative mind. Jim Rash There are a number of candidate vaccines that are in development for HIV/AIDS. Anthony Fauci I don't know what to do if I am not inspiring some sort of false fascination. Elizabeth Wurtzel It was weird that most people knew me as someone let go from 'SNL.' I had the best time there, and in retrospect, it was the perfe

It's not an act. I love it. It's totally original. People go, 'What's going on

with this guy? Why does he sound so weird? What is going on in his brain. I don't know. Just one day I suddenly woke up with a new brain. Charlie Sheen I don't plan out my visits rigorously, but I do have a list of about 125 New York galleries, alternative spaces, museums, and so forth that I visit regularly. That's the closest thing I have to a strategy: I go to a lot of places, many that artists don't visit. Jerry Saltz I think that practising the law, particularly litigation, and particularly in Glasgow, has always been difficult enough without adding to it by having problems with professional colleagues or former colleagues. Len G. Murray I guess I found it useful to realise that everything is true at once, you know? You can pull back and say, 'Everything will be fine,' but you can also be in a situation and say, 'Not everything is going to be fine.' Feist Once you understand that someone has Tourette and that they can't help their ti

By and large, I'm in the same boat as other inventors. If we're lucky, of

the 10 or 15 items we do a year, maybe one or two of them wind up with a licensing agreement. Ralph H. Baer Keep the faith; work hard: practice does make you perfect. Do what you can, and meet the right people to make it work. Christina Milian Many people don't understand ring control. They think they do until they're against someone who really understands how to set traps, how to create holes in the octagon that they fall into. Conor McGregor I assisted on a lot of films outside my dad's company. I only did two of his films. Arjun Kapoor A tapper sticks to existing routines. Whereas hoofing... a hoofer pushes the art form. Savion Glover You don't want to hear about how much money I donate to the Boys and Girls Clubs of America or to AIDS awareness or to give out scholarships. You don't want to hear about that. Allen Iverson Animals need to understand other species, if only to prey on them or escape from them. Elizabeth Marshall Thomas For me, r

I love the idea of going to work and having to fight and learn a

new skill set, whether it's muay Thai or Kali or Filipino stick fighting. To me, it's like college for life. Jeremy Renner You wrestle one night, get up the next morning and fly out to the next city. You try to work out, you try to get some food into you and, lo and behold, you have to go work again. You are living out of a suitcase. Bill Goldberg If you're lucky enough to be raised in a rich family, good. But learn how to respect that luck. It's not a given, you know? It's not like, 'Well, it's normal'. No, it's not normal. It's lucky. Christopher Lambert I eat many different ice creams. I'm not an ice cream snob, although I do think Ben & Jerry's is the best. But I'm happy to eat anybody's ice cream, really. As long as it's good. Jerry Greenfield My philosophy in life... is to prove myself to myself and not to others. I tried to teach my children that, that I have to respect myself, to prove to myself that I

The quality of my life has changed dramatically - not the events - but the

way I handle them and my priorities and my sense of drama. Ali MacGraw Imagine - four years you could have spent travelling around Europe meeting people, or going to the Far East of Africa or India, meeting people, exchanging ideas, reading all you wanted to anyway, and instead I wasted it at Roosevelt. Shel Silverstein If you compulsively pun you are called a paronomasiac. Tim Vine You cannot find peace by avoiding life. Virginia Woolf The greater the effort, the greater the glory. Pierre Corneille Take your job seriously, but don't take yourself too seriously. Alex Trebek The only person I've had sex with on Jersey Shore is my boyfriend. Nicole Polizzi I was not a very fearful kid, really. Clive Owen I do not like violence. Abdurrahman Wahid My beauty icons are women whose images are self-created. Dita Von Teese

I like Muhammad a lot, because he's like us more than anybody else. Jesus is

just so exalted, and Buddha is just so exalted, it's almost beyond our reach. Deepak Chopra It didn't matter that Charlie Chaplin may not have been a great director or a great anything else. He made great movies. Jon Landau I've never lost perspective on who I am. Well, maybe briefly, but generally I'm pretty balanced. Sting After I saw the first thing I ever did, I got a migraine. Claire Forlani I'm an exhibitionist, I was an exhibitionist as a kid. Dave Van Ronk There are lots of emotions that go with the Fourth of July. Dan Harmon You can tell an honest artist from one who's just given all their songs. Rita Ora You're either living or you're dead. Lil Wayne Sanely applied advertising could remake the world. Stuart Chase I read a lot of thrillers, especially American crime novels. Kate Mosse

I use myself as the barometer to gauge what is scary. I like to think if something

  scares me, then there's a very good chance an audience will feel the same way. James Wan I fought from the time I was eight years old, sometimes three, four fights a night. We did it to eat, and we did it because we were just tough kids. Jake LaMotta Whether I'm pursuing a story or conducting an interview or I'm at the bakery implementing policy and procedure, I have a team who is looking to me. I think my persona is the same for both jobs - perhaps a little bit more in command with the bakery. I say that only because we have so many more employees, and ultimately I make every single decision. Elizabeth Chambers I think there are some liberals who are extremely biased about Fox News and wish to shun it or wish to criticize any liberal who appears on Fox News. That, to me, is not a particularly liberal attitude. Alan Colmes Life is tough, and things don't always work out well, but we should be brave and go on with our lives. Suga Literature is a house with many mansion