same body of magistrates, there can be no liberty; because apprehensions may arise, lest the same monarch or senate should enact tyrannical laws, to execute them in a tyrannical manner.
Charles de Secondat
This role is more visible, and I grew up without a lot of that sort of modeling so I'm relieved and proud to have done this film.
Wentworth Miller
I will give you three days to seek your shadow. Return to me in the course of that time with a well-fitted shadow, and you shall receive a hearty welcome; otherwise, on the fourth day - remember, on the fourth day - my daughter becomes the wife of another.
Adelbert von Chamisso
I was a normal kid. I can't explain how normal I was.
Suraj Sharma
It seems like the more you grow up the more you fear things.
Melanie Laurent
If God is so powerful, can he create a rock which he cannot lift?
Terry Goodkind
I went around the corner to motion pictures.
Jerry Reed
Our lives are universally shortened by our ignorance.
Herbert Spencer
I actually prefer soothing music - and maybe that's the skater in me.
Michelle Kwan
After years of hotels, I'm horribly inept at cleaning up after myself.
Rufus Wainwright
Charles de Secondat
This role is more visible, and I grew up without a lot of that sort of modeling so I'm relieved and proud to have done this film.
Wentworth Miller
I will give you three days to seek your shadow. Return to me in the course of that time with a well-fitted shadow, and you shall receive a hearty welcome; otherwise, on the fourth day - remember, on the fourth day - my daughter becomes the wife of another.
Adelbert von Chamisso
I was a normal kid. I can't explain how normal I was.
Suraj Sharma
It seems like the more you grow up the more you fear things.
Melanie Laurent
If God is so powerful, can he create a rock which he cannot lift?
Terry Goodkind
I went around the corner to motion pictures.
Jerry Reed
Our lives are universally shortened by our ignorance.
Herbert Spencer
I actually prefer soothing music - and maybe that's the skater in me.
Michelle Kwan
After years of hotels, I'm horribly inept at cleaning up after myself.
Rufus Wainwright