and love their bodies. I've always wanted to be muscly, not skinny. A lot of women yo-yo around, but I'm always aware if I'm getting a bit out of shape. I never look at the scales but I can just tell. It goes on my tum and bum. Ellie Goulding
It was Jacques Chirac and Schroeder both, who pushed us into a conflict to remove Milosevic. Curt Weldon
The most important thing for me is to have real friendship between Egyptians and Americans. Mohammed Morsi
Acting is a sort of pressure cooker that allows the fizz to come out the top. God knows what I'd be like if I didn't have that. Andy Serkis
If you want to get rid of stuff, you can always do a good spring-cleaning. Or you can do what I do. Move. Ellen DeGeneres
Where is the man who has the strength to be true, and to show himself as he is? Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I'm always listening to music; I can't live without it. Gemma Arterton
Passion surprises. One doesn't search it. It can happen to you tomorrow. Isabelle Adjani
I was making so much money I didn't care. I didn't know what to do with the money. David A. Siegel
It was Jacques Chirac and Schroeder both, who pushed us into a conflict to remove Milosevic. Curt Weldon
The most important thing for me is to have real friendship between Egyptians and Americans. Mohammed Morsi
Acting is a sort of pressure cooker that allows the fizz to come out the top. God knows what I'd be like if I didn't have that. Andy Serkis
If you want to get rid of stuff, you can always do a good spring-cleaning. Or you can do what I do. Move. Ellen DeGeneres
Where is the man who has the strength to be true, and to show himself as he is? Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I'm always listening to music; I can't live without it. Gemma Arterton
Passion surprises. One doesn't search it. It can happen to you tomorrow. Isabelle Adjani
I was making so much money I didn't care. I didn't know what to do with the money. David A. Siegel